call of duty black ops prestige emblems xbox

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  • rychencop
    Jan 1, 06:08 PM
    i think it's pretty common knowledge that Apple devices will be targeted more by virus making idiots in the future as they become more popular. i also think a company like McAfee has an interests in creating a panic so they can sell more software.

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  • baxterbrittle
    Sep 10, 05:36 AM
    It is likely that Apple will drop conroes into the iMac when kentsfield is released. It makes sense to put merom into the iMac now as an intermediate update as they do not have to redesign the whole logic board. Maybe around MWSF we will see a new iMac based around conroe with pin compatible kentsfield in the high end models (24"). I still think it is unlikely that Apple will bring out a mid level tower any time soon, but i've been wrong before. Still would be nice to be able to pick up a quad core 24" iMac in 6 mounths time.

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  • Call of duty: lack ops

  • ndpitch
    Mar 30, 12:24 PM
    Microsoft is suing homebuilders for offering "Windows" in their homes. Instead, they need to refer to them as "transparent viewing portals".

    Haha! Made me laugh out loud at my desk.

    Apple got there first and beat everyone to the punch. Microsoft should just accept it.

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  • Please add the Prestige

  • 28monkeys
    Apr 20, 09:50 AM
    sue them dry, apple.

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  • Call Of Duty Black Ops

  • PlaceofDis
    Sep 26, 07:20 AM
    Darn, was really hoping for T Mobile compatibility. Oh well, guess this was pretty expected. What about all the CDMA customers? After 6 months? Never? :confused:

    well technically depending on how its implemnted... Cingular is GSM just like T-Mobile, which means that depending upon access and the way the phone is 'locked' it will work with T-Mobile too. i have T-Mobile and of course i didn't ever expect Apple to go with them, they just aren't big enough, but Cingular is, i just hope that Apple sells unlocked versions even if its at a premium, or that you can buy an unlocked version from Cingular.

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  • See the blockbuster call of

  • sord
    Sep 10, 09:11 PM
    Well here at work I could replace 4 PC draughting workstations with a Conroe based system. We already have 23" monitors so we are not going to purchase iMacs, and while Mac Pro's are nice they are too expensive for us... A $1500 headless system would do wonders! (and yes the mini is too little).

    If Apple cannot release such a system we will have to continue purchasing PCs... :(
    Depending on the applications you are going to use, you could cluster some minis.

    call of duty black ops prestige emblems xbox. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • cmcconkey
    Sep 26, 08:56 AM
    You got customer service from Verizon? Is this before or after they tacked on the taxes that aren't being collected anymore? Or crippled the Bluetooth on their phones? Or put a terrible GUI on their phones? Or any other number of things that they've done that are anti-consumer?

    I admit they do indeed do these things... or have done these things in the past. But the situation that I spoke of was last week, also every time I have called them they have worked with everything and entered things just right so that if I wanted to change my plan it would not be prorated at all.


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  • Yvan256
    Sep 14, 11:42 AM
    Any chance we'll see an Apple widescreen H.264/AAC camcorder there? And how about an iPod dock connector/cable to use an iPod for storage to keep the costs down (and sell more iPods)?

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  • Black Ops Prestige Rank Chart

  • EagerDragon
    Sep 4, 06:59 PM
    I think it is the highly anticipated iToilet with universal iPod dock and count 'em four AppleTalk ports.

    Sorry the iToiletPaperDispenser is already out.

    call of duty black ops prestige emblems xbox. Call of Duty: Black Ops full
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops full

  • Porchland
    Sep 26, 07:49 AM
    Oh man. Verizon early termination fee, here I come.

    Yeah, this is pretty exciting news. I had already planned to call Verizon this morning to see when my contract is up.

    EDIT: $175 termination fee per phone and a good while to go on the contract. Yeouch! I may just have to keep my fingers crossed that Verizon Wireless gets the iPhone late next year.

    call of duty black ops prestige emblems xbox. Call of Duty Black Ops:
  • Call of Duty Black Ops:

  • Micjose
    Apr 25, 01:44 PM
    YESSS! Exactly what i wanted to hear. I'm waiting till the new redesign comes out to buy my First MacBook Pro.. :D

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  • freedevil
    Nov 14, 12:31 PM
    Boo Hoo Rogue Amoeba. How stupid? Devs need to grow up.

    call of duty black ops prestige emblems xbox. of the Call Of Duty: Black Ops
  • of the Call Of Duty: Black Ops

  • MattDell
    Oct 12, 11:08 PM
    Not sure if it's already been pointed out, but GAP is also releasing a Red line of clothes tomorrow to support AIDS in Africa. I wonder if Oprah will be visiting various retail stores supporting the Red thing tomorrow.

