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  • srxtr
    Mar 30, 12:25 PM
    They're really not going to let this go are they...

    Companies REALLY want to use "App Store" instead of coming up with their own.

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  • GGJstudios
    Mar 16, 04:59 PM
    It this utter ignorance and false sense of security in the Mac user base that I would use to my advantage if I were a cyber-criminal.
    It's neither ignorance nor a false sense of security. It's an awareness that virus threats don't exist and no antivirus can protect against something that doesn't exist.
    I've seen more than enough evidence over the past few years to tell me that it's far from safe.
    No OS is immune to malware, but it's impossible to protect yourself from something that does not yet exist.
    The latest Safari/Webkit hacking contest result alone should be enough to cause any reasonable person to take notice.
    Hacking a browser and creating a virus that can infect Mac OS X are two different animals.
    I think a few people will be changing their tunes the day the crap finally hits the fan.
    The day it "hits the fan", news sites and forums will be buzzing about the threat, making most Mac users aware. At that time a protection to the threat will be introduced. Only an extremely minute percentage of Mac users are likely to ever be infected, should that ever happen. Any antivirus apps installed today will be completely useless in defending against a newly-introduced virus, because they simply don't know what to look for.

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  • womble2k2
    Apr 20, 11:04 AM
    I have just downloaded the app, and ran it. It does very accurately show where I have been since owning an iPhone. It shows various hot-spots like my home, my work address, my parents address and places I go to often.

    I'm not particulary worried as it would not be straightforward for someone to gain access to the backup file on my Macbook, however if the data is easily obtained via the phone, then this is a problem. If I lose my phone, I don't want someone dishonest to use this information.

    A fix is urgently required.


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  • vvswarup
    Apr 29, 12:46 AM
    That can be viewed another way. Apple is too cheap to bother risking anything that is not a sure bet.

    MS willing to risk R&D and a lot of R&D on things that might be a dead end.
    MS R&D is more like a university Research compared to Apple R&D that is only about profit.
    Guess which one adds more better for the people. Correct answer is not Apple

    Your remark reminds me of a conversation I had with my brother. He was talking about starting a business. Now, to preface my next statement, let me offer a little background. A while ago, I suggested to my brother that he invest in stocks and he was not ready to take on the risk of it, so he refused to invest. So, when he said he wanted to start a business, my response was something like: "So you don't want to invest in stocks because it's too risky but you don't mind starting a business."

    His response was: "Stocks have no value to society. With this business that I start, I would be able to make something of value to society."

    I did not respond to it then, but after thinking about that remark, my response should have been that if the intention is create a for-profit business, an activity to make money for oneself, the value that the product adds to society is irrelevant. Also, companies use the cash from stock investors to fund capital expenditures. So the argument can be made that stocks indirectly add value to society because companies use the cash from stock investors to make more things that people can consume.

    Your left-handed remark about Apple R&D vs. MS R&D is baseless and irrelevant. MS is not a university. It's a business. Businesses exist to make money. Also, Bill Gates did not start MS out of some altruistic intention of doing good for people. He started it to make money. Same goes for Steve Jobs.

    Don't blow smoke and make this more than it really is. You were replying to the OP who said that Microsoft doesn't seem to be getting its money's worth on R&D. Don't aggrandize it fact by saying that MS is "adding more better for society" and Apple is "only about profit." The OP is right. Microsoft is not getting its money's worth on its R&D expenditure. Something has to change.

    MS is a public corporation. Its first duty is to its shareholders. If spending better on R&D in order to get more profit out of it will enhance shareholder value, then Microsoft has an obligation to do so.

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  • p0intblank
    Sep 14, 11:38 AM
    Prior to the date being given out for the press event I was fully expecting a new MBP at Photokina.

    However now given that it is on a Sunday I see no hope of an update. They wouldn't take down the store on a Sunday whereas the Apeture update will either be a free download or a preview of a 2.0 App therefore needing no major store changes.

    PS Is there any precedence of hardware updates on a Sunday?

    It's a special event, so I see no reason why Apple cannot take the online store down for a couple hours. The new iMac 24-inch was introduced on a Wednesday rather than a Tuesday. Perhaps Apple will just announce Aperture 2.0 and then new MacBook Pros will be released that Tuesday. Ah, I don't know! Anything can happen with Apple... :)

    Oh and as for the update to Aperture 2.0 being free, I highly doubt that will happen. The only way I can see it being free is if it was a minor update, like to version 1.2. Apple wouldn't hold an event for a minor update, though, so 2.0 it is!

