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  • generik
    Aug 31, 06:00 AM
    I don't know if I should give this a postive or negative. Either way, I hate Microsoft.

    It is good news, at 400 buckeroos people will go "Wa!!" and look at the price tag of a Mac Mini, figuring Macs are not so expensive after all.

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  • Yango
    Nov 7, 01:58 AM
    Its gonna happen soon.. iMacs already have intel core 2 duo inside....what is next??? macbook or macmini?

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  • bobbleheadbob
    Mar 28, 06:41 PM
    My wife said "no", too. But I said "yes" anyway! ;)

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  • Dagless
    Apr 2, 02:05 PM
    Doesn't most of the internet use flash?

    Most internet users do, yes. 96.79% of them infact ( That site polls (and updates, so no duplicates) PC and Mac users who use Steam.

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  • jlc1978
    Apr 16, 07:02 AM
    Right. When you eat off of your gear you're always going to find ways to not spend SO MUCH on said gear so you can put more food in your mouth. Which is why I really don't have an issue claiming student-ship if I am able to. I personally don't do it with certain software titles, but I will do it with Apple hardware and others. AVID Media Composer is $2500 regular price give or take a few $100s. The EDU version is $295 . . . . . okay I am going to hop on that EDU bandwagon right now.

    I agree, and am fortunate to have a legit edu connection. That said, companies vary on their proof requirements. Apple, in my experience, will give you the edu price by just saying you are a student/teacher/buying it for one. I've seen them sell a Mac at that price to grandparents, etc. Pretty decent policy. MS just requires a .edu email, but then again technet is so cheap that the edu discount pales. of course, with technet using the software in a production environment is a license violation.

    Just as the lenses you acquire in still/video photography will cost more than your body, software will be the major cost in building any rig.

    Oh ya. I have several pieces of glass that individually cost more than the body. People complain about software lock in; MS / APPLE ?Adobe et. al. have nothing on the camera manufacturers and their proprietary mounts.

    Read the comment thoroughly. ANYONE can learn the apps, any goofball like you stated yourself in the bold. I didn't put any time restraint on this goofball. But I did mention that it take far more to be a good designer.

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  • ceruleanventure
    Jul 22, 10:12 PM
    First my poor Palm Zire got replaced as an mp3 player by my ipod....and now this lol. Goodbye Zire :D

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  • Nipsy
    Oct 14, 12:38 AM
    Originally posted by MacCoaster

    Uh. Windows does have the support. I can play MP3s in Windows Media Player. I can write programs using the API to play MP3s, WMA, ASF, whatever. Maybe you mean to encode? Sure, Microsoft didn't want to pay Fraunhofer for the license, since they have their own audio format that works just fine.

    Out of the box Win2k does not map mp3 files to an application.

    Product activation. Just sends info on computer--no personal info. One click. No big deal. Microsoft is just protecting its profits losses. I've had my Athlon for a year, changed a lot, XP still runs fine and hasn't bitched.

    That's fine, however, I build a lot of RAIDS, shange a lot of hardware for testing and dev, and basically from my undersatnding of XP, you need to phone MS after X number of component changes.

    Pain I don't need.

    Windows is just as insecure as any desktop OS. I've seen many OS X security updates. Desktop OSes are worst for security if you don't know how to fully utilize the OS security components (i.e. NT Security Model, UNIX security model).

    Windows and MS have a security record I'll leave to the press to explain. FreeBSD is a damn secure building block, and the OSX updates make me happy, because they are quick, and proactive.

    MS is reactive...only after someone disobeys their security through obscurity model.

    IIS has holes everywhere (new one baked fresh daily), while Apache has

    If you want UNIX in Windows. Get cygwin.

    I don't. I want UNIX.

    Very wrong. Microsoft has a shared-source (other name for open source) .NET VM, compiler, etc. for BSD called ROTOR. It's just as good as the commercial counterpart for Windows, which is free. Hell, ROTOR works on Windows if you want to have ROTOR on Windows. Besides, Mono is GPL'ed open source implementation of Microsoft.NET.

    JScript is not only for IE. It's used in scripting. JScript.NET isn't for IE anyways. It's a scripting language that can be compiled into .NET MSIL CLR.

    C# is a ECMA standard. Java isn't. It isn't bad C++. It isn't even C++. It's Microsoft's version of SUN's Java with quite some differences from Java. C# isn't Java per se, but very similar. C# is actually a very elegant language. It just works.

    You're correct about C# (do you call it c sharp, c pound, c hash, or c octothorpe ( ). I brain farted there. I was thinking of something else, and can't find the link, so I'll let it be.

