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  • skellener
    Mar 27, 12:37 PM
    A slightly improved version of the iPad 2 could also be released around that time, to be sold alongside the current version. September's Apple event could be a lot more than just new iPods. iPad 2 only just launched yesterday in various other countries. It will most likely sell out there this weekend as well. Most people still have a few weeks to wait for ordered iPad 2's. They can barely meet demand now. App developers have barely even scratched the surface of updating and writing apps to take advantage of all the new goodies in the iPad 2. With the tragedy in Japan, some components are in short supply. iPad 2 has barely gotten out of the gate! With a track record like that for the iPad 2, I just can't see how anyone can believe any type of iPad 3 launch will take place in the Fall. Besides, that's when they launch iPods for Xmas anyway. They already have a product schedule for that window. "2011 is the Year of iPad 2".

    Look for iPad 3 March/April 2012.

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  • BrettJDeriso
    May 7, 11:03 AM
    At the end of the day, cloud syncing should not be a paid service -they could easily bake it into the price of Mac hardware (and it probably already is). On the other hand, the IMAP email, iWeb, and gallery hosting it comes with do warrant a premium. Not the current premium by any stretch of the immagination (I get far better deals on web hosting and email elsewhere), but a premium of some dollar value is warranted, I think.

    But, when I really think about it, I don't use my MobileMe email for anything important, I haven't updated my galleries in months, and iWeb sites hosted on Apple's MobileMe servers run slower than steam rising off a manure pile. The syncing however, is invaluable.

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  • SuperBrown
    May 3, 01:23 AM
    SI is superior in conversions only
    Imperial is superior as I actually have a feel for the numbers

    Yes, let's not change it because YOU actually have a feel for the numbers.

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  • marksman
    Mar 29, 05:43 PM
    God hates us listening to music.

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  • Ibjr
    May 9, 03:18 PM
    Does MobileMe support all devices as well? And what's worth $100 a year about it?

    It is worth spending money to decentralize where all my information is stored.

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  • BRLawyer
    Sep 16, 07:09 AM
    Now THAT's what I would like:

    "Since the release of the 15 inch MacBook Pro in January, speculation on the forthcoming Apple laptops is spreading throughout the net. Meanwhile, MacosXrumors has received a very unexpected report, providing information about one of the forthcoming MacBook Pros.

    The sources that can be qualified as �very reliable� (yes you read it well), are claiming that Apple plans to keep similar display size for its entry level Mac Book Pro by releasing what sources called an �ultra-thin 12 inch Mac Book Pro�."


    I would buy one on the same day.

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    Mar 26, 10:00 PM
    sounds plausible, but i really don't see iPad 3 coming out any time this year. it's way too soon

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 2, 12:43 PM
    WWDC 2006 SteveNote Countdown Widget (

    So you can count down from 5 to Zero by the minute. :p

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  • illbeback
    Apr 5, 04:34 PM
    Nope Apple is the ruler of all.

    The master of the universe and the company that knows better than you do.

    Just notice how they act.

    What they censor and how hypocritical they are.

    Only Uncle Steve can give you permission and he's never going to do that.

    He's GOD according to many fanboys here...

    All Hail Apple! (no special symbols needed). :) ha ha ha ha ha:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 10, 10:38 AM
    i think we can leave it at 'bad style'

    IMHO it proves again that mixing on-the-paper-notation (leaving out the multiplication sign) and computer notation ( '/' instead of the paper notation) simply leads to confusing situation and needs to be avoided

    yes the answer is mathematical clear but why write it down that way in the first place ?

    I would not call it bad style but pretty clear that people all over the world suck at math.
    I can not even remember the last time I used the paper notation over '/' in my work. That paper notation is harder to write and read for me as it can easy be confused with '-' if the dots are missed or poorly put in place.
    The correct way to read 48/2(9+2) is (48/2)*(9+3) no other way about it. I would write it 48/2(9+3) because that is clear what it should be and under the rules that is exactly what I was aiming for. If I wanted it to be 48/ ((2*(9+3)) I would write it that way or have the 48 above a longer line and the 2 (9+3) completely below it.

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  • Chundles
    Sep 11, 06:52 AM
    To recap:

    No MBP, no MB....

    iPod video device, maybe movie service and maybe streaming device.

    That's it. :)

    Yep, I've said it before and I'll say it again.

    The first rule of an Apple Event: You never get all the marbles.

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  • lsvtecjohn3
    Mar 27, 03:09 AM
    And how does Apple own the market?

    50% of ALL mobile profits, biggest and best App store?

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  • benpatient
    Mar 29, 12:04 PM
    Ownership of data is a concern. If I buy music through the cloud service does that affect my ownership of the music/data? Can I download the music to my hard drive and have unrestricted access to it after I cancel my cloud subscription?

    You can log in to your cloud account at any time and download any music you've purchased from

    If you have a paid account, and you use more than the 5GB of "free" data space, then you stop paying for it and your account reverts back to "free" mode, you can still download your data, but you can't add any new data to the account until you remove enough to get you back under the 5GB cap.

    If you have stuff on the cloud that you don't already have stored on your own device somewhere, you're playing with fire to begin with.

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  • cvaldes
    Mar 30, 05:49 PM
    So I guess that Gold Master rumor was wrong.

