black background patterns

black background patterns. Black Flock Damask on White
  • Black Flock Damask on White

  • QCassidy352
    May 3, 10:57 PM
    really good ad. This series in reminiscent of the "think different" ad campaign.

    black background patterns. Black Background Royalty Free
  • Black Background Royalty Free

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    May 1, 07:46 PM
    Wow, at no time in this rant did you come close to a point. You actually argued both for and against my point at various times in your incoherent ramble.

    Sure, right...and you managed to say exactly NOTHING in ANY of your posts other than flames and insults, always with some lame excuse why you cannot be bothered to give any kind of lucid or even logical reply. I've concluded you're nothing but a TROLL and therefore belong on the ignore list. Goodbye troll. :p

    black background patterns. Sinful Red Black Pattern
  • Sinful Red Black Pattern

  • gauchogolfer
    Sep 25, 11:39 AM
    I'm pretty happy that my 15" Powerbook is officially supported to run Aperture now. They must have reduced the system requirements, which might bode well for those of you with faster machines in terms of program performance and speed.


    black background patterns. Pattern. Black background.
  • Pattern. Black background.

  • Surf Monkey
    Mar 17, 01:27 AM
    JohnnyQuest chill out man you sound worse then my Dad growing up as a kid. Just telling a story, and sorry for my grammar must be that UCF education I paid for. Go to the fridge and bust open a bottle of that hater-aid or better yet, go get laid. Since you obviously seem pretty stressed over the story. Who are you anyway? Judge Jury and Executioner? Please

    So, you do feel bad about it, don't you? Thought so.


    black background patterns. on Black Background
  • on Black Background

  • twoodcc
    Dec 10, 06:49 PM
    i took my asus rig apart (that i bought from best buy) and put it in the old case i had. i added 3 fans to it, and i have it running at 3.8 ghz with temps right around 70 C. it has an H50 cooler in it.

    so that's 2 rigs that will be running bigadv units now. i'll keep it at that though. my third i7 920 is running a web server, so just advmethods on it

    black background patterns. Leather ackground pattern
  • Leather ackground pattern

  • powers74
    Apr 16, 03:04 PM
    You can see that the iPhone text is not aligned in this pic.

    Yes, but his analysis shed no light on that fact and actually made the rendering - if you were to assume his perspective was correct - look lit it was some sort of parallelogram. It made no sense.


    black background patterns. Black Background Patterns
  • Black Background Patterns

  • Eye4Desyn
    Mar 24, 03:17 PM
    ...and I haven't looked back. Started with 10.4 Tiger. Now on Snow Leopard and will definitely upgrade to Lion when available. Great OS and happy birthday OS X!


    black background patterns. the Black background.
  • the Black background.

  • iMeowbot
    Sep 25, 01:52 PM
    Sorry, but Apple released Aperture BEFORE Adobe did the same with its it's easier to have a clone of Apple's app, not the opposite...:rolleyes:

    Right, a product in development since 2002 ( was a copy of a product released in 2005 :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


    black background patterns. on lack background.
  • on lack background.

  • MrSmith
    Jan 11, 09:08 PM
    ...But it is not the business of the press *to set about to* change or influence that which they observe.
    Especially not in politics. Oh, no.

    black background patterns. over lack background
  • over lack background

  • Fossie
    Jan 11, 06:53 PM
    I think people should just get over it. Although doing it while he was doing the talk was a little :mad:


    black background patterns. a Seamless Black and White
  • a Seamless Black and White

  • holycat
    Oct 3, 06:12 PM
    I expect is a series of product that interrelated in their functions.

    first for sure iTV

    then wireless 3.5 inch iPod video that can linked to iTV (might be earlier even b4 Christmas)

    iPhone that will bring us some special functions

    MBP nano....


    black background patterns. 50--065-pattern
  • 50--065-pattern

  • Links
    Aug 15, 01:17 AM
    I went into my local Apple store yesterday and they denied that there were even upgrades? WTF? I guess they want to sell off there current stock?

