charlie chaplin the great dictator speech

charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. The Great Dictator - Charlie
  • The Great Dictator - Charlie

  • twoodcc
    Aug 12, 09:04 PM
    I don't really care if you count the Prologues as full releases or not. The fact remains...

    GT1 + GT2 + GT3 + GT4 = 46M

    ...not 57M like you originally, and incorrectly, said.

    but you do care. you are pointing out that you care by what you just typed. if you count the prologues, you get over 57M sold.

    You brought up sales, not me. And last I checked, objectively, 100 is more than 57, regardless of how you subjectively look at it.

    i disagree. let's bring math into the equation, since you seem to have missed it.

    100,000,000/15 = 6,666,667.
    57,000,000/8 = 7,125,000.

    so GT has sold more copies per game.

    No, the only thing that adds to is a stat point on the back of the box. I mean, hooray, someone's 87 CRX is in a racing game. YAY!! :rolleyes:

    That is the problem with GT these days. Too much fluff, and lacking in the racing. I mean, whatever, they can make whatever kind of game they want. If they want to fill the game with 1000 cars, 800 of which most people never touch, they can do that. To me, though, they are losing what made the series great years ago.

    well again this is your opinion. we all have one. i personally think that if someone is into cars, they will care about their car. not everyone can afford the cars in the game, but it might be nice to see that car that you can afford and have in real life in the game. i mean, the game is meant for people into cars.

    NO WAY!!! I never knew that. :rolleyes:

    just pointing out the facts. are you doing any different?

    Sure, but a "Guinness Record" for it? Again, to much fluff.

    they have records for everything. like how much cheese you can eat, or whatever. that's what Guinness Records are

    No, it is a concept car that Citro�n paraded around at car shows. Lots of concept cars get built with the fake intention of going into production. But you know what? Almost none of them do. This Citro�n is no different.

    but the intention of the car was for the game. how do you not see that? specifically for the game. in fact, it's named GT after the game

    My point is, he was trying to use GT's high sales as a quantifier of the series greatness. Then, when I showed 2 examples of other racing game series with higher sales, he said they were different types of racing games, and that they don't count. Which is understandable, because they are not the same type of game. But then, ultimately, as I said before, if you don't count those other types of racing games, you're really only comparing GT to Forza, since that is the only other similar game.

    But what does that prove? A game series that has been out for almost 13 years has sold more than a similar type of game series that has only been out for a little over 5 years. Big shock there. I'll be the first to admit that Forza isn't even remotely close to as big of a sales hit as the GT series. But, like I've said before, liking a game is a subjective thing, and everyone is entitled to their own choices. But sales are an objective thing, that has no relevance to somethings greatness.

    how does sales have no relevance if something is great? so iPhone sales show nothing to how good it is? or iPod sales mean nothing to how well it is? of course it does. you make games to sell. if they don't sell, you stop making games. and then there wouldn't be this thread, b/c there would be no GT5.

    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. Charlie Chaplin in The Great
  • Charlie Chaplin in The Great

  • rezenclowd3
    Aug 14, 06:28 PM
    well to my understanding, there should be a lot of change between GT5 prologue and the full release.

    It's been that way for all of the GT series prologues ;)

    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. Name: The Great Dictator
  • Name: The Great Dictator

  • mdriftmeyer
    Aug 26, 06:18 AM
    Manufacturing observation:

    Back in 1996 every major manufacturer did most of its assembly in the U.S. or Western Europe.

    Take a guess where it mainly resides now?

    People want a $1000 laptop/notebook. Back in 1996 they'd be lucky to get an DX4/100 Intel PC for $1000 by Digital, HP, Compaq, etc.

    Check this old message group Email about the Alpha Processor (Then cutting edge)

    If you think offloading manufacturing/assembly to third world countries for pennies on the dollar only gives us cheap and powerful computer to use then you really miss the boat on QA.

    You aren't going to get systems for basement prices that include Workstation reliable parts, assembly and longevity from anyone.

    Battery flaws that SONY has are affecting many in the industry.

    Motherboard designs for these new generation chips will always produce flaws.

    Second revision rule of thumb.

    When you go and buy a car do you buy the first year of a new model? Or do you wait a year or two?

    The Auto Industry has been building cars for over 100 years and they still get horrendous recalls.

    Get used to the disposable society. From Blenders, to hairdryers/coffee makers, to major tool manufacturers the days of buy and use for a decade or more cost major bucks and the low end, plastic encased models are tested for failure time frames.

    This business market is driving people to purchase every twelve or less months.

    I'm still going to wait on revision B of the Mac Pro. I've got more than one operating system/hardware combo and I won't die without the Mac Pro.

    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. The Great Dictator
  • The Great Dictator

  • Bilbo63
    Apr 19, 06:40 PM
    Proof that Samsung ripped off Apple's rip off of Delicious Library?

