weeping cherry tree tattoo

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  • MacRumors
    Apr 6, 10:03 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/06/intel-launching-next-generation-macbook-air-processors/)


    weeping cherry tree tattoo. weeping cherry tree leaves.
  • weeping cherry tree leaves.

  • bryanc
    Aug 26, 06:12 PM
    ... those who understand binary and those who do not.

    Just sell Merom as "64 bit", that's twice as much as "32 bit".

    64 bits is not twice as big as 32 bits.... it's 2^32 (roughly 4.3 billion) times as big. Just like 1000 is not twice as big as 10.

    33 bits would be twice as big as 32 bits.

    But yes, you're right, the important thing here is not that merom is 20% faster (or 20% more power efficient), it's that it's 64 bit.

    Leopard will be 64 bit, and you can bet that once leopard is the shipping OS, there will be 64 bit only software that you will want to run. That's why it's worth having a Core 2 Duo system.


    weeping cherry tree tattoo. dwarf weeping cherry tree
  • dwarf weeping cherry tree

  • DeathChill
    Apr 19, 08:06 PM
    Me, Urg, first caveman to make rock round! Michelin and Firestone steal idea!

    I'm not a lawyer but I play one on the Internet. You have a bulletproof case; let's sue.

    weeping cherry tree tattoo. weeping cherry tree pictures.
  • weeping cherry tree pictures.

  • the vj
    Apr 6, 02:53 PM
    I remember when I was a kid and I asked my father for a toy and he came with a different one... I was the saddest kid on earth.

    I believe that who ever asked for an iPad and got a Motorola would feel the same.

    (Dad, I love you)

    weeping cherry tree tattoo. cherry blossom tree
  • cherry blossom tree

  • ergle2
    Sep 14, 01:17 PM
    True (today anyway; in the NT era they were indeed separate platforms though. Which brings me to my next point..)

    Point of total (and obnoxious) pedantry here -- XP and W2K3 Server aren't strictly the same codebase; The latter was a huge rewrite job with some fairly significant internal changes.

    XP 64bit is based on W2K3, and Vista originally started out on the XP code base and then was scrapped, and was started over using the W2K3 codebase.

    It doesn't invalidate your point in any way and the latter is most definitely descended from the former, but unlike previous products they weren't released in parallel. I mention it purely because I find it interesting, and it's also an example of how Windows is "evolving", so to speak.

    I think people who say stuff like that are exhibiting a syndrome common to Mac folk who've never spent any time in the PC world -- they take negative comments they remember regarding versions of Windows or the PC experience from about 5 years back and assume they apply to today. XP, for example, really was for the most part a window-dressing of Windows 2000, but that is not the case for Vista. You see similar statements regarding "blue screens of death", overall system stability, etc, which suggest they haven't seen or used a PC since the late 90s/early 00's.

    This is very common on both sides of the divide. Many Mac-only people seem to think Windows is still stuck in the Win9x days, and many of the Windows-only types seem to think MacOS is still in the 8.x days.

    I guess it's a little like when your friend has kids and you don't see them for a few years, and you're surprised that instead of still being little kids they're teenagers... :)

    weeping cherry tree tattoo. of weeping cherry blossom
  • of weeping cherry blossom

  • SeattleMoose
    Apr 5, 07:17 PM
    When they revamped Logic Pro they cut the price from $999 to $499.....fingers crossed for FCP.

    weeping cherry tree tattoo. weeping cherry tree leaves.
  • weeping cherry tree leaves.

  • xxBURT0Nxx
    Apr 6, 10:31 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I have a 13" ultimate of the current generation. The limiting factor for me is the graphics, not the processor. so going to sandy bridge with the intel 3000 would be a less appealing machine for my uses than the current model. It's really too bad the sandy bridge macs are tied to those garbage integrated graphics.

    only the 13" mbp has integrated graphics, they are not quite as good as the 320m on older models or in the current mba, but they are much better than integrated graphics of the past. All other mbp models come with the integrated graphics as well as a discrete graphics processor.

    weeping cherry tree tattoo. weeping cherry tree leaves.
  • weeping cherry tree leaves.

  • JGowan
    Aug 6, 07:25 PM
    It won't be a live video stream. In the afternoon Apple will begin streaming a compressed HD recording of it. I guess you'll have to go to a terrestrial café system. Have you complained to your Satellite provider?

    I know it won't be live, but that's ok -- I just hate missing a Steve keynote -- I've watching them for several years now...