    New stock old stock?
    From all the reports I've seen so far, no one at Apple knows for sure what they are selling.
    Here's another report posted at Apple's Monitor forum dated August 10.

    I spoke with Apple today to determine what the deal was with the recently upgraded brightness and contrast specs for the 20" and 23" Cinema Displays. They indicated that the change was actually (quietly?) made back in April and that any monitor recently sold directly by Apple should be one of the newer models.


    black background patterns. Black Pattern Picture
  • Black Pattern Picture

  • *LTD*
    Apr 23, 05:17 PM
    It is no secret that pedophiles have been known to hack children's computers to gain access to their webcam pictures, messenger conversations and ect. If that child has an iPhone and the said pedophile knows the file that contains the iPhone locations; what the pedo essentially has is the child's daily or weekly routine of where they are.

    I buy it. Slim chance, but certainly possible and certainly doable.

    I'd have to disagree. There are a lot of ways to keep tabs on someone if you wish to do them harm. The issue is whether the (as yet unknown) purpose of this data is useful enough to justify it's being there in the state it's in. There is no immediate way it gives anyone any special or expedient means of causing another harm. You'll need a lot of contingencies and variables come together to form specific cases. I really don't see that happening. That said, the reasons I've seen so far aren't that nefarious. It actually makes sense to be tracked in this way, especially in light of the argument that it's a caching mechanism in order to make it easier to switch from tower to tower. I can believe this. I don't believe there's any evil behind it. Nor do I for the moment believe this is easily accessible by anyone other than physically by the user/owner of the phone. And then it's likely not easy for the average person.

    Said paedophile *before* this information has been able to track children without problems using other means, I'd wager. Likely easier means, though I'm not well-versed in the specific modus operandi of paedophiles. I suspect I'll need forensics/law enforcement training to get a complete understanding.

    Besides, your example is based upon pure conjecture. First assumption is they are able to hack into their phone. Is hacking into iPhones remoely a big problem out in the wild? Not that I've heard or seen.

    What I'm saying is take the "wait and see" aproach before we begin to vilify and condemn Apple as self-serving, careless data-mining opportunists.

    So it's a plea for sanity. But I've noticed that whenever Apple's quarterly report rolls around and it's usually stellar news, the insanity of our loveable contrarians ramps up, purely for the purpose of being contrarians, as if we need to "balance out" all the enthusiasm with careful doses of negativity so we're not *too* positive. I'm not referring to you, roadbloc, by the way.

    So in any case, this is my position, and I'll say it's the same position I'd take if it were Google and MS.

    black background patterns. Download This Background
  • Download This Background

  • ThomasJL
    Oct 19, 05:42 PM
    I am the first person to coin this term: iHome


    black background patterns. A lack background with a
  • A lack background with a

  • NewSc2
    Oct 3, 12:56 AM
    If this is the iPhone of houses, I guess my house is the Zune of houses. Or perhaps a 1st Gen nano . . . old, small, and ugly.

    heyy... the 1st nano still looks pretty sweet. use mine on a regular basis.

    black background patterns. Dark Patterns For Your
  • Dark Patterns For Your

  • Iroganai
    Oct 28, 03:03 PM
    Well, I only have the free online ADC account, but I can still access the source of the kernel. How can it be called as 'pulling' the code ?
    In the end, anyone interested can still see the code, without paying even a dime.


    black background patterns. on lack background
  • on lack background

  • Rodimus Prime
    Oct 6, 02:22 PM
    It was a good message until they stated "Before you pick a phone, pick a network." That would be valid in an iPhone-less world. They would still be selling us phones based on a spinning CGI rendering of a phone's outer shell. "Look! A plastic candy bar! You like candy, don't you? Then you'll love our rectangular phone! Brand new features like rounded edges and three colors!"

    Apple changed the game. The device should now be the focus. The service should be an afterthought in the background.

    No the add is right. To many people drool over apple so they go with ATT. If you picked AT&T for the iPhone and knew the service was spotty in your area you loose all right to complain about it.