    Anyway, regardless of MS trying, perhaps well, to open the .net framework, I still know hundreds of network application builders, and maybe 5 are really excited about .net. Additionally, in my application service provider experience, ASP/COM/IIS caused more trouble than Java servlets on Solaris, and again, scaled like dookie.

    Anyway, I'm happy in JavaLand, and you seem happy in the .net, so we can close that argument here, unless, of course, you'd like to close.

    Microsoft also encourages standards with XML Web Services. It's an open standard. There's a XML Web Service implementation for Java by SUN. It will play friendly with Microsoft.NET.

    Good. Now if only they could encourage compliant html...

    COM/ASP scalability is just as bad as PHP scalability. Microsoft.NET solves this with ASP.NET which is far much more powerful and scalable.

    I've seen more ways to create memory leaks with ASP/IIS/COM than anywhere ever before. I've seen a PowerEdge serving 5 QA testers slow to a full and complete stop.

    I'm glad to hear that this is improving.

    I don't care if its bloody UNIX your granny sends emails from, she still doesn't know and therefore doesn't take full advantage of UNIX. Marshmellow? 98 Mode? Microsoft has dumped 9x and moved on with NT/2k/XP.

    My opinion is based solely on the number of annoying relatives who I have to support over the phone!

    Marshmellow and 98 refer to the two XP themes, also commonly referred to as Fisher Price and Classic.

    Also, look at the UI, HID, and Usability Departments of your major OS vendors. Many OS vendors and software developers hire FROM Apple. Wonder why that is....?

    At the end of the day, if I'm going to look at it 40+ hours a week, I appreciate it looking good.

    Why not simply respond to the request of action immediately then move on. Since when would it freeze the OS? Never happened to me. You don't have to answer to continue. Windows NT/2k/XP uses protected memory, just like Mac OS X. In fact, Windows had it long before Mac OS X even came out the public.

    'Cause I multitask. I hit 'Empty Recycle Bin', and I start doing things. If I'm tossing an enormous old source tree, it takes the computer a few seconds to catch up. I'm in a different window. I can now do nothing until I drill back down and close that alert. Try it, you'll see what I mean.

    This is the one bothering me right now, but there are many others.

    Well... I haven't come across anything counter-intuitive or time wasting in XP. It's all opinonated.

    As I said, I don't use XP, and I'm glad it is improving. However, I do find 2k clunky and counter intuitive.

    Mac is better vs. PC again. Remember. PC isn't Windows. Besides, the faster speed can help by increasing productivity by making things seem extremely responsive.

    Thanks for semantic shout out number 2. I will go on the record now, and let y'allses (plural of y'all) know that by PC I mean Windows on x86. When I want to talk about other OSes on x86, I'll reference them by name.

    The faster speed does help combat the clunk.

    Wow, you need that much to be productive under Mac OS X? Jeez.

    When I'm doing everything I can do, and letting the computer do everything it can do, it can't hurt. How much RAM does Windows want to burn a cd, while watching a QT stream, while editing text, while compiling, with people banging on your Apache server, and iSyncing your iPod, as well as browsing, with a cron job running, while your other optical drive is ripping MP3s?

    In my experience, Windows used to beat a Mac senseless in multi tasking, and now the reverse is true...could be me just doing too much though...

    Then you're doing something wrong. Try out Windows XP. Very destructive BSODs, like what? I've only had one about win32k.sys, but that was a memory corruption issue that I quickly solved. Windows XP is absolutely STABLE here.

    Having gone a few months without one (feverishly knock on wooden desk), I don't know off the top of my head what they are. However, I know at least 4 times in 12 months I've had my Win2k partition go south...way south.

    I know my Win2k serial by heart (looks down in shame).

    Again, I'm responding based on things I've experienced and things I've read, and sometimes (C#) something gets replaced inthe memory array. If you're happy where you are, run with it, but don't expect me not to defend my platform of (informed) choice here at

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  • Thunderhawks
    Mar 29, 07:00 AM
    What's with the focus on 'sold out'? Simply limit your passes well below the projected numbers of participants, and there you go, sold out. It's just a math game and a marketing ploy.

    There is no "focus" on sold out.

    It is just mentioned to show the interest in Apple by developers.

    If you never organized an event, here is (in a simplified way) how it goes:

    You find a place an a location/facility based on what you estimate the attendance will be.

    (Sometimes you can't even get a facility big enough and have to take what you can get)

    That facility will hold a certain amount of people

    You promote the event and sell tickets.

    Eventually you will sell out or have tickets left over.

    No magic in holding back tickets or use smaller facilities to make it look sold out.

    There is also a point where too many people would not be able to learn efficiently what is coming.

    Why not pack 80,000 developers into New York's Giants Stadium?

