segunda ley de newton

segunda ley de newton. y segunda Ley de Newton
  • y segunda Ley de Newton

  • ezekielrage_99
    Jan 15, 06:06 PM
    Dude this is insane if its real. Yah think???

    I wasn't saying if it's real or not it's the fact that Gizmodo just did a huge prank and they listed a Keynote supposedly from Apple. Real or not Apple is very protective about information about themselves.

    segunda ley de newton. (segunda ley de Newton)
  • (segunda ley de Newton)

  • quagmire
    Aug 3, 07:39 PM
    It is going to sell for that much above MSRP, according to some dealers.

    So expect to fork out 50-60k for a Volt the first 6-18 months.

    GM needs to smack those dealers in the head. This is part of the reason why I am for manufactures opening corporate dealerships.

    segunda ley de newton. la ley Gravitacional universal
  • la ley Gravitacional universal

  • charlituna
    Dec 19, 01:26 PM
    On your first point: It is also the company that came out with the iphone 4 and its antenna problems.

    yes the tragic design flaw that only existed in the US in the areas where ATT service blows.

    Same design flaw recently confirmed on the HTC even

    As for these rumors, I don't believe said site on anything. Their record is so spotty it is a joke. Also if Apple was going to release a CDMA phone why haven't they for countries like China where I is the dominate cell phone tech. Instead they went with the second place carrier who supports GSM. Even all the talk that they are hiring CDMA knowledged engineers which 'proves' they are working on a Verizon phone falls apart when you consider the unlocked, no exclusives iPad. So that staff could be working on the product.

    I won't go so far as to say that a CDMA iPhone would never happen, or an LTE Verizon iPhone. I just do buy that it is coming this soon. For a number of reasons. And no one has shown me proof reasonable enough to think otherwise

    segunda ley de newton. la primera ley de Newton,
  • la primera ley de Newton,

  • wnurse
    Aug 7, 09:00 PM
    If Dell uses the same panel, how do they fit the 23" panel in the 24" enclosure without an inch border? Or how does Apple shrink the 24" panel to fit in a 23" frame?

    Also how does Dell claim higher contrast ratios and greater brightness?

    Dell and Apple may use the same panel manufacturer, but clearly they are NOT identical panels.

    Yes, obviously a 23 inch and a 24 inch cannot be the same panel. You are such a genius. But I wonder.. can a 30 inch apple and a 30 inch dell be the same panel?.. how about a 20 inch apple and a 20 inch dell?.
    But forget all about that.. Are you saying the manufacturer gives apple the superior panels and leave the rejects for Dell?.. So cause Dell panel is 24 inch, they suck compared to apple 23 inch cause logically, since they are not the same size, it implies the Dell panel sucks!!!...

    We must all get together and donate a nobel prize to you. You are such a genius, you make Einstein pale in comparison.

    I don't want to leave you hanging but here's what happens.. The manufacter makes the panels. They cut a panel to apple specs and then the make the exact same panel (or one like it, hopefully, this manufacturer has quality control like every other company and can reproduce panels to exact specifications) and cuts the same panel to 24 inch to dell specifications.
    Simple enough for you Einstein?.


    segunda ley de newton. Segunda Ley de Newton
  • Segunda Ley de Newton

  • tylerhbrown
    Oct 6, 12:05 PM
    Except Verizon does that too!!!!

    Ahh, no, not really. Or at least not in my experience or that of anyone I know. I have had all three iphones and I love them, but ATT and their admitted 30% call drop rate is truly sad. I never lost calls with Verizon (T-mobile and Sprint we're not great for me, but neither we in the same badness-ballpark as ATT). We need to let Apple know how disappointed we are with ATT. I would gladly pay to get out of my ATT contract and go back to Verizon, if they offered an iphone. Lucky for me, I really like texting (although even those have been failing a lot too lately)


    segunda ley de newton. la segunda ley de Newton
  • la segunda ley de Newton

  • Sun Baked
    Mar 29, 01:01 AM
    Too bad you cannot scare the snot out of the kid, on camera.

    Shows up with camera crew...

    "Microsoft Prize patrol, do you have an XBox 360? Can you show it to me"

    Types stuff into handheld...

    "Do you own this machine?"

    Types stuff into handheld...