    The smart people out there first pick a network that offers them the price they want and the coverage. Then your worry about what phone to get. The iPhone is not game changing and it sure as hell is not THAT much better any more with all the other phones hitting the market.

    As for the add that was the exact reason why I left them. Verizon had crappy service out in Lubbock Texas and lied about them moving there network out there. They told us 6 months and that 6 months claim turn was not filled 4 years later of course I left at the end of the first year when my contract was up. I switch to AT&T because service was great there and in Houston so I choose them. I choose a network that works were I lived and spend my time.

    They are correct choose a network then worry about your phone. Apple Fan seem to not understand that.

    I have lived in 4 different rural markets and regularly travel between them. Currently, in NC, Verizon is everywhere since they bought out a couple providers like Rural Cellular and I forget the other one.

    When I left Verizon, they had full bar 3G coverage at my house. They had just upgraded about 3 months before I went with an iPhone. With AT&T, I need to drive almost 20 miles to even find 3G coverage.

    With Verizon, I had a Palm Treo 700 and it was very rare to see even the analog signal at all.

    If Apple would make the iPhone for Verizon, i'd switch back in a blink, even if I had to pay early termination, it's that bad. I typically lose between 20-40% of my calls. There is several dead zones too, that I can't even drive down without losing it.

    Well sorry you have no right to complain your dropped calls. You CHOOSE to go with AT&T for the iPhone knowing these problems are in your area. You ACCEPTED that as part of the problem. I recommend you go back to Verizon as soon as your contract is up.
    The iPhone is NOT that great. Good phone but not some super phone that is poor local network.

    black background patterns. Pattern. Black background.
  • Pattern. Black background.

  • DeathChill
    May 3, 09:29 PM
    I really like the tone of these commercials.

    Also, I enjoy that they keep saying magic or magical; only because I know how angry people (trolls, mostly) here get about it.

    black background patterns. Black and white ackground
  • Black and white ackground

  • Unorthodox
    Oct 28, 04:04 PM
    "It's mine and you can't have it, with you I will not share it, cause if I share it with you, you'll have it to!"
    Thats Apple's theme song.

    Apr 21, 11:19 AM
    Was this really a much requested feature? :confused:


    Nov 6, 07:07 PM
    LOL oh dear!

    I pre-ordered the hardened edition mainly for the map packs which come with it.

    Is it just the zombie packs you get with the hardened edition? I already have all those on W@W, not paying for them again.

    Jan 12, 07:59 AM
    Look, I feel as if with all the rumors that were flying around about the iPhone, WE pressured him to release the iPhone by Macworld. He did what we wanted. But it was such a large project that he had to forgo releasing other products that we wanted as well. We expected too much of him, and for you to act like that he is an a-hole for releasing something as revolutionary as the iPhone is just plain indecent. </$0.02>

    Good answer. I never thought about it that way. :)

    But you watched. Again.


    Haha, zing!

    who are you kidding? what part of iphone is not previously existed in technology? yay it has a nice UI, like all other apple products, but the hardware?

    remind me, again, what's revolutionary about iPhone?

    You seem to look at the iPhone as a phone + media device. You're right, it's not the first one. It's not even the first touch screen device. However, you're looking at this iPhone as the sum of its parts when usability has to be taken into account.

    If I had the same mindset as you and many others, I could have easily said in "The iPod? It's just an mp3 player with a harddrive in it. A few companies do that already." My point is that you would have never considered ANY Apple phone as revolutionary unless it covered entirely new ground, like holographic video or something. Sometimes, just making it easier for people to do the things they already do is a huge step.

    Compile 'em all
    Jan 12, 08:00 PM
    Did he really say 10 million within a year? Surely he jests. It's not even coming out in Europe until

    The iPhone will be released in Europe in Q4 2007.

    Sep 12, 08:05 AM
    You can't even check on orders already placed at The store is down.

    thats what happened last wednesday before the iMacs/Minis were released. New hardware must be coming out today.

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