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  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 19, 10:58 PM
    See the roll eyes after his post, I think he was being sarcastic.

    No, I truly hate that place.. and all it stands for.

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  • Astro7x
    Mar 22, 01:47 PM
    Can they PLEASE enable Jumbo Frames on the new iMacs? It's ridiculous that in order to properly run a SAN at work we need to buy refurbished iMac Intel Core 2 Duos

    What about the Mac Pro? It's way past due, would that come first, before the iMac?

    Don't look at the Buyers Guide average release time. The past two Mac Pro upgrades have been around the 15 month mark in between releases. At the current rate we'd be lucky to see one around October.

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  • boncellis
    Jul 14, 11:53 AM
    I anticipated reading some of the same vitriol contained within the Mac Pro confirmed with Woodcrest thread. I hate to admit it, but I'm a little disappointed so far...

    I didn't expect Conroe to have the 1066 MHz FSB, so that's a plus.

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  • barkomatic
    Apr 4, 11:43 AM
    I'm actually surprised this doesn't happen more often. Applestores must be filled with cash. I would think one would be a bit easier to rob than a bank.

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  • rotobadger
    Mar 30, 12:18 PM
    The term Burger Store has no mindshare from what I know with the general public. No one uses it as a brand name....yet.

    You bring up a good point though. "App" and "Store" existed long before it (allegedly) belonged to Apple. Apple spent a lot of money making "AppStore" a recognizable name.

    BurgerStore is nothing now. But if a company spends millions of dollars making it valuable, shouldn't they own it?

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 12:33 AM
    You know what I hate more? effing speeders:rolleyes:

    Scratch that....effing speeders who don't even have a years worth of driving under their belt and think it's safe to go 20 over

    Man I wish the driving age was upped to at least 18

    It's people like you who piss me off when I am riding my motorcycle as you guys are so effing unpredictable it is dangerous for everyone around you. Never mind my bike can easily outgun pretty much any car out there trying to go fast...

    and you say you want to blow up cars obeying the law...unbelievable

    I am with you. When I read post like this it proves to me that 16 is to young at times. I know the stupid crap I pulled when I was 16 in a car and I got some lucky breaks and still had a 400 buck repair bill for my car and 400 bucks was be getting damn luck that I did not do more damage.

    I also remember thinking I was a great driver as well. Looking back damn was I wrong. I was a very crappy driver.
    His post has multiple things that shows that he is a bad driver and beyond the legal issues of doing 20 over he clearly does not know how to speed. The lady should never of had to make a quick maneuver to get out of his way.

    As for motorcycle I learned long ago to give them a wide birth because I know they have enough jack ass to tail gate them. I will rather give them plenty of room allowing myself extra reaction time as I know they can stop faster than I can and they do not have a metal body protecting them like I do.

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  • Gundampilotspaz
    Sep 5, 04:07 PM
    I want my Core 2 Duo Macbook!

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  • srxtr
    Mar 23, 05:44 PM
    You should tell that to my son. Oh wait, you can't, he was murdered someone like you.

    Is that really true? A drunk driver killed your son?

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  • Hackint0sh814
    Apr 22, 01:49 PM
    I had a current version 13" MBA that was a very nice machine, but the lack of backlight keyboard was a deal breaker for me. I returned it for my new 15" MBP i7 powerhouse and couldn't be happier. (My eyes thanked me as well :D)

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  • tekmoe
    Aug 29, 06:27 AM
    what time were the macbooks released earlier this year?

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  • milo
    Aug 28, 03:20 PM
    There's no chance apple is releasing MBP's tomorrow. There are too many things pointing towards early/mid-Sept.

    There's no question that apple will not *ship* merom machines tomorrow. But there's nothing stopping them from making the announcement and taking preorders.

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  • TAKE THAT 2011 tour dates

  • Multimedia
    Aug 31, 01:50 PM
    September 12 SteveNote. Well I must have posted that phrase scores of times earlier this year - just didn't think it would be in San Francisco instead of Paris. All the better. Perfect ending to a wonderful Summer 2006.

    Lots for him to talk about.

    Core 2 Duo will be the star.
    End of Core Solo minis.
    All new redesigned MacBook Pro.
    All new iMac design with Conroe inside.
    iTunes Media Store Movie Downloads.

