formal dressing for interviews

formal dressing for interviews. casual or a formal dress.
  • casual or a formal dress.

  • pdjudd
    May 4, 08:32 AM
    lol at those "u signed the contract" blablabla, its not like u have a choice, it should be left out from the damn contract u sign from begin with just like here in germany :D
    Yes you do. It's called "don't sign the contract" Take it or leave it approaches are quite common in the world of contracts.

    Cell phones are not considered a human right that carriers must provide to everybody.

    formal dressing for interviews. formal dressing for
  • formal dressing for

  • Mord
    Apr 27, 12:53 PM
    Oh please. Explain to me why race is not a valid comparison?

    Also, feel free to read a few more of the defining characteristics of a mammalian "female"...

    "The mammalian female is characterized by having two copies of the X chromosome as opposed to the male which carries only one X and one smaller Y chromosome."

    I have no problem with transgendered/sexual/vestite/whatever, but to claim you are actually a "woman" when you were born with a penis, have two X chromosomes, and can not, nor could ever produce an ova is ridiculous.

    Just as ridiculous as my original example which you decided to brush away with no basis other than it does not fit with your views.

    So now you're going with chromosomes, fab, you should let the intersex community know they're not entitled to be women or men anymore as they don't conform to your grade school understanding of sex and gender.


    formal dressing for interviews. for an interview.
  • for an interview.

  • Rogzilla
    Jan 10, 01:52 AM
    You know what I want?

    A small UMPC tablet, multitouch and pen input. Really, not a replacement computer but something like a large PDA. Something I can take with me, sit and draw/paint, write blogs at WIFI hotspots, make notes in meetings, and work on my various writings (screenplays, short stories, ect), then come home and sync it up with my iMac. A portable alternative for someone who already has a desktop.

    I am still new to this whole Apple my iMac I got a year ago...but I have no idea what to expect.

    formal dressing for interviews. formal dressing for women.
  • formal dressing for women.

  • thesdx
    Jan 10, 03:53 PM
    That was just plain stupid. Nice way to ruin your career, Gizmodo. No Macworld for you. (I hope)

    formal dressing for interviews. formal dressing for
  • formal dressing for

  • katanna
    Jan 5, 08:33 AM
    Hey guys,

    I want to watch the QuickTime stream "fresh," without knowing anything going in. This has worked OK in the past, but I always get a little spoiled before I watch the show (MacBook Pro, new Shuffle). Is there a link (webpage, e-mail, RSS) that I can simply get the notice once the QuickTime stream is up, and what the link is? In the past, I have watched:
    but they don't always update that page right away (I have watched that page for more than a day before while the link was up).
    I guess I could use the current numbering system and set my home page to:
    (my home page is currently

    Any ideas? Thanks for the input.


    formal dressing for interviews. formal dress code for men.
  • formal dress code for men.

  • GeekLawyer
    May 3, 10:52 PM
    When I hear “It’s just getting started,” that signals to me there is more to come. Which implies that patience will be rewarded. Which further implies to wait for future models....I get your meaning. I hear "it's just getting started" like the Macintosh was just getting started in the mid-80s. I see it a little more expansively than any one model. It's about the next epoch in information technology getting underway.

    formal dressing for interviews. best formal dresses for men.
  • best formal dresses for men.

  • leroypants
    Apr 8, 03:53 PM
    It's still pretty ******.

    If I walk into a Best Buy and to buy a product that's for sale, knowing full well they have it in stock but they just want to "hold it" for something, I'd be pissed.

    How pissed do you think people would be when they get the Sunday ad and see a guaranteed minimum of 20 ipads, travel to the store only to find out they only have 3 instock because they sold 17 on Saturday? They hold a certain amount because the Sunday ads say they have a minimum in stock.

    formal dressing for interviews. formal dressing for interviews
  • formal dressing for interviews

  • Jcoz
    Mar 17, 12:29 PM
    bunch of haters. In a society where our own government is the biggest crook of all , you all have the nerve to jump down this guy's throat because of someone else's mistake!?!?