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 3, 03:51 PM

    I think he's referring to the "Fun, New products" event. That wasn't a disaster at all though, it was forum people predicting MacBooks, Mac Pros, new iPods blah blah blah. As predicted the Mac Mini was transitioned and the iPod got a Hi-Fi, but everyone else wanted more.

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  • combatcolin
    Aug 29, 09:39 AM
    Building a new PC soon Well i hope for my money Microsoft give me a nice big shiney box for Vista with lots of pointless manuels that give it that expensive heavy feel.

    After years of "naughty" versions of Windows feels weird to be looking forward to paying for the latest version.

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  • jknight8907
    Mar 11, 02:59 PM
    To all those cutting military by huge percentages, what are your plans to deal with the millions of unemployed that would produce?

    To those opposed to doing drastic cuts.....what do you plan to do to deal with the hundreds of millions affected if the country goes bankrupt?

    As for our military.....we are so massively superior to any other nation, it's not like we are going to be at risk even if we do massive cutbacks in military spending.

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  • JesterJJZ
    Apr 11, 01:07 AM
    I upgraded to CS5 Master collection like less than a year ago for $1200...WTF? Now they want me to pay $500 for another upgrade??? WHAT TO THE F!!!???

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  • mikes63737
    Nov 2, 05:56 PM
    I'm pretty sure that Flash wouldn't even work on an iPhone. It uses 100% CPU on my MBP and video still lags!

    This is probably the reason that Apple doesn't even want to let Adobe make Flash, because they know they would fsck it up somehow.

    And, since iPhones overheat, CPU usage at 100% for any length of time could cause the battery to explode!

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  • slinger1968
    Aug 31, 03:29 PM
    It is good news, at 400 buckeroos people will go "Wa!!" and look at the price tag of a Mac Mini, figuring Macs are not so expensive after all.How is it good news?

    General consumers aren't going to buy a $400 retail version of windows Vista. They will wait to get the new OS untill they purchase a new machine and Vista will be included (or an available upgrade) at an oem price level.

    This retail pricing of Vista is about the same as the retail price of XP. But who cares, the vast majority of people don't buy windows retail.

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  • ptseng
    Jan 11, 05:34 PM
    Airport Wireless Mesh Network based on 802.11s

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  • Nuks
    Sep 4, 07:57 AM
    yeah, I wonder if the nanos will be updated, as they are available free with purchase of a mac. If the sizes are all updated, which one would you get for free?

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  • Kimbie
    Oct 11, 07:45 AM

    iPhone 4 at the right, on the box where it came in. Loving my Apple setup.

    Love your light, where did you get it from?

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  • jaxstate
    Aug 29, 10:17 AM
    I'm a bit on the bubble on this. It's cool that you can get the OS that you really need, but on the other side, this **** is going to confuse the hell out of non tech savvy people.
    Amazon ( has Vista available for Preorder at the above-mentioned prices

    They do updates, they are just free. No need for a full release for small add ons.:rolleyes:
    Wow, not getting updates to your OS for half a decade is now an advantage is it?

    And Windows users accuse Mac owners of being delusional!

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  • MatthewConnelly
    Nov 8, 05:54 AM
    UK store is down!

    Aug 3, 02:55 PM
    Is that a leopard in the reflection of the X of the disk?

    Apr 11, 04:43 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Looks like I become a monthly slave to company subscribtions

    Sep 14, 07:00 AM
    How would the built-in tuner make the iPod worse? Don't want to use it? Then don't.Except I would have to pay for the parts and the R&D...

    And the iPod would have to be (slightly) bigger to accommodate the extra features... Now, maybe not much for a FM/AM radio, but then what about digital radio...? Or Satellite...? Many places old analogue radio is on its way out... Which radio standards should be supported...?

    Nov 7, 12:22 AM
    I really hope they put a graphics card in it (even 64MB) and an 802.11N capable wifi card.

    keep wishing. for the graphics card. I wish apple would get a clue on this one, ie give a option of this for the higher end one.

    but you will get the wifi card!! so.. 1/2 full, 1/2 empty.

    i needed the graphics, so i got the MBP.

    Apr 26, 03:17 AM
    London is not representative of the rest of the UK at all. It skews almost every figure released that is related to population. I've never seen anyone with a gun, I don't know anyone with a gun and I doubt I ever will.

    This is always going to be the case when a single city has over 12% of the country's population.

    Exactly. You're more likely to know someone with a gun if you live in the countryside anyway. The only people I saw holding guns in London were two Police Officers on the beat around Waterloo Station when I used to walk to work from Waterloo to Piccadilly Circus and outside the US Embassy when I went for my visa interview last month. Oh, also one of my dad's ex coworkers had a gun, but he was in an armed response unit in the police, so I guess that doesn't really count.

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