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  • The Pantech Crux review,

  • dgree03
    Apr 28, 08:56 AM
    Ahh. Any proof, or just making up stuff?

    Best thing I could find

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  • diamond.g
    Apr 21, 09:12 AM
    Or you know, turn locations off. Hard to look at it when it hasn't been tracking. Skype did a good job of quickly fixing the bug, but that is hardly the case in EVERY app out there. It was one example a potential flaw, of which there have been many on Android devices.

    Have we established that turning off location services actually disables this "feature"?

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  • Verizon Wireless Mobile Email

  • MattInOz
    Apr 21, 09:57 AM
    So you can't watch the Wizard of OZ and listen to Dark Side of the Moon at the same time? Get a real phone. :D

    No but I can listen to Radiohead and read the wizard of id. :cool:

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  • ksz
    Oct 25, 10:46 PM
    I am so there with the cash ready a willing to fly out the window to Apple's account sooner than Apple can say:

    "8-Core Mac Pro Available At the Apple Online Store For Ordering." :)
    If it has hardware RAID and eSATA I'll be ordering mine within seconds of the announcement...well, after checking the price of course.

    pantech crux phone verizon wireless. Pantech Crux Verizon Phone
  • Pantech Crux Verizon Phone

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 26, 10:01 PM
    It's quite possible they are "miraculous" recoveries. "Miraculous' as in exceedingly rare.
    I wouldn't call Giffords's recovery miraculous.

    pantech crux phone verizon wireless. Pantech Crux
  • Pantech Crux

  • sjo
    Aug 29, 12:48 PM
    As a Norwegian I can say that Apple has way more credibility than Greenpeace over here. We have seen what they are all about. Greenpeace is a bunch of spoiled city kids that has no idea what nature is.

    Yeah, cause you just HAVE to hunt whales and eat whalemeat in Norway in order to survive, such a poor country with poor people. How dare Greenpeace oppose your ancient way of life?

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  • market comes Pantech+crux

  • AP_piano295
    Apr 26, 01:27 PM
    Not all religion is about the belief in God. In Buddhism (http://, it doesn't matter one way or the other if God exists or not. In many ways, my thinking follows the Buddhist way. By it's very definition (http://, atheism can be considered a religion. #2 a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
    Atheist believe in the non-existence of God; some as fervently as Christians believe in one.
    As for trying to prove or disprove the existence of God. Many men and women, much smarter and better qualified than me, have tried. All have failed. I don't bother with the impossible.;)

    I'm getting tired of shooting down this massive and prevalent mis-conception over and over again so I'll just copy paste my post from the "why are there so many atheists" thread.

    For a start atheism (ass I see it) is not a belief system, I don't even like to use the term atheist because it grants religion(s) a much higher status than I think it deserves. The term atheism gives the impression that I have purposefully decided NOT to believe in god or religion

    I have not chosen not to believe in god or god(s). I just have no reason to believe that they exist because I have seen nothing which suggests their existence.

    I don't claim to understand how the universe/matter/energy/life came to be, but the ancient Greeks didn't understand lighting. The fact that they didn't understand lighting made Zeus no more real and electricity no less real. The fact that I do not understand abiogenesis (the formation of living matter from non living matter) does not mean that it is beyond understanding.

    The fact that there is much currently beyond the scope of human understanding in no way suggests the existence of god.

    In much the same way that one's inability to see through a closed door doesn't suggest that the room beyond is filled with leprechauns.

    A lack of information does not arbitrarily suggest the nature of the lacking knowledge. Any speculation which isn't based upon available information is simply meaningless speculation, nothing more.

    Atheism is no more a religion than failing to believe in leprechauns is a religion..:rolleyes:

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  • eawmp1
    Apr 22, 08:21 PM
    There are arguments and counter-arguments to both camps, which is why I choose to be agnostos. In the face of a dearth of evidence it's more rational to withhold judgment than leap to an extreme position.