    Maybe even "One More Thing"

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  • fetchmebeers
    Sep 12, 02:36 PM
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, someone reply to my post....
    as a person who just purchased the last version of 5gen video ipod, this comes to me as quite a shock really.... i knew this was coming but actaully hoping that it was everything 'rumor' but turns out it's not.....

    anyway, my point is:


    although 30 and 80 seem to share most of the new features which are obviously crap(game? who plays that? and search bar? i don't need that crap, too shabby, biatch)
    but the thing is BATTERY, gosh

    they've plugged about how their new 80 gen has total 20 hrs of battery life and 6.5 hrs of video play, but what about freaking 30???? I SERIOUSLY WANNA KNOW.

    i've been to apple store and engadget for live broadcast, but there was no info whatsoever on 30's battery, other than its MAXIMUM battery was 14.... the thing i wanna know is its VIDEO MAXIMUM BATTERY.... is it, again 2 hours? i hope so!! cause i just bought this ol' **** at such higher price and now i feel totally duped. well it was my fault in the first place but i thought it was all RUMOR......................GAWD

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  • MrCrowbar
    Apr 19, 10:16 AM
    Apple is starting to be less and less inovative. The iPhone UI hardly changes for the last 4 years. But hey, lets sue everybody.:rolleyes:

    That's the whole point: do it right the first time and stay consistent. People don't want to learn new things all the time. There's so many 30+ year olds who are seriously afraid to upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7 because it seems so different. I like buying the new version of something I already know as opposed to not knowing at all what I'm buying, spending precious hours of my life learning how to do the things I already could do on my old gadget.

    When you buy a car you know how to drive it, set the mirrors and seats without reading the manual. If someone came out with a car without pedals and steering wheel, there will be a lot of people rejecting it before even trying it out. People don't want to learn to drive again. Innovation in user interfaces is when you take something that used to be complicated and make it simple. If it wasn't complicated from the beginning, there's no reason to change it unless you notice you did something wrong.

    Lots of smartphones are total iPhone ripoffs with added features. They're seemingly slower, more complicated and crash more though. There's some things I absolutely hate about the iPhone, but it's an okay tradeoff.

    Sep 14, 07:08 AM
    Maybe the reason for not having a traditional keypad is that this is actually the iPhone Shuffle.

    Apple's market research team has concluded that people get tired of talking to the same people all time. And since the iPod Shuffle is such a hit playing songs randomly,
    the new iPhone Shuffle will randomly dial numbers, so every call you make is never boring.

    Got more than 240 numbers in your adressbook? No problem. Let iTunes autofill your iPhone shuffle and get a new telephonic experience every time. Mom follows Work. Home follows Pizza Parlor. iPhone shuffle loves to improvise. Take the Shuffle switch, for instance. Even if you�ve synced a particular call-list, you can shuffle numbers with a flick.

    This was great.

    Oct 12, 10:50 PM
    From looking at the picture, should it be a fact that the red iPod nano is coming out? It doesn't look like a rumor that I see red iPod nanos on display.

    Sep 5, 10:27 PM
    Just saw this on Engadget .. coincidence?

    "Tzero Teams with Analog Devices to Enable Wireless High-Definition Video
    Ultra Wideband Design Connects HDMI� Devices Wirelessly, Helps Consumers Eliminate Cost and Complexity of Hard-wired Installations"


    Very interesting and they are just down the road in Sunnyvale.. makes one wonder??

    :cool: :cool:

    Sep 10, 03:20 PM
    Yep, if you want an iMac, then buy it NOW. The laptops will soon see upgrades, but the rest of the product line is up-to-date.

    And... unless you are doing hard-core gaming or intensive graphics or scientific work, a CPU upgrade is not likely to be noticed in your real-world computing.


    Apr 22, 09:49 AM
    It is true, its all hearsay until Apple dishes out details. Without knowing the details the potential paths that this can take is what is causing people to be concerned. Personally, I believe that it will be some kind of backup locker to what you have. Like you can pick and choose what songs you want in the cloud and any iTunes purchases will have a copy there automatically. However, I'm just concerned that it might be the idea of replacing local storage. Simply put, its not time yet for that. Too many things will hamper happy adoption of such ideas.

    I agree with this, it's not time to dump local storage but it is the direction we are moving for sure. Embrace it and enjoy the ride. It will happen maybe not completely but these things are just the building blocks (steps if you will) in the right direction. :)

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