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  • gtgrad95
    Apr 25, 09:30 AM
    This issue is really starting to frustrate me. iPhone users that I know are starting to freak out because they're getting their information from sensationalized media and don't really understand what's really going on.

    That is one of the reasons Apple can't sit on their hands with this issue - there are too many people getting misinformation that are spreading it to others.

    You are exactly correct. It's the non-techies are are like 'Oh my God' that are freaking about about this, thinking that people now have access to everywhere they go. The techies know that this 'issue' is way blown out of proportion and the only person that would even have access to this information would be you and only you. Not only that, the file is just a bunch of coordinates. It would take a tech savvy person to be able to see it on a map anyway.

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  • hynke
    May 6, 07:00 AM
    Citation needed. Especially in light of this 2 month old article :

    Intel, Google Doubt ARM and Atom Have Chances in Servers (http://www.cpu-wars.com/2011/03/intel-google-doubt-arm-and-atom-have.html)


    The article doesn't mention the processor architecture, but it is really supposed to be ARM.

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  • ppc_michael
    May 6, 03:35 AM
    ...and I think that will be the time to free myself from Apple bondage and return to the Windows fold. Especially if this is a sign that Apple are moving away from "proper" computers and pouring everything into iOS. :(

    I jumped back to Windows recently after being Apple-exclusive since 1997 precisely because of the iOS direction everything is taking. Honestly? Not that hard of a transition. :P

    As for the ARM thing, Apple has proved its mastery of the architecture with its mobile devices, so however radical it may be, the migration it seems plausible to me. Considering I'm just getting comfortable with x64 Assembly I wish it didn't. ;)

    Might piss off the developer base though.

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  • Zadillo
    Aug 4, 04:11 PM
    Because the TX is thicker than the MBP...at least in the area of the optical drive. (Sony likes to use the tapered design that's thinner toward front edge and thicker near the back edge...it's always looked weird to me.)

    OK, that doesn't make sense to me though. The dimensions of the Sony TX series are 0.82"-1.12" thick, with the thick part being the back half of it (where the battery, etc. are).... the tapered design you mentioned.

    But the optical drive is right in the front of it, so that would be in the area that is only 0.82" thin or so:




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  • aimbdd
    Apr 20, 06:36 AM
    I believe it. Makes perfect sense. The iPhone 4 is an awesome phone so it doesn't need much improvement. A little power under the hood combined with a iOS update and the thing will continue the trek of top of the smart phone market.

    There will not be a 4" screen on the next iPhone, so let us just cut that off right now. It is not necessary it is not better, although I know some of you think anytime has anything with a bigger number in it you think Apple needs to follow. That is not how they work. They make whole devices, they don't just compile disparate parts with no real rhyme or reason.

    Without a 4 inch screen apple will wont get a cent from me. So much easier to browse the web.. and funner to play games on.

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  • mav728
    Aug 4, 05:02 PM
    I have heard the opposite of this. My source has said that Apple will most likely wait until the next product cycle until the merom will be put in apple computers. But this is his own guess, but he his very connected in the technology world.

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  • Bibulous
    Sep 10, 11:02 PM
    I'm hoping for a streaming device with a remote that allows me access to media on my mac from my TV. Of course Apple will overly simplify it and limits it's capabilities, but well love it anyways.

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  • osxtasy
    Apr 5, 01:38 PM
    "Toyota had agreed to do so to "maintain their good relationship with Apple," "

    Toyota has a relationship with Apple, good or bad? Why? I don't see the connection.

    Well, to be honest, BOTH of there "Quality Assurance" (or rather lack thereof) has gone severly downhill in the last couple years. Oh yea, I say this as an owner of BOTH companies products....sadly:(:(


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  • lincolntran
    Mar 29, 03:24 PM
    How about "Legal" immigrants?

    I'm one of them. My family came here a decade ago with $100 bucks in our pockets. We worked like there's no tomorrow and now we have houses, our kids are graduating colleges.