    "Oh, sorry ... you cannot collect a prize with this XBox 360 -- the serial number has it listed as a murder weapon, and the owner is a likely suspect."


    segunda ley de newton. 1687: Las Leyes de Newton
  • 1687: Las Leyes de Newton

  • roadbloc
    Apr 24, 05:13 AM

    What trolls? If you're on about *LTD* here, he is entitled to his opinion, and whereas our opinions differ, it does not mean he is a troll.

    What I don't like in this case, is that *LTD* appears to have altered his opinion to suit Apple. He has, on several cases, accuse Google of being a company that cares more about the personal data of users, rather than the user experience. And now that Apple are also seen to be possibly collecting user data, it's a non-issue.

    I also disagree with his thought that the 'average person' wouldn't care about the safety and security of their children on cyberspace. Utter rubbish. The 'average person' wants re-assuring that cyberspace is totally safe before they let their kids use it. The 'average person' wants full control over what their kids can and can't do on cyberspace. The 'average person' also doesn't really know the difference between a conversation with a pedo over messenger, and a conversation with an actual friend.

    Let me give an example:
    Lizzie: Hey.
    Amy: Hi. :p
    Lizzie: Check out this cool song.
    <Lizzie offers Amy track01.mp3.exe>
    <Transfer complete.>
    Amy: Clicked on it. Doesn't work :(
    Lizzie: :/ I'll look for it on YouTube.
    Amy: k :)
    Lizzie: Here you go :D

    And before you know it, the pedo has access to everything on "Amy's" computer. If our pedo knows how to get a malicious program like that, they certainly know which file contains their iPhone locations.

    Slim chance, I know. But there is a risk that it may happen. And I find that unacceptable.

    segunda ley de newton. segunda ley de newton.
  • segunda ley de newton.

  • Dunepilot
    Oct 19, 10:46 AM
    Does anyone know their marketshare in terms of computers in use?

    It's not an exact science, but these days you can make a safe assumption that most computers are connected to the internet, so info such as the browser usage on a site like Google can give some indication of number of machines in use


    segunda ley de newton. segunda ley de newton. Segunda ley de movimiento; Segunda ley de movimiento. michaelcyee. Mar 22, 11:03 PM
  • segunda ley de newton. Segunda ley de movimiento; Segunda ley de movimiento. michaelcyee. Mar 22, 11:03 PM

  • billchase2
    Oct 13, 12:19 PM
    i bet it will. i'm guessing $400-$500.

    segunda ley de newton. Leyes de Newton: 6.4 – SEGUNDA
  • Leyes de Newton: 6.4 – SEGUNDA

  • iGary
    Sep 12, 06:22 AM
    The "Today" show just said as fact, that Apple was releasing a movie service today.

    Not saying they are right, but thought it was interesting it was reported as fact.


    segunda ley de newton. Segunda ley de Newton o Ley de
  • Segunda ley de Newton o Ley de

  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 12:15 PM
    I don't get the fascination with a marginal bigger screen, if I need a bigger screen I get my iPad.

    Its all about losing the border, and getting a marginless screen

    segunda ley de newton. Isaac Newton
  • Isaac Newton

  • bdj21ya
    Oct 10, 05:20 PM
    They can't be bummed since they aren't advertising it. The average consumer probably couldn't even tell it's been upgraded (except for the screen brightness)

    Hey now, don't forget games, search feature, and alpha transparency letter scrolling :rolleyes:.

    No, I think that this was just a stop gap to keep demand up at least a little more while they get the real update ready for market. However, I don't think that real update is coming until at least January, unless this last update was really just to get rid of excess components. But then, I'm with those who say the new update will be released above the current model's price point, not as a replacement (though that would be a few too many models for Steve to think we could comprehend).


    segunda ley de newton. Segunda Ley de Newton
  • Segunda Ley de Newton

  • noservice2001
    Oct 10, 05:31 PM
    Nope... we're thinking this will be a totally different iPod product, separate from the normal iPod or the nano or the shuffle.

    so like an iTV kinda thing?

    segunda ley de newton. Ley de NewtonPracticas
  • Ley de NewtonPracticas

  • arn
    Apr 21, 01:40 PM
    we've turned it off to make some tweaks.