    Plus, if you have ever been to a best buy, employees jump on and off registers all the time without logging off first. They will never know which employee did it.

    also consider that this was this guy's karma coming back to him. He did good and now he is getting rewarded.

    Plus if this cashier is dumb enough to mistake $230 for $500 plus tax then does Best Buy really want him working register and relying on customer honesty to save his job?

    I say, im glad you got an iPad2 for $230. ENjoy it because it will probably never happen again!

    Yah the OP didn't bring any of these "haters" forward by making this thread....

    I mean, WTF did the OP really expect the reaction to be?

    A standing ovation? Fedex'd cookies?

    formal dressing for interviews. Formal+interview+attire+women
  • Formal+interview+attire+women

  • Gasu E.
    Oct 25, 03:34 PM
    Who are you to judge how I'd raise my kids? I earned my money, and I'll spend it however I damn well please.

    Someone who thinks there is more than a little projection of moral superiority in this comment about someone's choice in bathroom/bedroom ratio. If that's how you choose to raise your kids, fine; but the moralizing is nonsense.

    formal dressing for interviews. formal dressing for interviews
  • formal dressing for interviews

  • *LTD*
    Mar 28, 09:49 PM
    1) Do you want to make things that are "insanely great".


    2) Do you want to make the most amount of money?

    One follows the other. The two aren't mutually exclusive. Apple's current products *are* insanely great. Just ask the people standing in line.

    Game developers. World of Warcraft. Adobe. Microsoft. All of these developers not only do not distribute on the App Store but can not due to the App Store's TOS. I like the App Store but the control/terms keep a lot of great programs (like World of Warcraft, which one the Apple Design Award multiple times I think) out.

    It'll be their loss, especially since competitors like MS will follow suit and introduce a similar distribution model. Eventually everyone will be in the game, for the the simple reason that they'd like to duplicate Apple's success.

    formal dressing for interviews. Formal Dress code
  • Formal Dress code

  • dejo
    Apr 5, 07:04 PM
    Thread re-opened, although further cleanup may still occur.

    If you wish to continue posting in this thread (or any other) please observe the Forum Rules, particularly those related to the Rules for Appropriate Debate (

    formal dressing for interviews. to a formal interview with
  • to a formal interview with

  • archipellago
    Apr 5, 03:02 PM
    Desperate is as desperate does...

    formal dressing for interviews. Campus Dress Code: Clothes for
  • Campus Dress Code: Clothes for

  • rnelan7
    Apr 10, 02:39 PM
    Samsung PN50C8000 x3.

    Continuing to build my ultimate theater room - just need to paint the in wall speakers that were installed.

    Just curious, why three televisions instead of just one big projector?

    formal dressing for interviews. Occasions Dress 110830
  • Occasions Dress 110830

  • ChrisA
    Mar 28, 03:22 PM
    Apple does not offer all of its own apps in the app store. Is Final Cut Studio in the app store?

    This requirement will have two effects

    (1) make the award irrelevant because everyone will know that the best apps were not even in the race and
    (2) Shows that Apple is greedy by asking others to do what they don't.

    formal dressing for interviews. formal dressing for interviews. have made formal dressing; have made formal dressing. Popeye206. Apr 8, 04:20 PM. I think I get it now.
  • formal dressing for interviews. have made formal dressing; have made formal dressing. Popeye206. Apr 8, 04:20 PM. I think I get it now.

  • techfreak85
    Apr 21, 11:20 PM
    Is this going to be used ultimately to rate posters (kind of like the Apple site for one example)?

    How is abuse of this going to be addressed?

    If all it�s used for is the post itself, I don�t see any value for this.

    What are MR�s (Arn�s and the other Gods) thoughts on what they want to do with this?