    At least 95% of rumors posted here and other Apple-related forums end up being wrong.

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  • Soothsayr
    Apr 25, 09:06 AM
    I bet the people crying "foul" the loudest are also the ones who have FourSquare installed and update it every 5 seconds.

    Jobs is right - big difference with your phone remembering locations, as opposed to Apple actively gathering it.

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  • GregA
    Nov 27, 03:44 PM
    No point in what? I am stating my OWN ideas.Yes, but you're stating your OWN ideas while telling others their ideas are stupid. If you can't see how even after re-reading, then ..... c'est la vie I guess.

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  • McGiord
    Apr 10, 07:03 PM
    Here is the outcome in Numbers.

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  • mr.barkan
    Aug 11, 10:36 PM
    i thought i read somewhere that you needed like 4 gazillion gigs of ram to actually run 64 bit programs... so wouldn't merom be more for bragging rights than actual usability?

    i've been waiting since may for merom to come out so i can buy a mbp... but now i'm actually thinking of waiting til santa rosa comes out...

    If you keep waiting next gens you'll wait your whole life!! =)
    I know it sucks but I agree that this next MBP with Merom is a good buy for the next 3 months...

    I guess it just varies on your needs... I mean, I have to buy a laptop from aug/27 till aug/31 for this work I'm doing.. if the rumors are strong, maybe I'll buy some compaq 64bit 600-700 laptop(amd), then sell it as soon as the new MBP comes out... i dunno... just speculating... It's going to be a hard week for me... hate when I need things that don't just depend on me... buying a 1st gen a week before 2nd gen comes out... the worst thing you can do in Computer market.... =PPP

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  • SandynJosh
    Apr 26, 04:52 PM
    did you need to use that manual to help operate the phone?

    honestly I think android is just as intuitive and easy to use as ios. I can't believe people actually say they don't understand how to use android. for god sakes my 8 year old nephew figured out his dad's android phone after a 30 minutes of playing with it.

    I prefer ios for it's elegance but android isn't tough to use at all...

    Yes, I did need to use the Android manual... a lot!

    I'll bet the 8 year-old relative figured out how to play the games, but did he add names to the address book, download photos to a computer, or set alarms and calendar events? Did he figure out how to get the phone pad to reappear when it disappeared just as he was about to enter a number?

    I'm often confronted with a choice of "A" or "B" with the Android phone when I real desire is to do neither. There is no intuitive way to back out of that screen nor lead me to do what I wish.

    Apple products are far more intuitive than other products. They just don't look better but the whole user experience is better.

    Clive At Five
    Nov 22, 12:53 PM
    I'll agree as well. One feature that Apple might be able to captalize on, if they do sell direct to consumers rather than through carriers, would be resolution of the bells/whistles problem.

    For some people, a phone isn't a phone unless is has a 3MP camera, takes 640x480 video, etc. For others, all they want is basic PDA functionality. Would it be possible for Apple to offer a BTO option? I mean, Camera/Video is generally listed under a single menu option, and it wouldn't be that difficult to design the firmware to only display the category if the Camera is installed. To make things easier, Apple could stock one or two basic models in their stores, and leave people to go to for customizations...Any reason why this couldn't work?

    Other than confusing everyone with too many options, no.

    If you're a teenage girl, your phone has to have a camera on it, meaning you'll have to go to to custom-order it. That's complicated.
    If you're a hiker, maybe you're going to want a phone with GPS, meaning you'll have to go to to custom-order it. That's complicated.
    If you're a huge multitasker, you're going to want PDA-functionality, meaning you'll have to go to to custom-order it. That's complicated.

    Very few people, I feel, will want a bare-bones phone... meaning most will have to go to to custom-order it. That's too complicated for most people to do.

    So in short, no, I don't think that'll work. Good idea, though. That way you'd get a phone with the features you want without the crap that you don't want. Unfortunately, as far as a particular model of phone goes, it's either all or nothing... and I don't think Apple will want to release 18 different models of phone, each with different capabilities... that's worse than BTO.


    Mar 28, 09:54 AM
    Due to moving countries for a year I had to stick with my iPhone 3G. When I get home again in the summer I'd rather not be buying into a year old device. :(

    Don't panic
    Apr 10, 10:58 AM
    I got 42.

    Mar 29, 12:27 PM
    Come on Apple you can do it ..

    Having bought a good chunk of my media library of iTunes I would love to back that up into the cloud .. wirelessly syncing my phone would be heaven.

    Hopeing Apple has something good up their sleeves.


    LOL..yeah Windows Phone beat them to the wireless syncing..what a joke Apple!

    May 4, 03:00 PM
    Great...until you need to do a reinstall. While you could go 10.6 >10.7, going straight to 10.7 is so much better.

    Except when your HD becomes toast...

    Correct, but people are still reaonably concerned with total drive-failures where you have to pull the whole thing out.

    Nope, there's no restriction.

    Look, I'm not talking about what's allowed. I'm talking about what's possible. The post I'm replying to specifically said "abuse" in it. If we're talking about people breaking the rules, the question is: What's going to stop them?

    With Snow Leopard the answer is nothing, really.
    So true, I suppose you would need to reinstall at least 10.6.6.

    That is the process now right? I wonder if they will make TM more like the Windows backup, in the respect that it can take an image of your system for the purpose of a "bare metal" restore...

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