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  • !� V �!
    Apr 29, 05:40 PM
    iCal has taken a turn for the worse. I makes me uneasy. :(

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  • anotherarunan
    Jan 15, 02:26 PM
    another thing people should keep in mind is...why release all new products at one event when you can stagger the release and keep interest over a longer period of time.

    i.e macbook pro updates are coming, just like most of things people want (although SOME of the things some people want are just downright crazy), but it wont happen at once, and its gonna take a while!

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  • croooow
    Apr 6, 08:10 AM
    I remember a girl/woman submitting such an app to Apple.

    It was rejected on the grounds:

    'Not required => redundant'.

    I see something changing now. :rolleyes:

    That is the very first thing I thought of. I remember that rejection and how ridiculous it was for 2 reasons.

    1: She was trying to promote Apple's iAds! How does it hurt Apple?
    2: Has Apple seen all the apps that could easily be called "not required" or "redundant"?

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  • KnightWRX
    Mar 13, 12:45 PM
    They also helped create an entire new software development industry

    Which software development industry would this be ? Embedded systems ? Mobile devices ?

    Nope, nothing new there. They expanded maybe, but they did not create.

    I'm not talking about the lower levels of computing. I'm talking about the parts of computing that End Users, who will never see an IDE in their entire lives. This is where computing is being redefined. They're shifting the way people use the "input. Process. Output.Store".

    Again for the people wanting very much to redefine computing, "shifting the way people use" is not redefining computing. At least qualify it properly as a shift in usability, not in computing. You are talking about the lower levels when you use the word computing.

    Why are some of you uninitiated insisting on using "computing" and claiming it is redefined ? Is it because a shift in usability doesn't sound as great accomplishment and you want to make what Apple did much bigger than it really is ? Stay objective please, don't involve emotions you have for a corporation in this discussion.

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  • MrMac'n'Cheese
    May 2, 01:27 AM

    Have it show who plus'ed you and who neg'ed your each post.
    I've seen it implemented in other forums, or just allow a thank you button type of thing, no negative option allowed please.

    People have the cojones to neg you anonymously, but if their name was attached to the negative rep/karma, whatever you wish to call it, it would be a vastly different story.

    Otherwise I'm for the removal of this seemingly annoying feature, faceless jerks can team up to negative rep your posts, and before you know it its war to neg' each other.

    EDITHow long are you going to test this before 'it is permanetly tossed in favor a better, less abusable alternative'?

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  • i0Nic
    Jan 10, 10:59 AM
    iPhone will be release in Australia within the next month (end of Feb by the latest) only on the Telstra network. Unfortunately Telstra has exclusive rights for the iPhone, so the product will be awesome (e.g. being Apple) but the service provider will be crap....

    At my work we got a demo of the iPhone from Telstra for development reasons, we will be supplying data for a few of the services for the iPhone in Australia.

    Umm is this for real? I would've thought Australia wouldn't get the iPhone until the 3G version is out.

    I think I will still hold out for the next version, even though I am keen on getting an iphone.

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  • deadpoet
    Aug 7, 08:29 PM
    The Apple Cinema Displays are expensive, but these are high-end professional grade LCDs. If you're going to be using them only to surf the web and watch TV then your money is wasted -- go and get a cheap Dell instead.

    I know what I'll get when I'm looking for an LCD for my graphics work.
    Take a look at this report:

    We use EIZO and Apple Cinema Display LCDs at work (we do web and print design and photography/digital imaging), and they are worth every dollar. We would not settle for anything less.

    So in conclusion: for gaming and general web surfing, get a cheap consumer LCD. For serious graphics work, design and digital imaging, get a high-end LCD from trusted makers such as Apple, LaCie or EIZO.

    I'm sick of people whining about the Apple Cinema Displays and how Apple is "ripping" people off. Booohooo. If you're complaining, then the ACD isn't meant for you. And if you think the ACDs cost a lot, you haven't seen the prices for the EIZOs!

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  • snberk103
    Apr 15, 08:03 PM
    Well actually we know the TSA methods don't work because both of the incidents were from European airports that mirror what the TSA does. Added to the number of weapons that make it through TSA checkpoints, it's easy to see that the TSA does in fact not work to the extent that it is expected to.
    All we know is that increased security screening is not perfect. Perhaps you can extrapolate the European experience (in this case) to the TSA... but that's as far as you can go.

    I understood your rather simplistic attempt at game theory just fine. The problem remains that one side is not a rational actor. The command portion of terrorists have virtually nothing to lose with a botched attempt, and neither does the fanatic patsy. A 50/50 ratio isn't good enough for our security because the downside for both command and patsy are much smaller than the upside (from their perspective). The chances of failure need to be much higher in order to effectively deter terrorists.