    The way I see it is that "american born and bred" group of people (there's only 1 race - human race) has been spoiled with entitlements and what not. Times are changing and this group is not prepared. This group has to compete with "legal" immigrants and "illegal" immigrants. It's really hard for them because they've never face such competitions before. They have to change their attitude in order to compete. Some realized this and some didn't. Those who realized this is already prepared and are pretty well ahead of the race. Those who didn't are those that're complaining.

    Now, back to the topic. :D

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  • thisisahughes
    Mar 29, 09:29 AM
    wirelessly syncing my phone would be heaven


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  • b_scott
    Apr 26, 02:55 PM
    it's not surprising. There is one iPhone, and there is eleventy billion Android phone versions.

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  • w_parietti22
    Jul 30, 01:16 AM
    Please dont call it an "iPhone" that is so... no. if it was called iPhone I dont think that I would buy it. if it was MacPhone Pro or something like that than maybe... ;). No but please dont name it either of those. Come up with something new and original.

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  • (marc)
    May 6, 09:42 AM
    Time to rename a Quarter Pounder into a "Royale with cheese"! :D

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  • baleensavage
    Nov 8, 10:09 AM
    Blah blah blah. Lack of AV software makes Macs very unattractive to business settings.

    One of the barriers to integrating Macs into corporate and business environments is the lack of anti-virus tools. Yeah, you can dismiss this as FUD (and maybe there's some truth to that) but the fact remains--someday, one way or another, there will be a Mac OS X virus. I defy you to find one IT dept. in the country that wants to be caught off-guard by that. If you're going to have Macs in a business environment, the IT staff needs to know that they're protected in the event of an OS X virus outbreak. Whether any OS X viruses exist now or not and whether AV companies are trying to sell products with FUD is irrelevant in that context.

    Those of you who want to see wider adoption of Macs in business environments ought to be happy to see this kind of thing showing up, regardless of whether you personally need it or not.

    Exactly! Another thing that is becoming a big part of the business world is security compliance. Try getting your business certified compliant by saying "there have been no Mac viruses so far, so we don't need antivirus." No IT out there worth anything relies on "security through obscurity."

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  • marksman
    Apr 18, 04:18 PM
    I think they are all adults, and they keep these things very separate. If someone said to their colleagues in another department "don't buy screens from Samsung, we are involved in a lawsuit" or "don't sell screens to Apple, we are involved in a lawsuit", the answer would be "are you mad? They are our best supplier, I don't care about any lawsuit" or "are you mad? They are our best customer, I don't care about any lawsuit".

    I guarantee you that the division that sells screens to apple is pissed about this, and that Apple tried to work on this internally with Samsung before filing suit.

    I know how different divisions of large corporations interact, and I guarantee you the divison making smartphones and tablets are at odds with the screen supplying over this and whatever else.

    People that run large divisions often don't care about the other divisions and are only worried about themselves, even if it screws other parts of the company over.

    The customer has the leverage in this situation and pissing them off is just a really bad idea.

    Believing that Apple wouldn't change suppliers is just ignorant. This is the kind of thing that gives them motivation to start pushing harder with other companies to create screens for them, because Samsung has become an unreliable partner. Instead of just being happy with their relationship, Samsung has jeopardized it and given Apple motivation to look for other partners.

    It has put the long term business of selling that many screens to Apple in jeopardy.

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  • alhedges
    Mar 28, 11:28 AM
    There will be an iPhone 5 in June/July. People's expectations, and people's contracts, are too tied into the yearly update cycle for Apple to do anything else without running the risk if losing customers (especially 3GS owners) and losing buzz. It also gives other phones the chance for some anti-iPhone marketing - "the iPhone is dated, it can't keep up with modern phones, etc.".

