ipod touch 5th gen 2011

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  • macfan881
    May 7, 08:37 PM
    Great news considering you can get 90 percent of the stuff for free online the only feature i would want is find my iPhone when i get the 4th gen iPhone but if i can get my own .me account i would ditch gmail in a second for me

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  • Bobthemonkey
    Sep 11, 08:56 AM
    how about this for a scenario

    quiet release of C2D MB/MBP at the start of the expo - similar to the imac/mac mini

    then his steveness can deliver the full its showtime reel at the special event.

    announce movie store, with ipod updates, and full ipod video as 'one more thing'

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  • Eldiablojoe
    May 3, 09:34 PM
    if a villain needs to go through a room where he placed a trap, can he temporarily disable it?

    Traps and monsters don't harm the villain.

    You guys responded to Ravenvii saying that Traps and monsters don't harm the villain, but in the OP, in the Q&A's, you wrote:

    - can the villain/monster fall into the traps?

    Villain (a stupid one): yes, Monsters: No (since they don't move).

    Was that just being funny, or is it a conflicting rule?


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  • iBug2
    Mar 30, 08:24 PM
    That's why they are, little by little, switching into the iOS experience... I'm quite inclined towards Lion being the last OS X version where the user will still be able to install applications on its own. The next one... I'm afraid... will be fully AppStore oriented... and that's when we will see the first jailbroken computers in history :D

    No, there's some more time for that one. But trust me, in our lifetime, we will witness a true closed PC marketspace, for all OS's, not just Mac OS. But those devices won't be called PC's anymore. The entire industry will go there, not just Apple. In 15 years or so, our whole computing will be done on the cloud and we will only have consoles at home, not CPU's. Many things will change. So being afraid of it is in vain.

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  • oliversl
    Apr 26, 04:25 PM
    RIM is going down, in 2011 Apple must release the iPhone on Sprint and T-Mobile, then in 2012 launch the iPhone 5 World Edition and take over the world. They may need to build a few new factories too for the iPhone mini.

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  • mdntcallr
    Aug 11, 11:05 AM
    I'm holding off for the new MBP because from what I've seen, the current ones still have issues. It was Apple's first Mac to go to Intel, and although they've made some changes, it's still "first generation". I'm hoping the next revision will have more than just a processor upgrade.

    Dude, they have made numerous fixes under the hood and revisions.

    just not changes to the configuration.

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  • D4F
    Apr 26, 02:16 PM
    What a shocker... :rolleyes:

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 8, 06:22 PM
    Don't apply the phone dynamic to Tablets. Android is not likely to take a lead in tablet market share for a long time if forever.
    I disagree. The OS on the most number of devices always ends up "winning" (for a lack of a better word.) It has happened time and time again. Windows beat MacOS after a few years due to it being on a wider range of hardware. The same happened with Android on phones. It will most defiantly happen again; if not with Android, defiantly with an OS which works on the same business model and is not tied to specific hardware.

    The 'average user' customer likes choice. The iPad provides none. An iPad is an iPad and that is that. Whereas Android provides a wide range of models and sizes and colours and specs.

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  • Don't panic
    May 6, 11:03 AM
    i suggested rosius because there is some value in protectjng him from potential hp loss, but it can be anyone.
    if no one wants to do it i can peel off myself and someone else can lead the big group

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  • isomorphic
    May 6, 12:31 AM
    Wild speculation: It's possible that, for the short term, Apple might have both Intel and ARM processors in some of its machines. Think GPU or co-processor. This would allow a "Mac" to run iOS apps at full speed without processor emulation (albeit some chipset/environmental emulation).

    I use Mac in quotes because such a hybrid monstrosity may in fact be iOS first, Mac second. Somewhere between an iPad and a MacBook Air.

    It seems obvious that Apple wants this sort of blending, so why not do it in hardware?

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  • Brometheus
    Apr 25, 09:23 AM
    This may simply be a case of unintended consequences. Apple may have a reason for collecting approximate location data based on cell towers. That reason is not yet clear. It's also not clear whether this information is uploaded to Apple. Even if it's uploaded to Apple, that doesn't mean that Apple is tracking individuals. I can't think of a compelling reason why Apple would want to track each of their millions of customers based on very approximate location data. One unintended consequence is what we're seeing now. As usual everyone jumps to a conclusion before we have any information.

    It would be great if Apple clarifies what's going on, but that's unlikely. What's likely is that this will blow over in a week or so. What will not blow over however, is the sudden tension in many relationships now that spouses and other partners have a way to tell where their significant other has been for the past 6 months. That's the other unintended consequence of this.