    Do you always start with the insulting tone (see bolding) when the debate isn't going your way? I would argue that both sides are rational actors, though both sides may also employ non-rational players. The higher echelons of terrorist organizations have shown themselves to very worried about being captured by the fact that they are so hard to catch. If they didn't care, they wouldn't be going to a great deal of trouble to avoid it. Therefore, to my mind, they are rational actors. That 50/50 number is one that I threw into the argument as an "for argument's sake". Please don't rely on it for anything factual. The TSA in fact catches more than 50% of their training/testing planted weapons. And yes, I think even if the the number was as low as 50/50 a rational actor would do everything... oh heck... I've already written all that - you've not presented anything else of substance in it's place, so I'll just save my typing finger....

    Sacrificing these things is appropriate when there is a tangible gain. There hasn't been much of a tangible gain with TSA, and this is coming from the head of Israeli Security. We're paying a lot and getting almost nothing in return. Every year there's a new "standard" put out there to make it seem like TSA is doing something, but time and again security experts have lambasted TSA and its efforts as a dog and pony show.

    Your own opinion of flying should be an example of how ridiculous things have gotten. If people now become disgruntled and irritated every time they fly, for perhaps marginal gains in security, then our methods have failed.
    That's the funny thing. I've never actually said that the TSA is the best thing around. All I've said is that the TSA is doing something. That's all - that the TSA is doing something right. Not everything. Just something. Go back and look it up. Even the head of the Israeli security never said they were useless (as in doing nothing right). Just that it wasn't the best use of resources. Oh, and if you know Israelis (and I do), then you'll also know that there is another Israeli who knows just as much as that first fellow, and she thinks the TSA is doing things just fine.

    It is difficult to prove, but you can make an educated guess about what the cause is. Other than the correlational evidence, there is no other good data to suggest that TSA has actually been effective. In no field is correlation enough to establish anything but correlation.
    That's the problem with 90% of the decisions Governments make. All they have is correlational connections. Or incomplete causal relationships. Or... basically the best they can do is make an educated guess, and hope for the best.

    No, that's not how it works. If you want to assert your idea as correct, the burden is on you to show that it is correct. I am going to try to poke holes in your reasoning, and it's up to you to show that my criticisms are invalid on the bases of logic and evidence.
    No, on two counts. 1) You asserted "Our attempts at security are at best as good as Lisa's rock...". I countered your assertion by saying that the TSA must be doing something right, and used the stats on hijackings. I (to paraphrase you) "poked hole in your reasoning". You've presented nothing that counters my evidence, except to try mocking it as simplistic. If it is, then show how it is.... If my argument doesn't convince you. Then say so, and then leave it at that. I have my opinion, you have yours. But if you want me to change my opinion you had better do better. 2) I've forgotten - cr*p.

    So far you've only cited correlation, which is not sufficient evidence for causation. You ignored my criticism based on military intervention, changing travel patterns, etc, and only want to trumpet your belief that correlation is enough. It's not. If you don't want to do more on Mac Rumors, then don't post anymore on this topic concerning this line of discussion.
    You are right correlations don't show causation. But they are evidence for it. If you have evidence that shows otherwise, present it.

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  • Frazzle
    Jul 21, 06:51 PM
    It's a problem. It's been reproduced by CNET, Consumer Reports, NYT, and many others.

    That's the weird thing. It's only a small problem. But it's been reported by all these media and it's an Apple product, so it will get 'eyeballs'.

    When the Nokia N97 came out (not in the US though) it was supposed to be the new flagship phone that was hailed as the 'iPhone killer'. But: the 'real' firmware wasn't ready and the preliminary version was riddled with bugs, the GPS antenna had a design fault requiring people to fiddle with bits of copper wire, the camera lens cover actually scratched the lens of the camera, the camera flash unit was creating a haze in every picture because of a design flaw and the phone either crashed, dropped calls or became unresponsive to its touchscreen several times a day.

    Now, the Nokia forums and several blog sites were awash with people complaining. Many users left Nokia and swore they would never return. The company quickly released a follow-up model and provided hardware fixes - but only for people who actually complained. The whole N97 debacle was very badly handled by Nokia and they lost a lot of credibility with high-end users. Android and iPhone got a lot of new users.

    Has any of this ever been reported in the mainstream media? Hell no.

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  • SandynJosh
    Apr 15, 09:01 PM
    Of course Google's going to have growing pains. It's new territory for them. They'll get it sorted out.

    It's not only new territory, it's outside their core competency. Like Cisco selling cameras or Google selling phones.

    Competition is good for the consumer. It results in innovation and downward pressure on prices.

    If competition results in innovation, why has the Windows PC not evolved into something better. Lord knows that arena is packed with competition.

    The downward pressure on prices actually inhibits innovation. R & D is the first thing to go when the pressure gets high. The focus becomes, "How can we make this cheaper?" Let that go on for a couple decades and you get such poorly made PCs that they are disposable.

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  • GoKyu
    Apr 11, 10:32 PM
    I'd like to see Windows 8 use a Linux kernel underlying the GUI itself.. Microsoft could have some potential, but should not copy from Apple.