    I also don't think that the Verizon launch will play any role - Verizon is just one US carrier, for one; for another, people on V contracts won't be any better off when their contract is 7 months old than they will be when their contract was 3 months old. But people who are waiting for a verizon iP5 may not wait if it goes beyond June/July.

    However, Apple may not make an announcement at WWDC. It wouldn't surprise me if they moved to the standalone stealth announcement model like they did for the iPad 2...maybe they have a special announcement the first week of June that the iP5 will be available the last week of June. Announcing things a couple of months in advance is nice for customers, but also gives competing handset makers a lot of lead time to perhaps alter existing designs to copy the iPhone.

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  • mrelwood
    Mar 29, 03:37 PM
    Nanobots in the bloodstream!

    Ooh... iBot Nano! I want to line up for one of THOSE!

    I suppose we'll have to sync via IV drip?

    Nah, Jobs has been working on WiFi sync for atleast a year now. It'll be ready by then. In WHITE!

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  • macwrangler
    Apr 25, 09:24 AM
    No one cares! Did you know your computer saves information about stuff you do???!!! Oh my! Now, your computer-phone saves stuff too! Exploitation!

    They may as well put it on the worthless evening news...."Tonight @ 11, what could be killing you and your children...your iPhone (but not a droid)."

    Shut it, please.

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  • Reach
    Sep 16, 01:08 AM
    Sorry for being stupid here, but why do you guys want magnetic latches? It just doesn't seem superior to me, but then again I haven't tried the new macbooks, I just know that the solution on my old 17" powerbook was fine.
    The swappable HD is nice though, I'd like that.
    Anyway, fingers crossed, let it be true please! :)

    May 7, 12:45 PM
    This would potentially mean that "Find my iPhone" would be free as well. Maybe?

    Aug 11, 09:50 AM
    its always next tuesday isnt it?

    here is to getting up early on tuesday morning, dragging my ass to the computer, and going to store.apple.com to be disappointed by the lack of the promise to be back within the hour.

    Unless you are waiting to buy, what do you care? Why get up early? If there are updates, they will be there at the regular time you get up. And if there are not, you won't have gotten up early for nothing. Now that I think about it, why get up early even if you are buying? They will still take your order when you get up.

    That being said, if true, this is great news. Apple computers will now be updated much faster than they used to be. People should feel better about buying now, because they should know that the next update is AWLAYS only a couple of months away. You know it is coming and there is nothing you can do about it, so you might as well buy when you need it. If you keep waiting for the next best thing, you'll always be waiting.

    And please, for the love of all things holy, retire the Powerbook G5 "joke". It never was funny and it certainly isn't funny now.

    Apr 14, 12:17 PM
    Personally, I think we need to increase taxes across the board.

    Which is exactly what I said. But you couldn't help twisting the dagger a little bit by saying ...

    Democrats - "I am in favor of increasing government taxation, and I have the opportunity to put my money where my mouth is by voluntarily paying more taxes, but I am nonetheless not going to if other people don't."

    So are you, on your own, going to voluntarily give money to the government? Or do we get to lump you in with your description of Democrats?

    Apr 21, 03:00 PM
    I'm more interested in the price/performance improvements on the lower end. The entry level Mac Pro is simply a horrible horrible value in terms of price per performance. I don't care how wonderful the build quality is or what other "features" it has, a $2500 system should have more than 4 DIMM slots and better than a under $300 CPU.

    Jul 21, 10:26 PM
    Thanks for the links.

    I don�t see why a 20% increase in speed is going to rock the boat. Especially if it�s in the MBP. So if it is ready for shipment I don�t see any advantage in waiting for the MBP line to upgrade.

    I guess I�ll have to do some research about the battery performance.

    Noone knows what Steve Jobs will do, but I think he had been roper-doping long enough with the G3 and G4. What 6 years with the same G4? He needs to come out swinging while Apple still has a strong brand name from the iPod.

    I hope to see some changes. The last 5 years have been so slow that it hasn�t been worth keeping up with.

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