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  • scupking
    May 6, 07:53 AM
    Intel makes some great processors. It would be a bad idea to move to ARM. Sure keep ARM in the mobile world like the iPad and iphones but don't bring them to laptops and desktops. Can't wait to see how Intels ivy bridge is next year.

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  • MattInOz
    Nov 27, 06:28 PM
    The original article here is based on this smarthouse article, and has a link to it :) So unfortunately, the plot stays the same :)

    What the hell do any of us know :). Interesting to speculate though.

    I'll have to ask my partner about the graphics stuff - she's a high end graphic designer and a painter. My first thought is "the touch screen can't mimic her hand tools"... I figure that the accuracy of where she's touching the screen, the pressure she's exerting etc, will not be enough for real work

    Yep a normal touch screen is limited, but then agian Apple have that patent application for a screen with camera pixels interlaced with normal pixels. If they have a screen close to production then a touch screen based on this would not only to do multi-touch control but could see the shape of the tool on the screen. Instead of using pressure to guess the shape the tool has made.

    Then again that just makes for another missing piece of the tech puzzle to make a device like this work well.

    There seems to be a couple of tech levels for such a device leading to the whole is it a iPod / PDA / laptop replacement. On the plus side i think most people given a quality device would prefer something touch based, pens brushes what ever they feel like.

    I think we'll see a new family of devices rolled out over a couple of years as the tech comes online. Much the same way the iPod grew.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 25, 09:35 AM
    You do realize everything you said is untrue, right?

    Not entirely...Apple does have a "wad to flash":D

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  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 28, 09:54 AM
    Due to moving countries for a year I had to stick with my iPhone 3G. When I get home again in the summer I'd rather not be buying into a year old device. :(

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  • vaxt
    Jul 21, 03:01 PM
    G5 PowerBooks on Tuesday!

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  • kxbcvoi
    Apr 20, 10:56 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    otherwise...why would I buy an ip5?

    You don't have to.

    It doesn't sound like there's much there to tempt iPhone 4 owners but it should be a great update for those with the 3GS and 3G.

    Of course, for iPhone 3G user, like me , iPhone 4s or 5 will be a big upgrade.

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  • Spooner83
    Apr 26, 03:37 PM
    Android is winning 'cause it's cheaper than apple, which is from the recession, people want cheap when they both do the same with a few minor exceptions.

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  • 42streetsdown
    May 6, 02:50 AM
    The headline is wrong.

    The rumor is NOT that they would abandon Intel. The claim being made is that they would switch from x86 to ARM.

    true intel could manufacture arm procs

    May 7, 08:37 PM
    Great news considering you can get 90 percent of the stuff for free online the only feature i would want is find my iPhone when i get the 4th gen iPhone but if i can get my own .me account i would ditch gmail in a second for me

    May 4, 07:41 PM
    Why is everyone getting so bent out of shape so early? First off, this is hear say and not officially stated by Apple yet. If that time comes, I'm sure there will be the option of a physical disk, or some way to make a bootable install disk using disk utility. I mean this thing is already 9 pages long of people flipping out that OMG!!! ITS A DOWNLOAD!!! Guess what? Microsoft offers windows as a download, and guess what? You can burn it to a physical disk.. I can't believe so many people are already jumping the gun on a RUMOR. It's a RUMOR until Apple officially announces it...

    Aug 4, 09:12 PM
    although the Merom is average faster than Yohan 10%~20%:cool:
    Even accounting for the 8% increase in clock speed that's an nice performance boost.

    Aug 7, 01:49 PM
    Excellent. Now it's time to wait for the sub-$2000 "Pro" desktop announcement. There's a suspicious gap in their lineup. Mac Pro Cube (http://macprocube.com), perhaps?

    Mar 26, 10:14 PM
    So if i'm getting this right then..

    iPhone 5 to be unveiled in WWDC '11, but with iOS 4 firmware.
    iPhone 5 to have Dual Core A5 processors and rumored bigger screen + other new tweaks
    They will do a preview of iOS 5 though.

    So WWDC '11 will focus a lot on Lion, which is amazing.
    And we'll be seeing iOS 5 which is going to be a complete revamp? This is almost too good to be true! So i guess iOS 5 probably be using the Dual Cores in the iPhone 5, which would mean that some features will be omitted from the iPhone 4.

    If Apple delivers then i won't mind waiting a few more months for iOS 5, so all in all WWDC '11 will be the deciding day.

    Very good news.

    But what's this about an iPad 3? I find that very hard to believe, since Apple clearly said that 2011 will be the Year of the iPad 2.

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