    If it was more of a "thanks" system, I envision that it could show which members have thanked the post and could also show in the user info how many thanks the member has received total.

    formal dressing for interviews. formal dressing. Attire for
  • formal dressing. Attire for

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Nov 14, 11:15 PM
    Really, the only part i can accurately remember from MW2 is the DC section. I live in the south-east corner of PA so i've been to DC a few times (the DC zoo is one of my favorite places in the whole world). If i lived out west there would be nothing memorable about MW2.

    Fwiw, i do hold the flawed story against it. How can i be invested in a game that pretends one man can launch a missile just by strolling into a sub and asking kindly? Even games like Ratchet and Clank have stories that make sense (in context, of course), but MW2 was just too far for me to care about it.

    As far as Black Ops goes, the story is ok. I dont like the whole interrogation thing, i feel like the story could be told a bit better, though my opinion may change after i finish the campaign. Any game with nixie tubes automatically scores a few points from me ;)

    COD needs another MW. MW was a massive jump forward from COD3, and it did it all perfectly. W@W, MW2, and Black Ops all feel like a new map pack for MW instead of a whole new game.

    formal dressing for interviews. Job interview outfit: Formal
  • Job interview outfit: Formal

  • Sun Baked
    Mar 23, 07:04 PM
    LOL, if you really feel that bad about it my PayPal address is I won't say no. :DYou'd probably only say no if some of the people expected to "borrow" your body for that $5 a pop. ;)


    Likely somebody that knew you had it and wanted it, hence the targeted break in. :(

    And since it seems like a neighbor took it, it shows that they are an idiot.

    Time to break out the video camera for evidence.

    Edit: if a kid took it, sue the parents if they do not make good on damages and return the merchandise. Should only need that video tape for a small claims case.

    formal dressing for interviews. formal dressing for interviews
  • formal dressing for interviews

  • twoodcc
    Oct 19, 09:55 AM
    Always a good sign!

    yes it is! great news for Apple. I'm excited :D

    formal dressing for interviews. dress for interview Dress for
  • dress for interview Dress for

  • skoker
    Jan 9, 04:51 PM
    Awesome Running smooth. We're the first in line so its smooth. Keynote coverage and ***removed**** release.


    You must be either excited or ignorant, spoiler ;)

    May 1, 06:22 PM
    Interesting...there are 3 files called "MobileTestIPhone.html", "MobileTestIPhoneRetina.html", and MobileTestIPad.html with accompanying Javascript and CSS files in Safari's Resources folder:

    Typing an address into the address field doesn't do anything but perhaps something is forthcoming.

    The "missing plug-in" is "application/x-mobile-test"

    In when Steve introduced the iPhone, he told us how "web applications" were going to be the future for the device. This is probably just a way to test those web applications you can write for iOS devices (the capability is still there, just not used very much in favor of native applications).

    May 3, 08:05 PM
    While I still like android a LOT better than iOS, I think it is a little unfair that carriers aren't allowing tethering apps to be installed on devices. I am paying more than I want to for my cellphone bill, and I think I should be allowed to install a tethering app.

    Mar 26, 09:18 PM
    I don't know, that would be one big download. With people still using dial-up, I'm just not seeing it. As for the USB stick, that would be neat and the best way to go, because of the AIR.

    Yeah, installing an OS straight from the Internet ? Never heard of that before. :rolleyes:

    Not everyone is stuck on dial-up, and it would be nice for Apple to finally provide an option that has been the norm in many other OS installers for the last 15 years.

    However, I doubt we won't see optical discs. For one, they are much cheaper and faster to duplicate than Flash memory devices. It would make no sense for Apple to go the costly route of Flash only distribution just yet since most of their line-up still have DVD drives.

    Apr 27, 11:43 AM
    Thanks, here is the echoIt method :

    - (void) echoIt:(NSTimer *)timer // SECONDS METHOD


    Apr 23, 05:34 PM
    Microsoft is planning to release an App Store for Windows.

    Oh yay! Another app-store rip off years after the OSX one has debuted.

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