happy valentines day quotes friends

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  • jbourassa
    Oct 31, 02:49 PM
    Hello. I'm not sure if I'm in the right forum, but I'll post anyway.. ;)
    When I read a CD, I hear "tick tick tick tick..." instead of the song. Same thing when I import the songs and read them. It also does the same thing when I read the imported songs from my desktop pc in my Laptop (both PCs btw, im too poor to switch yet. maybe next year). But I can read and import the songs from the CD when I'm on my laptop. Also, I can listen to the songs allright if I import them from my laptopn then send it on my desktop PC.

    Any clue? please help me!

    (ps : my laptop has 4.6 and my desktop pc has 4.7... And yes i tried to re-install!)

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  • Dreadnought
    Oct 3, 03:43 PM
    Boehoe... Too bad redeye. Thanks for all the good and hard work. Now, don't install folding at all those little Apples in the store (BTW which store is it?!?!) or I will have to find a way to get more compu's folding for me. Hope you will stay an active member here.

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  • normwood
    Feb 24, 06:08 AM
    No it is NOT Apple's fault. This is CLEARLY the parents fault.


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  • Plymouthbreezer
    Nov 22, 08:42 PM
    Anyone who pays that much to have a white iPhone is misguided, and dumb.


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  • HexMonkey
    Jun 1, 03:23 AM
    Then that means merging articles wherever possible, and as I suggested before, using the subcategories as filters rather than points of separation.

    How does what I said mean we should merge articles whenever possible? :confused:

    I don't think MediaWiki supports using categories as filters.

    That way we can reduce article clutter while simultaneously avoiding arbitrary separation between different types of software simply because they don't fit the idea of being "Mac" like.
    As for the CLI thing, it's all just software, we don't need to keep them separated by walls of steel from the "Mac" apps since they run native on a Mac.

    If there's a "Terminal Commands" subcategory of a "Software" category, the CLI applications are still classed as software. By putting them in a subcategory, we are not hiding them, shunning them or separating them by "walls of steel". We are merely putting articles in logical groupings to make them easier to find. They are not split off because they're not "Mac-like".

    A simpler category structure does not necessarily make the guides any simpler to use.

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  • ArmCortexA8
    Oct 14, 05:21 AM
    I think the iPhone 4's screen is too small and has not increased in size physically since the original iphone launch almost 4 years ago. It's time for a screen size increase, either equivalent to or slightly smaller than HTC's 4.3" behemoth. Apple should go S-Amoled with IPS or OLED which requires no backlight and therefore extends battery life.


    happy valentines day quotes friends. Happy Valentine#39;s Day
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  • netdog
    Oct 26, 02:54 AM
    My heart goes out to anyone lost enough to get on a line for 3 hours for a t-shirt. Only in England, the land where we love to queue.

    I am reminded about sad guy who got in line in New York on Monday for an iPhone, and the expected throngs lining up behind him over the next 5 days never materialized.

    Don't get me wrong...I'll be down at Regent Street later today, but if I were to arrive at 3, it would only be to share a drink and a laugh at some pub with my fellow forum mates. So far, it doesn't seem that is going to happen, but if their is a pre-sale pub meetup, call it here and count me in.


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  • Christopher387A
    Apr 14, 01:45 PM
    Verizon models have been in stock everywhere around here, while AT&T models are sold out. Interesting...


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  • irun5k
    Jan 7, 07:11 PM
    Only contact pictures are synced, and a link to the persons profile is added as a webpage link in your contacts.

    What facebook does with the data... I assume nothing. you assume they share it. I suppose that topic is open for debate

    I've spent a lot of time adding appropriate photos for most of my contacts. The initial version that came out apparently had a bug and replaced people's photos with facebook profile pics with people who had similar names but weren't even friends in Facebook. (Even with the "replace" option turned off!)

    Also, what the app is supposed to do and actually does is two different things apparently. I've read reviews around the net about people losing data. It is obvious the software is buggy.

    And, who really knows what is done with the data? The temptation to mine data from users might be a little too much to turn down.

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  • IntelliUser
    Apr 8, 09:12 AM
    Everything I've been reading is saying that it is the riders and not the actual budget that some GOP members are holding out on. It is more about cutting off PPH then the actual budget reduction...

    That's so disgusting.


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  • edesignuk
    Sep 13, 09:06 AM
    Originally posted by chmorley

    p.s., Dell a "top tier" vendor?
    Funny, I was thinking exactly the same thing :D

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  • jamdr
    Apr 2, 02:10 PM
    The main problem with the UI I think is that it is too hard to access things that you want to do all the time. Everything is in that annoying palette with all those buttons, when instead Apple should move some things to the toolbar. I want to be able to change fonts and styles and justification with the click of a button. Also, it needs an equation editor. Until Apple fixes these things, I'm sticking with AppleWorks. Fortunately, I don't feel like I got ripped off because of Keynote 2.


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  • Cheffy Dave
    Apr 14, 01:16 PM
    A good hire, Apple deserves him;)

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  • bergert
    Dec 13, 01:53 PM
    like this guy "Alex Gauna" who called 20 Apple Stores around the country and already determined that the new Apple TV is selling at a rate of 1 millions units a quarter, even thought Apple Stores never give out any information of how many units have been received or sold.

    how do these people still have jobs?

    yes, count me in - I want a analyst job like that !


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  • �algiris
    Apr 12, 01:24 PM
    Unless you're Mythbusters

    They actually confirmed that one. Turns out you can polish it :D

    happy valentines day quotes friends. Happy Valentines Day
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  • thirtyeyes
    Jun 16, 02:03 PM
    Apple CEO: I have this great new product...
    Verizon CEO: This will never go anywhere. i-what. That's a stupid


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  • MikeTheC
    Nov 11, 05:38 PM
    Oh, I know it's sort of off-topic, but check this out:

    How to Fold a Shirt (http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/fold.php).

    And for those among us here who speak Japanese, what is the woman saying exactly?

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  • Bubba Satori
    Mar 25, 12:29 PM
    Darn greedy company.

    Don't talk about iApple that way.

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  • ChrisA
    Oct 9, 03:37 PM
    I agree, except for one little thing===> HD Content distribution. No real solution for that one yet.

    If you can watch an HD movie over your satilite or cable system then somehow the cable or stilite company found a way to electronically distribute the HD content to you. That 25GB of data found a way to get into your house. Not only did it get into the huse but it did it in real time

    May 24, 05:25 PM
    JUst wondering...so it doesoes it work max settings on everything?

    I play it with settings on a mix of High and Ultra. I have the original version of the 15" unibody, 512mb graphics.

    Sep 17, 10:21 PM
    One day, just rush into the store and shout "I Love You!". That should get her attention.

    Yeah... and get beat down or arrested for stalking. lol. :D

    May 2, 12:50 PM
    OK - supposing the White iPhone was slightly thicker.... So *********g what?

    Dec 28, 05:45 PM
    at&t just confuses me... :confused:

    Mar 24, 03:38 PM
    I just got one, what a great deal!

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