    It's the streams I can't get w/the satellite internet. What exactly is a terrestrial café system? (And I haven't complained... this Apple stream thing is the only thing I've not been able to view... everything else works fine so I don't know what the deal is.

    weeping cherry tree tattoo. cherry tree blossom drawing.
  • cherry tree blossom drawing.

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 29, 08:59 AM
    Oh I see, and by questioning his birthplace you, Trump, Palin and your ilk are really criticizing his policies. Wow, again, you proved the old mantra, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS.

    This is Trump's MO. And it's working! Even if you don't like Obama's politics, you have to admit that Obama has much more class than Trump.

    weeping cherry tree tattoo. weeping cherry tree leaves.
  • weeping cherry tree leaves.

  • Kingsly
    Sep 18, 11:05 PM
    Of course they're going to refresh the laptops before the holidays. Duh. :rolleyes:

    weeping cherry tree tattoo. weeping cherry tree leaves.
  • weeping cherry tree leaves.

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 22, 01:32 PM
    I'm very specific on what I praise Reagan for... including his excellent ability to speak eloquently about the values of the free market, small government, etc. I've repeatedly said that he was far from perfect... but it's less easy for you to argue with reality when you can just make up my positions on one man... isn't it?

    Reagan was not about small government at all. He massively increased government spending and the size of the military. He may have spoken eloquently about small government, but they were empty words. There isn't much to praise there.

    Speaking of making up positions, almost every post you make contains a micharacterization of what other people say, but phrased as a question so as to make it seem more innocent.

    weeping cherry tree tattoo. dwarf weeping cherry tree
  • dwarf weeping cherry tree

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 11, 11:47 AM
    People will loose interest in Apple iPhones with so many other new releases coming out on a regular basis.

    Android phones could have octo-core processors and laser hologram projection and the iPhone would still be a better overall user experience (with a vastly-better app catalog).

    I'd rather see Apple focus on the software at this point. How about fixing the craptastic notification system already???

    weeping cherry tree tattoo. dwarf weeping cherry tree
  • dwarf weeping cherry tree

  • yac_moda
    Jul 27, 02:45 PM
    Nice news from intel, good for WWDC ...

    ... Apple will probably announce right before, since SJ said long ago no hard announcements at WWDC.

    Of course he reverses A LOT :eek:


    MS will announce that they are dropping Mac development :eek: :eek: :eek: :mad:

    DON'T YOU GET IT ...

    ... this is the plan Bill G., the NICE GUY, leaves MS with his CLOD BULLDOG in charge AND YOU GET WHAT YOU GET, Balmer cuts the Mac devision and probably a TON of other jobs too and then they announce their MP3 player and all sorts of services !!!

    This way their player looks more credible then Apple, for a while anyway !!

    If Apple was smart after all they would have hired me to test their spreadsheet app a long time ago, I am after all, the SPREADSHEET GOD :cool:

    weeping cherry tree tattoo. weeping cherry tree leaves. of
  • weeping cherry tree leaves. of

  • banderson623
    Apr 27, 08:18 AM
    This is slightly off topic, but I saw a couple of posts of people who want to track their location data and see it or access it programmatically. I've been using Google's Latitude App (iPhone and Web-client) to track my location. They have an ability to get this data via a well documented API as well.

    I don't think it hurts battery life too much, and it is interesting to be able to see where you've been the last week/month/year.

    If you are interested check out https://www.google.com/latitude/ and their iPhone App (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/google-latitude/id306586497?mt=8)

    weeping cherry tree tattoo. weeping cherry tree pictures.
  • weeping cherry tree pictures.

  • mcrain
    Mar 22, 02:41 PM
    Mcrain, don't try changing history. Look back at all the left-wing loons screaming racist, war-monger, 'blood for oil' when Bush attacked Iraq... where are they now? It's the media to a lesser extent, but they certainly play a role.

    Wait a second again. Don't you try changing history. What "left-wing loons" are you talking about? I was right here saying we shouldn't be invading without more evidence and more time for the UN to search for WMDs, and I'm sure you would consider that yelling war-monger, blood for oil, etc..., but I'm not a "party insider", candidate or elected official. As for those on the left before Iraq, one guy who opposed the war from the start is president today.