    I would argue not choosing to believe in a divine being is more rational than hedging your bets.

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  • spicyapple
    Sep 25, 11:36 PM
    Did anyone listen to TWiT? Someone mentioned 80 cores. Clovertown, your days are numbered. ;)

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  • acearchie
    Apr 13, 03:14 AM
    The BBC is also funded by money stolen from people as a punishment for owning a television. Let's not base conceptualizations of rational thought on their behavior.

    No one forces you to own a TV or a TV licence for that matter?

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  • Big-TDI-Guy
    Mar 14, 04:59 AM
    So if the NYT is telling the truth - this now officially a concern in my eyes.

    A US warship - 100 miles off the coast - passed through a cloud from the reactor - exposing it to one-months worth of activity. (not the helicopter pilots - the warship itself).

    So, 100 miles away, and in one day, accumulated 30 days worth of radioactivity.

    The low-level radioactive steam earlier mentioned was only truly dangerous for 5-15 seconds.

    Somehow this does not add up. Especially if a warship is measuring 30 times higher levels from 100 miles away. The US warship has decided to move away from this flow. So, I would hardly blame anyone in Japan for wanting to to the same themselves.

    pantech crux phone verizon wireless. Verizon. 6/10
  • Verizon. 6/10

  • AJsAWiz
    Sep 18, 07:37 AM
    Add me to the excessive dropped call list, keep getting them randomly over the passed two weeks at my house. I'm going to call AT&T today, hopefully score a MicroCell.

    Well, I've been calling AT&T continuously (have had this problem for about a year now) and have gone the entire gamut of troubleshooting solutions (some I've done twice) but the dropped calls and weak signals prevail. AT&T wants to accept zero responsibility for these issues nor do they seem to be either willing or able to fix the dropped call/weak signal issues.

    SO, in a nutshell . . . . good luck with that. Hope you are more successful in your attempts. Then you could come back and share the magic formula :)

    pantech crux phone verizon wireless. Verizon. 6/10
  • Verizon. 6/10

  • takao
    Mar 13, 06:47 AM
    It won't be an issue. Please refer to my previous post in this thread.

    I feel like the fear mongering done by the international media is just unreal-- is everyone that uneducated?

    well flooding the inner containment vessel with seawater + added boric acid is by all means an absolute last resort option in any playbook
    (hardly a DIY solution: many reactors have the option and external connectors to do just that)
    afterall they don't even know the situation inside because the temperature sensors aren't working anymore
    also since that water can't be exchanged directly it means that they might have to cool the containment construction from the outside with additional water

    obviously it won't be a disaster on the scale of chernobyl but it is already high up on the scale of disasters (6 reactors without cooling, 2 core meltdowns), it's pretty much confirmed that nuclear material has been spilled even if it was just hydrogen blowing up the external construction
    it shouldn't be forgotten IMHO that a lot of radition will be spilled in the clean up progress (not only radiation: boric acid is actually quite toxic)

    as a consequence the german government for example is already thinking about taking back their early decision to extend the use of their current nuclear plants

    edit: according to some reports the evacuation zone was extended to 20 km
    edit: don't forget that reducing the heat of a molten core might take quite some time so i wouldn't call the danger off as well: even when being cooled it still might have just enough remaining heat to melt through the bottom of the pressure chamber. i suspect we will know more in 24 hours

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  • Pantech Crux Pic

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 23, 07:58 PM
    Yarweh uses Windows
    Allah is still on CP/M
    The Buddah uses Unix
    And Atheists use Macs?

    Yahweh uses stone tablets.
    Allah uses an abacus.
    Buddha uses food.
    Yes, and leaders, not followers, use Macs.


    pantech crux phone verizon wireless. Pantech Crux review
  • Pantech Crux review

  • likemyorbs
    Mar 25, 04:18 PM
    By mainstream Catholic I mean someone who follows all the rules of the Catholic Church.

    The Catholic view does not demand the death of homosexuals, instead it seeks to change the behavior for they are lost sheep.

