temptation of christ

temptation of christ. THE TEMPTATION OF CHRIST,

  • MikeTheC
    Nov 26, 12:22 AM
    My sources are actually talking about an advanced, radical design which also incorporates a radical new feature set.

    It's called the iOmni, and it's really cool.

    It comes in solid brass with a mirror polish finish.

    Here's some descriptive photos that were smuggled out of a highly-classified location which, apparently for reasons of national security, are not at the 1 Infinite Loop campus location.


    In this first image, you can see the iOmni in it's closed mode. Unfortunately due to the angles of the images, you cannot really see it, but there is a pair of standard 1/8th inch headphone jacks at the top of the device, one on either "bump". It would seem that some people have been taking the "stick it in her ear" comment a little bit too literally, and due to complaints, Apple has now built in a second headphone jack to allow both parties to listen to the music in full, clear stereo.

    Moving on...

    http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/4773/iomni02od0.png http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/4996/iomni03qe6.png

    As you can see in this first image, Apple's famous electro-static click wheel remains a central part of the design. I'll come to the set of rings it's set into in just a moment, but one of the things I'd like to draw your attention to are the two colored lights, one red and one green, at the top of the device. Nobody my contact has spoken with seems to know exactly what they're for, but there has been some speculation about them being part of the power meter system.

    However, it's the concentric rings which are of very great interest, since they seem to contain a sequence of date codes, from days to weeks, and then down through centuries. According to several unconfirmed reports, it seems the device rumored to be able to let you listen to any song, at any point in time in Earth's history. Now, if true, of course this would suggest a considerable scientific breakthrough in temporal physics and acoustic detection. Whether it transports the user, the performer, or just the music itself is as yet unknown.

    There have been rumors around the Apple campus that Steve has gone missing once or twice when visiting the off-campus facility, but these have been largely discounted by most of the people my source has spoken with.

    My source said there was no LCD mounted to the unit pictured above, but there did seem to be some extraneous connectors in between the two lights, though what their purpose is remains unknown.

    Isn't this exciting news, folks? You've heard it here first.

    temptation of christ. The Last Temptation of Christ
  • The Last Temptation of Christ

  • puckhead193
    Sep 24, 03:33 PM
    when i was a senior in high school i slept over my GF house but it was a bunch of people... if their friends are gonna be their yes, but if it just the too of them and their parents aren't home.... then nope i wouldn't....
    at least he told you truthfully that he wants to sleep over his GF house, instead of saying he's sleeping over one of his friends house....
    Did he give a reason why he wants to... Ie they are going to a club and are going to be home late

    temptation of christ. The Temptation of Christ,
  • The Temptation of Christ,

  • HiVolt
    Mar 23, 08:32 PM
    You only hear about VP or Sr VP leaving/going in the media because, well everybody below is not important.. You will understand what it means when you start working...

    Haha, what makes you think I'm not working? Sure, I will never be a Senior VP of anything, but I've been working now for 15 years. And not flipping burgers.

    temptation of christ. the Temptation of Christ
  • the Temptation of Christ

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 4, 10:18 AM
    What does this mean? Can some one please explain?


    temptation of christ. The Last Temptation of Christ
  • The Last Temptation of Christ

  • normwood
    Oct 12, 11:55 AM
    That's it exactly, I've been trying to think what it is... and you're right the UI is actually overdone!

    Having trouble computing what exactly is "overdone" about the UI of this app. It is simple, clean and well organized.

    If you so desire, help a brother out and explain what is "overdone" about the UI?


    temptation of christ. and Temptation of Christ,
  • and Temptation of Christ,

  • Xenc
    May 2, 04:43 PM
    Good cause! At first glance I thought this was a story about iPad related injuries.


    temptation of christ. The Temptation of Christ 2
  • The Temptation of Christ 2

  • thenish
    Sep 10, 08:07 PM
    I've attached it because when I usually post it, it comes out too big.

    Anyway you could provide the original? I searched on google but wasn't able to find this one?

    thx in advance

    temptation of christ. Temptation of Christ Mugs
  • Temptation of Christ Mugs

  • MacBytes
    Nov 26, 11:10 AM
    http://www.macbytes.com/images/bytessig.gif (http://www.macbytes.com)

    Category: Apple Hardware
    Link: iPad on the US Refurb Store (http://www.macbytes.com/link.php?sid=20101126121006)
    Description:: none

    Posted on MacBytes.com (http://www.macbytes.com)
    Approved by Mudbug


    temptation of christ. The Temptation of Christ
  • The Temptation of Christ

  • Teh Don Ditty
    Jun 28, 04:29 PM
    I have an 8GB Black Nano, with Nike+ Kit, armband and hard griffin reflect case. $190/shipped for all of it.

    temptation of christ. The Last Temptation Of Christ
  • The Last Temptation Of Christ

  • daneoni
    Dec 6, 07:53 AM
    what is the first software icon in the bar (download's/bandwith !!!!!)

    iStat menus if i were to hazard a guess.


    temptation of christ. Last Temptation Of Christ
  • Last Temptation Of Christ

  • someone28624
    May 2, 09:29 PM
    Thanks to all who donate! As a bone marrow transplant nurse, I can tell you first hand that this truly does save lives. Perhaps I'll go donate tomorrow. I'm usually turned away due to my hematocrit or my foreign travel.

    temptation of christ. The Temptation of Christ
  • The Temptation of Christ

  • JGruber
    Feb 9, 11:56 AM
    I'm hoping this document is right - http://www.ppcgeeks.com/2011/02/09/breaking-exclusive-news-att-will-offer-mobile-to-mobile-with-every-carrier-starting-tomorrow/


    temptation of christ. the Temptation of Christ,
  • the Temptation of Christ,

  • gnomeisland
    Apr 4, 12:12 PM
    this is why carrier competition is important. The t-mobile deal needs to be struck down by regulators.