    It'll be back in a bit.



    segunda ley de newton. segunda ley de newton. La Primera ley de Newton; La Primera ley de Newton. peharri. Sep 22, 02:33 PM
  • segunda ley de newton. La Primera ley de Newton; La Primera ley de Newton. peharri. Sep 22, 02:33 PM

  • wpotere
    Apr 13, 07:02 AM
    I don't see anything wrong with it at all. People use children to carry goods all the time and the TSA agent was totally professional about it talking through each step. The rules are there to provide a layer of safety and if you think that it doesn't and don't like the rules, ride the bus!

    Better yet, let's remove the TSA agents and let someone fly a plane into another building. :rolleyes:

    segunda ley de newton. Ampliando la Segunda Ley de
  • Ampliando la Segunda Ley de

  • akwok
    Apr 26, 03:00 AM
    apple always gives us surprise(?), so we might have

    iphone 4 = the one that we have now
    iphone 4S = a new one with A5 chip
    iphone 4L = a new one with bigger screen but old chip
    iphone 4SL = a new one with A5 chip and bigger screen


    segunda ley de newton. La segunda ley de Newton.
  • La segunda ley de Newton.

  • munkery
    Apr 17, 06:36 PM
    How does Gnome 3.0 on Linux compare to the new UI in OSX Lion?

    I've been playing around with Gnome 3.0, and it seems like the designers have a similar philosophy about desktop navigation.

    Gnome 3.0 Preview (This is not my video):

    That's a pretty sick OS. I haven't ever run Fedora on a computer of mine, but my uncle swears by it. That video has convinced me to run it on my next box.

    I like fedora over ubuntu. I haven't run fedora for a while, I think I'll take second look when the new version comes out.

    I wish Ubuntu went with Gnome 3 over Unity. Fedora is great but it is more "free" than Ubuntu as Fedora includes fewer/no? proprietary drivers by default so it is a little bit more work to get running on some hardware.

    The next Fedora may be worth the extra effort.

    Here is a link for those looking to stay up to date on Win 8.

    Or, at least looking to retaliate?

    segunda ley de newton. segunda ley de newton
  • segunda ley de newton

  • GFLPraxis
    Apr 13, 12:05 PM
    Go ahead and opt out of your full-body scans... if you're doing it for the "health" reason you're tilting at a very small windmill.

    The "Health" angle is murky, but TSA uses opt-out ratios as proof of acceptance. They've put out multiple press releases pushing >2% opt out rates as proof that people feel safer and don't mind the new security measures. So, I'm going to opt out every time, if for no other reason than to drive up the cost for them.

    segunda ley de newton. La tercera ley es
  • La tercera ley es

  • TheNewDude
    Sep 28, 12:03 PM
    Oh i'm sure there will be LOTS of technology in the house.

    I bet he'll be able to control everything via an app on his iPhone.

    The house itself doesn't need to be HUGE. He can still apply a lot of technology into the house making it worth millions!

    Nov 16, 04:24 PM
    Very interesting! :D

    I have a test so tell me what the updates are when I get back. :p

    I'm sure it'll be all over MacRumors if anything new is released :)

    Sep 13, 05:47 PM
    damn twoodc that sucks :( buy some solar panels

    Yep. I feel lonely here on MacRumors regarding distributed computing...

    Seti is down since a couple of days...
    I am now with Milkyway. Anyone else ?

    i stopped doing SETI a while back. i got over it. i have stopped doing F@H of late :( damn power bills.

    Apr 25, 02:36 PM
    my question is what would you have McDonalds employees do.

    You are asking teenagers to get involved in a fight and try to break it up.
    Not really something you expect the average person of the street to do why should teenagers working and McDonalds be any different.
    Heck most of the time betting/ fights are over before the brain finishes processing "Is that really happening?" followed by "Should I do anything?" Most of the time they get stuck in an endless loop of not sure what to do and the fight or flight responses takes over.

    While the people doing the beating deserve to rot in jail at the same time I would not expect the employees to do anything other than really call the cops. This is one would you expect a person of the street to do something other than really call the cops and it is still over by the time the above loop is completed.

    Well I don't know about you but if I saw someone beating the **** out of someone else while I'm working I would certainly get involved. And I would expect the same consideration from others.

    If your employed somewhere part of your job is keeping the peace.

    Nov 24, 08:05 PM
    Online stores are still having problems. Try reviewing your orders.

    Apr 29, 04:54 PM
    I liked it how it was before.... :(


    It was confusing but they could have sorted that out.

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