    Compare today to prior to the Iraq war. Today there are some democrats airing concerns about this action. Before the Iraq war, the GOP in congress were less independent than a sock puppet. Other than Ron Paul (who I know you support), did anyone in the GOP offer any criticism? If not, then isn't your party worse? I mean, you ONLY have one person who can claim with a straight face that he is not being a hipocrite in his criticism today. ONLY one.

    As for Paul, you're probably right, unless people wake up, unless something happens, he won't get the nomination. That's why I'm doing all I can now to help the cause and promote his values across my state. No, I did not see the 'ghostwritten' pamphlet. What's the significance. And Rand didn't trip over anything.

    Ron Paul's pamphlet... Controversial claims made in Ron Paul's newsletters, written in the first person narrative, included statements such as "Boy, it sure burns me to have a national holiday for that pro-communist philanderer Martin Luther King. I voted against this outrage time and time again as a Congressman. What an infamy that Ronald Reagan approved it! We can thank him for our annual Hate Whitey Day." Along with "even in my little town of Lake Jackson, Texas, I've urged everyone in my family to know how to use a gun in self defense. For the animals are coming." Another notable statement that garnered controversy was "opinion polls consistently show only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions, if you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be". An issue from 1992 refers to carjacking as the "hip-hop thing to do among the urban youth who play unsuspecting whites like pianos." In an article titled "The Pink House" the newsletter wrote that "Homosexuals, not to speak of the rest of society, were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide their activities." These publications would later create political problems for Paul and he considered retiring his seat. Link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Paul#Newsletter_controversy)

    Rand didn't trip on the Civil Rights Act? Ok, only if you agree with him that entire towns in the South should have the right to discriminate like they used to. The free market will sort it out... just like it did before the civil rights act.

    weeping cherry tree tattoo. dwarf weeping cherry tree
  • dwarf weeping cherry tree

  • Huntn
    Aug 17, 01:17 PM
    Shift was good, but i thought it was really easy. Its also very forgiving, you dont need to have a lot of driving skill to finish the top races because drifting is really easy to control, you can enter turns quite a bit faster than you should, and you'll have more money than you know what to do with.

    What you scale the difficulty up? On NFS:Shift, I started on easy A.I, quickly moved to normal, and am now doing most of my races on hard A.I. My car settings for traction and control and such is normal.

    weeping cherry tree tattoo. weeping cherry tree pictures.
  • weeping cherry tree pictures.

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 03:11 PM


    And that's not good.

    weeping cherry tree tattoo. weeping cherry tree pictures.
  • weeping cherry tree pictures.

  • Silentwave
    Sep 19, 09:16 PM
    well they're working through a pretty active period right now, what with the major architecture change. It'll sorta taper out a bit in a while, and so the next 'big thing' besides more cores will be 45nm, followed by the Common System Interface for the Xeons in '08.

    weeping cherry tree tattoo. weeping cherry tree pictures.
  • weeping cherry tree pictures.

  • netdog
    Aug 11, 03:22 PM
    First, what makes you think the cellusage is similar to internet????? Mind blowing step here.
    Secondly, Europa has 291 million internet users; North america US&Canada 227 milion; Rest of the world 500 million
    Hence europe would be close to 30% of the total market???? What about india??? Japan??? china??? come on you cant say jack *** from this statistics

    China, having bypassed installing a massive landline strucutre, now has enormous GSM network penetration.

    India is also a HUGE GSM market.

    Aug 11, 08:26 PM
    I probably won't buy a phone without GPS capabilities. I will pay for the option, however.

    Why not just ring someone and ask where you are? Or wait for the guy on the seat next to you to ring his girlfriend?

    Jul 14, 07:02 PM
    Why be limited to 2? Why not 3, 4, 5 or 6? I also want quad-10GHz Woodcrests with 20GB of DDR6-8000 RAM, with 2exobytes of HDD space. AND room to upgrade. Oh, and quad 7900GTXs. For �1000.

    Ok, that never gonna happen, but it illustrates the point that people want more and more for less and less.

    Sep 12, 11:28 AM
    A bit pointless given that no software utilises the extra cores yet. But nice to know, I guess.

    I'm still getting used to having two cores in my laptop!

    Mar 22, 02:11 PM
    The screen is not 50% smaller. Nice way of making yourself look stupid.

    Actually it is less than 50% the screen area of an iPad. Maybe you should check your math before calling someone stupid.

    iPad display is about 45 square inches
    Playbook display is about 21.5 square inches

    Apr 25, 03:03 PM
    I dont understand how anyone would get the info from your phone.



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