    I've been telling this to people for awhile now...if Microsoft *truly* wants a killer OS, then they're gonna have to do what Apple did a decade ago -

    Leave the cruft, even if it breaks stuff for awhile, get RID of the registry (this was a good idea...coming from DOS, and being used in Windows 95), use a Linux or UNIX kernel as the base OS, and make applications self-contained, like Apple's are.

    It may be copying, but they've copied everything ELSE, why not copy something that *might* have a shot at making the apps easier to install, and viruses harder to get in?

    Besides, the apps were *almost* self-contained back in Windows 3.1 - anyone remember .ini files? If MS had let people keep those, there never would've been much use for a registry to begin with.

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  • Reverend Wally
    Nov 16, 01:03 PM
    Consider that Apple, Intel, and AMD are IT developers and always expanding and inventing new pathways. AMD is not asleep, and neither is Intel, and frankly, Apple, being the Rolls Royce of computers would not impose limits on their capabilities. Maybe we will not see an AMD Apple real soon, but these people are on the leading edge, and I cannot imagine that the engineers do not think in this direction. IF Apple does go that way it will be for a very good and valid reason.


    Meanwhile, let's enjoy our Rolls Royce type computers without trying to turn them into Lamborghinis


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  • abhimat.gautam
    Apr 29, 04:05 PM
    With that headline, I was really hoping to see iCal reverted back to how it looked�:(

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  • 617arg
    Sep 28, 01:41 PM
    this is one of the worst titles for a story I have read. It also sounds like whoever wrote the story has no knowledge of anything that's been happening in architecture for about a century.

    Clean, modern design? Must be influenced by the iPhone! :rolleyes:

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  • ChazUK
    Apr 16, 04:13 AM
    Next up, Google gives away songs for free. Inserts targeted ads every 30 seconds of music. Fandroids flood the Web to tell us all how awesome Android and "free" Google music are and what a greedy jerk Steve Jobs is for selling songs.

    You know it's coming.

    What are you basing this on, the current ststus of Android OS for being FOSS? There are no advertising components built into Android OS, unlike iOS with iAds. What's made you insinuate this "free" thing as being a negative anyway?

    I bet there are plenty of people who use ad supported music serivces like we7.com and spotify free, and god forbid those tight arses who listten to free music on the radio. Are these people inferior to you for doing so?

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  • Hugh
    Apr 27, 07:54 PM
    I am going to ask a dumb question here. Why do we have 2 threads talking about the same subject? I think these threads should be combined. :/

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  • twoodcc
    May 17, 10:48 AM
    Sure did, all 5 of my rigs have a passkey now.

    ok good

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  • Lyra
    Aug 1, 02:50 PM
    First of all, I do live in Sweden. (born and bred). Secondly, my comment shouldn't be taken too seriously.
    I don't know where are from, but my guess is that you never been close to scandinavia. If you had done some traveling you would know that all countries have to live with their own moronic politicians for better or worse.

    Hmmm, hvad skal det betyde? F�r du siger noget skulle du t�nke dig om, ik?;)

    I am stationed in Denmark, and have been since Bush became President...

    I do know what it means to be in Scandinavia and yes, I deal with your politicians quite a bit... So, don't get me started.

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  • Ugg
    May 4, 06:27 PM
    I don't see how people condone people asking intrusive questions.

    Now provide information on gun safety as part of a package of being information that helps people become responsible parents, but to be perfectly honest, what I own or do not own (as long as it is legal) is no ones business but my own and my families.

    Have you had much experience with doctors? I'm guessing that you haven't because medicine is all about asking intrusive questions.

    Doctors can't diagnose a problem unless they are able to ask questions. I'm just absolutely astounded at the amount of paranoia when it comes to gun ownership. If it's such a good thing, why can't a doctor ask about it?

    I am really, really stunned that there is such a disconnect from reality when it comes to guns. The NRA has done this country an enormous disservice.

    Mar 17, 05:10 PM
    Love this forum for a good laugh. Obviously the OP was wrong with what he did but love laughing at all the holier than thou responses. :D

    You mean like posting just to say "I'm laughing at you all?" Welcome to the "holier than thou club, buddy.

    Nov 16, 05:08 PM
    Apple store updates turns out to be "HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE."


    i believe that was already up.Yeah, I got an email for that page ages ago. Looks like they might have brought it to the front store page and maybe some hidden Black Friday updates.

    Jan 2, 07:52 AM
    The iPhone 4 uses the Infineon X-GOLD 61x baseband processor, which supports HSDPA/HSUPA.

    No HSPA+.

    No LTE.

    I've read that the Samsung Galaxy S phones use the same chip.

    Mar 25, 10:07 AM
    The packaging has been getting uglier with every release after Panther. OK, I consider none of them ugly, just a bit less beautiful :rolleyes:

    Apr 5, 07:04 PM
    Thread re-opened, although further cleanup may still occur.

    If you wish to continue posting in this thread (or any other) please observe the Forum Rules, particularly those related to the Rules for Appropriate Debate (http://guides.macrumors.com/Help:Rules_for_Appropriate_Debate).

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