    If that's what you mean by mainstream catholic, then i think i can safely say that less than 1% of the world in mainstream catholic. I honestly don't know one single catholic that follows all the rules of the catholic church. Really, not one. And i know lots of catholics.

    And what do you mean by change their behavior? You mean make them straight? Not gonna happen, and the church will never win this one.

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  • cwe
    Sep 26, 02:01 PM
    November or December at the latest. It will simply be a Dual Clovertown Processor option added to the current BTO page with a new processor pricing lineup. It will be a silent upgrade.

    You're kidding, right? Here we are sitting around waiting on the C2D and you're saying that in about two months we'll have the option to buy a QUAD? Please say your kidding. PLEASE.

    pantech crux phone verizon wireless. Pantech Crux Mobile Phone
  • Pantech Crux Mobile Phone

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 22, 09:53 PM
    Is this a bigger issue in the US, and do atheists abroad feel pressure to at least consider the idea of a God?

    In some areas of the US people look down on if you admit that you don't believe in God. People can be very vicious about it and at the work place it's best not to voice your opinion or the Christians will gang up against you. I've seen this happen several times.

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  • Level feature phone from

  • No1451
    Oct 7, 11:53 AM
    Of course Android might surpass the iPhone. The iPhone is limited to 1 device whereas the Android is spanned over many more devices and will continue to branch out.

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  • verizon pantech crux covers.

  • elbirth
    Oct 21, 10:33 PM
    Anyone know anything about these suppliers, other than Crucial Technology?

    Several co-workers of mine have used 18004memory and Datamem and rave about how good they are. Pretty low prices compared to other places and they seem to be fairly reliable.

    I bought a 1GB stick from 18004memory for my MacBook Pro but it makes it reboot once every few days or so (once I take it out, it'll go weeks without randomly rebooting). I need to RMA it, but I think it was just bad luck on my part.

    Sep 12, 07:06 PM
    And the HD capabilities of iTV exceed Eyehome.

    You do recognize that there is not currently an HD system in place from Apple. If HD streaming does work, and I'm certainly not convinced of that at this point, you still have to shoehorn the entire system. The content you purchase from iTunes is not in HD and probably won't be for at least a year, probably 2-3. Therefore, the only HD content will be content that you added on your own, via 3rd party solutions.

    So enjoy your patchwork HD system, I'd prefer something more seamless, and supported by Apple.

    Mar 11, 08:18 AM
    Japanese police are reporting several hundred bodies on a beach near Sendai so it looks like as per the Indonesian tsunami the official toll will skyrocket once the water recedes.


    To get an idea of how massive this one was, I am in Himeji, and just an hour east of me, in Osaka, buildings were swaying. Now if you look at a map of where the quake is and how far away Osaka is, my god.

    Rodimus Prime
    Oct 7, 06:06 PM
    Valid points, except you're looking at a micro-niche of power-users, while the iPhone's massive growth comes from a much broader market than that. Android will (and does) take some power-user market share, and I look forward to seeing where it goes.

    The big thing though is DEVELOPER share. Apps. Android will run--in different flavors--on a number of different phones, offering choice in screen size, features, hard vs. virtual keys, etc. That sounds great--but will the same APP run on all those flavors? No. The app market will be fragmented among incompatible models. There's no good way out of that--it's one advantage Apple's model will hang on to.

    I was thinking about it and come to think about it the different flavors of phones still comes down to the OS being the same. Just look at OSX and Windows, people test it on the OS but do not test it on all the hardware configurations. Hell if you just go with Macs you have an insane number which is small compared to windows.

    You test it on the OS and call it good you might test it on 2-3 types of hardware if you are being very careful but most of the time if it works on one it is going to work on them all.. Android will be the same.

    Mar 13, 09:03 AM
    I'd be willing to bet that our crusades for oil have costs thousands of more lives than nuclear power accidents ever have.

    Apr 22, 12:48 AM
    It was only a matter of time.

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