    temptation of christ. free encyclopedia:
  • free encyclopedia:

  • Howardchief
    Apr 25, 07:09 AM
    Bad poll


    temptation of christ. Temptation of Christ of
  • Temptation of Christ of

  • dustinsc
    May 5, 01:18 PM
    I'm getting a new receiver for my living room that supports 5.1, but I've tried hooking up my MBP to my friend's receiver, but it only output 2 channels. The problem may have been the fact that I was using analog audio out. If I use a digital mini to Toslink cable to connect it, should I be able to get 5.1 audio out? I looked in the archives, but didn't find an answer.

    temptation of christ. The Temptation of Christ,
  • The Temptation of Christ,

  • cwjchenx2
    Jul 4, 05:54 PM
    hello, guys...
    i just bought a pb 12" and i am wondering which case do u guys use and any recommandations?
    thanks for help:p


    temptation of christ. Temptation of Christ
  • Temptation of Christ

  • JamesMB
    Apr 23, 06:51 PM
    Itunes only keeps one backup...Every time you backup, the old backup gets overwritten. It has been that way for well over a year...

    temptation of christ. The Temptation of Christ.
  • The Temptation of Christ.

  • bigjohn
    Jul 30, 01:35 AM
    Interesting that you had problems with your cds. Usually I never encountered such a thing. I take care of them but not spend too much time worrying about it. Lots of my work are backed up on cd's and dvds as early as the 90's.

    same here, i just finished moving everything off CD-R, some as old as '97 to DVD-R, DVD-R DL. i figure it's a few years before i start moving everything off the DVD's and onto my new GREEN-RAY burner, cause those 100TB GR-R discs will be bleading edge yo.

    temptation of christ. The Temptation of Christ
  • The Temptation of Christ

    Apr 5, 12:03 PM
    My Current...


    I love that wallpaper! Any clues as to where it's from?

    Apr 25, 06:40 AM
    Reasons to get white iPhone 4:
    1. Contract ends before new release.
    2. Assuming there's a Sept/Oct release, there is a 5/6 month time period, which is like Dec/Jan if it's released in June.
    3. You think iPhone 5 won't be much of a difference.
    4. You really like white.
    5. Your current phone is spoilt.
    6. You had been holding off this whole time.
    7. You feel that it's never ever wrong to get an Apple product regardless of time and/or edition.
    8. You feel that, since everyone's got a black iPhone 4, going white would make you feel more unique and stand out from the crowd.

    Reasons not to get a white iPhone 4:
    1. You have a black iPhone 4.
    2. Your contract probably lasts till after iPhone 5's release.
    3. You desire iPhone 5's soon-to-be-announced ample/drastic improvements.
    4. You prefer black to white.
    5. You don't want to waste your money (yet).
    6. You have the white iPad 2.
    7. You are an Android/BB/WP7 user.
    8. You hate Apple products.

    Probably gonna get a white iPhone 4, call me an idiot for all I care. :D
    I will be contented with my purchase. *that is unless, the paint still drops off*

    Nov 19, 02:34 PM
    I was just about to post about this likely being a loss leader. They're generating buzz and traffic in their stores. Their losses on the iPad are designed to turn profit on other sales.

    You are exactly correct. I would bet anything that TJ Maxx/Marshalls did in fact pay the $499 for each and are selling them at a reduced price. Because they did not announce where they will be, they intended/bet on the internet hype to drive customers into the stores to look to see if their local store(s) had them. And, about 75% of those customers will stay in the store and look around while they are there, and of those 75% of customers, 60% are likely to buy something. It is a marketing ploy. This type of thing has been done for ages by smaller chain stores. It's nothing new. Only reason it's getting attention is that it is an iPad, something people want - and that is exactly why they did it.

    Apr 13, 11:59 AM
    Trying to tell y'all... the Verizon iPhone released in February may truly have switched up the game.

    Apple & Verizon came together, and will make LTE work within the iPhone sooner than later, and AT&T is playing catch-up within their entire layout of LTE.

    If there is indeed a wait on the iPhone 5(no June/July release), I'd expect it coming with LTE in the 1st quarter of 2012, or possibly this fall. Apple is making COIN on the iPhone 4, and the next big thing is - LTE(4G).

    Apple is playing this smart as usual... Or this all could be a rumor, and the iPhone 5 will be here in a couple months for a 'normal' launch update, and the iPhone 6 will be the first to introduce LTE in 2012.

    I really don't know... but I do think Apple is playing the Ace of Spades, and may hold on for a new release of the iPhone 4(especially in Verizon's case - Feb '11) before the market, and more emphatically, Verizon's market adoption is seen & heard... Think about it... Apple releases the Verizon iPhone in February, then 4 months later releases a new iPhone - there is some bad business going on there.

    Apple is playing the cards right... just not for the consumer. :cool:

    What percentage of iPhone users are on Verizon (world wide)? Serious question, because I don't see how Verizon getting the iPhone 4 has anything to do with an iPhone 5 release date. I really doubt 4g will be coming with the next iPhone. Everyone seems to think Verizon and its customers have some sort of power over apple. Wasn't an issue for the rest of the world and all the carriers and customers that got iPhones mid-cycle between the 3GS and 4.

    May 2, 10:06 PM
    I have a 250gb Seagate Free Agent Go Flex drive ... I was just wondering when they would launch the thunderbolt adapter and would i then be able to use that drive for time machine? with thunderbolt speeds?

    May 6, 12:23 PM
    Click store, then available downloads.

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