    Apple hired the young fellow that did the UI for delicious library... sadly his name escapes me at the moment. But yeah, the kid brought is book shelves with him.;)

    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. Charlie Chaplin - The Great
  • Charlie Chaplin - The Great

  • MacAddict1978
    Mar 26, 02:27 PM
    I'm with you on that. I'm pretty sure Front Row is gone for good. Instead, look for iTunes full screen mode. Alternatively, I could see Lion gaining the ability to run iOS apps in some fashion, with the AppleTV interface being one option.

    I hope it's not killed. It's a neglected feature with so much potential, and it would be nice to see Apple do something with it. I was hoping they'd port the Apple TV interface into it. Plex and the other similar things just aren't quite right and lack the simplicity of front row. And iTunes is already a bloated slow piece of crap that needs a full re-write and a healthy diet. I get that it's the gateway app for Apple into Windows for their echo system, but the Windows version is worse than the Mac version. There has to be a way to clean it's gutters, but don't put anything more in there.

    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. THE GREAT DICTATOR - Hynkel#39;s
  • THE GREAT DICTATOR - Hynkel#39;s

  • Reach
    Apr 12, 03:01 PM
    Would not excluding capture from tape be quite dumb?

    Maybe I'm the stone age man using XH A1...

    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. charlie chaplin the great
  • charlie chaplin the great

  • quigleybc
    Aug 11, 11:54 AM
    Oh my god....this phone....sigh....this phone...

    This is the new G5 many rumors/front page stories....

    it's tiresome...

    yes, I want one....but I'm tired of the speculation.

    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. Do you think the lion will lay
  • Do you think the lion will lay

  • deputy_doofy
    Sep 19, 06:12 AM
    1. It's Merom. Not Memrom, Menron, Memron or even L. Ron.

    So, uh, Merman and Mermaid are out too, huh? ;)

    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. Video de charlie chaplin#39;s great dictator#39;s final speech - oct.1940 en youtube - Final Speech Of The Great
  • Video de charlie chaplin#39;s great dictator#39;s final speech - oct.1940 en youtube - Final Speech Of The Great

  • FreeState
    Mar 4, 04:41 PM
    Logic is my source. Society needs people, no people means no society. If there were no more babies society would eventually collapse.

    About as logical as "Concerned" Women of America. Somehow you start recognizing gay families rights under the government and men will lose all interest in women, even at the alter!

    (Unfortunately this is an actual screen grab of their website from today - they are not homophobic at all, really...)

    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. At the conclusion of Charlie
  • At the conclusion of Charlie

  • MrCrowbar
    Jul 20, 03:22 PM
    But what about the MacBook!! *weeps*
    I guess Macbooks will get Merom as soon as Merom is cheaper than the current Yonah and the Yonah Macbooks are sold out. And that might be pretty soon actually. By the way, Merom is pin compatible so Apple can just swap Ypnah for Merom. The user will have a hard time to do this, as the processor in Macbooks are soldered on. But in iMacs, no problemo.

    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. movie “The Great Dictator”
  • movie “The Great Dictator”

  • ChickenSwartz
    Jul 27, 11:49 AM
    Since the WWDC is focused on developers, wouldn't it make the most sense for Apple to do all of the chip transition announcements plus the Leopard preview at WWDC...

    This seems to make most sense to me. Obviously developers care about the OS. But introducing a line of "Pro" machines with the newest/best processor (maybe a new look?!?) seems intuitive at a developers conference but who knows.

    I sit waiting anxiously. For me, I hope there is a new MBP with Merom by the time school starts. If they changed nothing but the processor I would be seems they have worked most of the kinks out (whine, etc.) by now.

    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. Charlie Chaplin - The Great
  • Charlie Chaplin - The Great

  • avkills
    Aug 17, 12:57 AM
    That FCP test, sorry to say is a joke. Nobody cares about dropping in strange footage into a timeline with different attributes and rendering it.

    Most of the time you drop footage that matches your timeline. In other words you don't drop DV25 footage into Uncompressed 10bit timelines unless that is all you have for the footage.

    They should have added some color correction and maybe a motion effect and then rendered it. Oh well.


    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. Charlie Chaplin as the barber in The Great Dictator. Charlie Chaplin as the barber in The Great Dictator. 9:01. Charlie aka the barber leaves the hospital
  • Charlie Chaplin as the barber in The Great Dictator. Charlie Chaplin as the barber in The Great Dictator. 9:01. Charlie aka the barber leaves the hospital

  • gkp
    Jun 17, 11:43 AM
    I got to my local RS at 8am, nobody there, left and came back around 8:45, there were a few people there. The manager was on his cell phone listening to a conference call. After the call finished, he said that it was decided that they are NOT taking pre-orders, but only reservations. He took our names and info and said he would call later in the day with "Pin Numbers" that were assigned to their store. He also said that he could not reserve any iPhones in their system/computer until 10am. So, basically what happened is another store entered their reservations before the 10am assigned time and took up all the pin numbers for OUR area. (This cheating store is in Sacramento, Ca.)
    So, later in the day, I called and the manager said that they could only hope for some iPhones to be sent to our store and if so, they would keep ours aside for us (first come, first serve). But, he said the likelyhood of this happening looks grim.