    I really want the Red SLVR phone, but it's not sold here.


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  • Call of Duty: Negroid Ops from

  • Prof.
    Mar 23, 04:59 PM
    And nothing could make me care as I remember the old saying "sticks and stones..." unlike our oversensitive posters. I am in no way in favor of irresponsible behavior or drunk driving, but making tasteless jokes is neither and harms nobody.
    That's not the point, it's about having respect for those who are no longer with us.

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  • Black+ops+14th+prestige+

  • iMikeT
    Sep 9, 02:53 AM
    I wonder how the 24" iMac equiped with a 2.33ghz Core 2 Duo would fare in that benchmark.

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  • lack ops prestige emblems

  • prady16
    Sep 26, 08:02 AM
    I am glad my Verizon contract is over!
    Now i am ready to shift to Cingular once the iPhone is out and enjoy their Roll-over minutes! :D

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  • puuukeey
    Sep 5, 02:03 PM
    Good move but I bet its riddled with DRM:mad:

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  • Call of Duty Black Ops 15th

  • tsugaru
    Mar 22, 03:33 PM
    One thing that will stink about the iMac update is that the GPU will most likely only get 8 PCIe lanes, as 4 of them will go to Thunderbolt. Sandy Bridge offers a max of 16 PCIe lanes. So Apple, maybe you feel like adding USB3 to the mix to use the last 4 lanes.

    * yes I know the performance of a GPU doesn't drop THAT much going from x16 to x8, but still.

    And toddy, a 6950 would be decent, but I don't see Apple offering it. I see the 6750 akin to the MacBook Pros going in (sadly.)

    Even the 5750 in the 27" is around the same speed as the 4850. Apple just gimped the 4850 by using the GDDR3 version and only giving it 512MB /shakefist.

    call of duty black ops prestige emblems xbox. Call of Duty Black Ops:
  • Call of Duty Black Ops:

  • Zwhaler
    Aug 23, 08:47 PM
    Creative's stock up 30% in after-hours trading. The $100 million is a drop in the bucket for Apple, but it will certainly help Creative...

    Yeah, but at least Apple doesn't have to worry about any more lawsuits

    Mar 23, 07:13 PM
    This is bogus. Next thing you know, our Gov'mint will start asking companies to stop selling radar detectors, because people will speed and kill others. Drunks go around these stops anyway--they're not effective. All they do is cause good citizens to be held up. How about the day I rolled through one of these and ended up paying a huge late fee to kid's daycare? The run them at 9PM, when no one is drunk! I'm going to download these apps just out of convenience so I don't have to be slowed down and I should be able to have this information available to me.

    Oct 12, 10:39 PM
    Just uploaded a photo I took today of the 5th Av. Apple Store red logo. Check it out here: Red logo @ Apple Store 5th Av. (

    Apr 20, 10:31 AM
    I can't, but maybe these guys can/will.

    That's what I'm hoping. I'm leaning towards the SLA being the answer for this.

    Oct 12, 12:17 PM (

    An anonymous source claims that U2's Bono will announce a RED ( version of Apple's 4 GB iPod tomorrow during his appearance on Oprah. The show was apparently taped today in Chicago, and ( has the following to say about tomorrow's show:

    Get "red"-y! It's something so huge, it took Opray, Bono and a convertible to make it happen! Plus, Penelope Cruz and Kanye West are in on it! An extraordinary launch! [...] Chicago goes "red" today and this is just the beginning!

    The show was apparently taped today, and will be aired tomorrow, October 13th. Rumors of a RED iPod ( have been circulating since January. According to our source, the RED iPod would be priced similarly to current 4 GB models at $199, with $10 (5%) of each sale going to The Global Fund to help women and children affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa, where some countries have over 30% of the population affected by the disease (

    Digg This (

    Mar 30, 12:25 PM
    They're really not going to let this go are they...

    Companies REALLY want to use "App Store" instead of coming up with their own.

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