    Why did Apple/RadioShack even bother? Even the manager told me the whole process was screwed up.

    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. View Charlie Chaplin#39;s film
  • View Charlie Chaplin#39;s film

  • Abyssgh0st
    Apr 28, 11:54 AM
    Yikes. I just read through this entire thread and it was quite the read.

    1. I still find it hard to accept that there are numbskulls out there who doubt that the freaking PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES was not born here. Seriously? And then to claim it's not about race? Then what is it about, his politics? Just because you don't like what he does or says? Yeah right.

    2. Conservatives really have tunnel vision. They focus on static topics such as homosexuals, abortion, marijuana, etc. They fail to realize that because these things will never disappear, they should still lobby against them. They think that they should never 'lay down' and not let 'evil' prevail. They are seriously wrong, especially since these issues don't actually effect them. It is ignorance on their parts because instead of fighting issues that can change (wars, spending, healthcare), they focus on the few that are not going anywhere (at least not a regression, they will only become more prevalent), rather than the sea of issues that are malleable.

    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. in The Great Dictator,
  • in The Great Dictator,

  • dhc
    Aug 11, 11:05 AM
    I'm stuck in a contract for another year, so I'll be watching to see how this pans out. Hopefully, I'll be able to jump on a Rev B without reservations.

    Given Apple's patent on the click-wheel interface, what do you think the likelihood of a virtual rotary phone interface? There are plenty of people who are now adults who've never 'dialled' a phone. It would be really slick if Apple could find a way for all of us old-farts to re-activiate our kinaesthetic memories and dial up and old friend using the click wheel on our new iPhones.


    Loving that idea..54820

    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. charlie chaplin the great
  • charlie chaplin the great

  • toddybody
    Apr 6, 11:40 AM
    what do you think Games on a Mac are? Jeeze dude, thats why I own a gaming PC. You couldnt dream of playing the majority of current titles at max settings on a mac...they need to start giving them real GPU's

    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. Charlie Chaplin#39;s speech
  • Charlie Chaplin#39;s speech

  • jacg
    Jul 27, 10:22 AM
    Ah and where has the wireless mouse/kbd option gone in the store? Maybe they will be free with the upgraded iMacs.

    According to the bluetooth mighty mouse info at, you still need a wired keyboard and mouse to install the thing. When you went for the wireless option before, did you get a wired keyboard too?

    Also, are there any how-to guides for upgrading Yonah iMacs to Merom?

    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. This is a video of the speech
  • This is a video of the speech

  • jamesryanbell
    Mar 31, 03:16 PM
    Jobs was right. AGAIN.

    When he speaks, listen.

    charlie chaplin the great dictator speech. Charlie Chaplin#39;s speech
  • Charlie Chaplin#39;s speech

  • BJNY
    Aug 23, 11:05 AM
    If you're willing, you could start up from the Hardware Test disc, and run the test which makes the fans go non-stop except for the rearmost fans.

    Temp widget

    Apr 19, 01:37 PM
    Couldn't Samsung just claim that the Galaxy S line is an evolution of the Samsung F700? Pretty strong argument for samsung.

    Jul 14, 03:52 PM
    1) This is all rumour and speculation...
    2) At the price that OEMs charge for memory, less RAM is better. We can fill it with whatever we pick.

    I used to side with the people complaining about not having enough standard RAM but not after reading that. You get a gold star.

    Apr 12, 09:27 AM
    The SuperMeet stage show aka FCP (or if **** hits the fan then iMovie Pro) preview begins at 7 pm.

    Mar 22, 02:53 PM
    According to the hate, Apple Fanboys are giving those new seems like it is the first real competition. Get out of your homes guys and girls and compare.... I own an iPhone 4 and a MBP, but came from and Android phone and guess what? The UI is way better than those ugly millions of square buttons that you see on the iPhone. I still prefer it...because of other reasons like battery and the built in ipod.
    Samsung now has the thinnest Tablet with a dual core, plus still better camera and a much nicer UI. I would rather buy that one than the iPad, just because....uhm well i don�t have to send my files (all type of files) by email to myself to transfer them? and maybe i wanna exchange files with workmates without using an adapter the whole time. Maybe i really wanna use and work with that thing than playing games and watching movies or browsing (guess thats what 95% do with their iPad).

    Apr 27, 12:32 PM
    So what would be good enough to convince you?

    Nothing. These Birthers aren't going to give up their religion.

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