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  • ccrandall77
    Aug 11, 04:00 PM
    I'm eligible for a new phone in just five days. As of right now I'm going to get the Chocolate because I like the style. Couldn't really care less about listening to music on my phone, that's what my iPod's for. ;)

    But...but...if Apple does release a phone and I've already bought the Chocolate then I'll be kicking myself to no end. But on the other hand, how likely is it that the iPhone will even work on Verizon?

    Bah! I need a new phone! :(

    You might want to read some reviews on the Chocolate before buying it. I've seen a handful of reviews that were less than favorable.

    A good resource is Phonescoop.com. They usually have a decent amount of user reviews upon which you can base your purchasing decisions.

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  • made awhile ago i love u

  • newdeal
    Apr 6, 10:12 AM
    Has Intel R&D come up with a new, low-power, backlit keyboard? ;)

    (Figured I'd throw that out straight off, as it's bound to come up somewhere along the line)

    For most people the ipad is more useful than the air anyway imo. Yes i owned an air, the ipad 1, and now the ipad 2 and the air was just a watered down macbook pro more than the ipad is a scaled up ipod touch

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  • i love you poems in spanish.

  • Eddie L.
    Jun 9, 09:11 AM
    I imagine they will be, but look at the page at the 3G and original iphone values. They will still be at or over $100 at the least.

    Just posted to the Shack's Twitter page:

    Trade-up to #iPhone4--> Get $100 for 3G, $200 for 3GS. Pre-order 6/15. More to come @robotodd @JRBTempe @ohnorosco @rosa @arrington

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  • starflyer
    Mar 22, 03:07 PM
    The iPad 2 is nice, but it needs more RAM. Multitasking is just terrible with few RAM and bad OS processes handling.

    Says the man who doesn't even own one.

    Next months will be crucial for me to decide the successor of my iPad 1.

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  • I+love+u+mom+poems+in+spanish With your mother poem about moms tell you

  • rovex
    Mar 22, 02:59 PM
    As has been pointed out already, "maths" is a perfectly acceptable word. Travel is an education unto itself; one which would have taught you this fact. Clearly, you're not sufficiently successful to engage in this activity.

    I'm not american, perhaps you should be utilising the 'proper' English that was invented here.

    And you're last sentence makes you look rather condescending and quite frankly a bit of a pretentious moron.

    And I'm sorry to say, I've never been to the states, but of course you make an unfounded and ignorant assertion that I have never travelled. Really, you're not doing yourself much good with that mentality you have.

    Glad that you're just showcasing your pitiful character to the rest of us.

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  • Maccus Aurelius
    Sep 19, 11:45 AM
    You know, Sony and Nintendo are just *SO* behind the curve with next gen gaming systems.

    Microsoft has had it's XBox 360 out for MONTHS, while Sony and Nintendo gamers are lagging behind, barely able to function on their PS2s and GameCubes.

    If Sony and Nintendo don't release the PS3 and Wii, respectively, in the next week, they'll be the laughing stocks of the industry. There's no excuse for them to release their next gen gaming systems a year after their competitor.

    I'm going to hold my breath until I turn blue if I don't get what I want, because I'm childish like that.

    Although Sony's PS3 is an overpriced beast with BlueRay support, the nex Nintendo console (which can play old school games) seems promising. As for the Core 2 Duo, personally I don't really care one bit when it comes to a "consumer" grade laptop. Any 64-bit software will work on a 32-bit platform, so I'm fine. Leopard is backwards compatible, so great! If the Merom chips are more energy efficient, that seems promising, but my fridge and TV consume more power, so I don't care. Presently Dell does offer core 2 duo processing chips, but only in their $2,500-3,000 laptop systems. I'm still looking around for laptops that range around low-end MBP and MB prices that have C2D and I haven't found any yet. But since the XPS systems have Core 2 Duo installed, I'm sure the first macs notebooks to see them will be the pros first. But seeing as how my macbooks is presently in the shop for random shut down syndrome, I'm more concerned with a working machine than a machine with a slight efficiency advantage.

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  • Mistrblank
    Apr 8, 07:19 AM
    Wow. I bought mine at Best Buy on opening day and they sold out of them. Why in anybody's right mind would best buy not sell what they have?

    It keeps people coming back day after day.

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  • Roto3180
    Mar 31, 04:45 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I also kind of thought that Google would close things off after awhile. Android is what Wonblows was in the 90s. Every Tom, Dick and Harry wrote software for it, most of it was crap but gave the belief it was superior to the Mac OS. Microshaft cracked down and eased out the bad software developers and the same thing will happen to Android. Especially since rouge developers have came about.

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  • VanNess
    Aug 5, 06:28 PM
    I have my money on 06.

    Show me the money! (lol)

    In addition to the aforementioned reasons why it won't see the light of day until 07, Apple will gauge reaction to Leopard (both public and developer) and use the remainder of 06 to further tweak, well, whatever is going to be in Leopard. That takes us to Macworld in January, and another major, prime time opportunity to hype/showboat Leopard to the masses and further tease anxious Macheads to the point where sales will go through the roof when it hits the stores.

    Recall that Tiger features saw significant UI overhauls (Dashboard, Spotlight, Automator) from the original Tiger demos at WWDC until it's reshowing at Macworld. Apple has no reason to rush this out after WWDC.

    You can bank on 07. First Half. No sooner than April.

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  • epitaphic
    Aug 17, 12:54 PM
    The interesting thing to note from the Anandtech review is that to saturate a 2 core setup, all you need is one program. To saturate a quad, you need to be doing a bit more at the same time. To saturate an octo, you need to be doing a hell of a lot of things at the same time.

    Now I don't know bout you lot, but there's only so much I can do at the same time. Sure it helps to be able to run anything I like and still use FCP with no performance hit. So I think a quad is perfect for that. But when it comes to 8+ cores, your actual workflow won't improve in the slightest unless it doesn't involve you having to do anything (eg run 4 instances of handbrake). I'm sure everyone once in a while has some work that can just be delegated to the CPU and it does its thing, but for the most part, where your attention and brain is needed, an 8 core will sit at least 50% idle.

    Considering Clovertowns will have a slower, twice saturated FSB and lower clock speeds, most people will be better off (financially and productively) with Woodcrests. I'm just hoping that when octos are announced, the quads will drop in price.

    Now if they start to optimise apps to take full advantage of more than 2 cores, that's a whole different ballgame ;)

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  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 27, 02:18 PM
    OK, let's move onto Obama's grades. When Obama caves and releases those, citing more important issues we need to deal with, the press will then go after his professors and classmates. What else will the wingnuts ask for?

    I hope Obama doesn't cave in anymore. These vampires have gotten enough. Not that I ever liked Trump, but I find him entirely despicable now. His approach is to attack, attack, attack, and keep the heat off himself.

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 6, 05:07 PM
    It never ceases to amaze me at how many Android users have to flock to a site called "MacRumors" because they feel then need to lead us poor blinded Apple "fanboys" to the bright shining city on a hill that is Android paradise.

    Android has taken fanboyism to epic new proportions. You can't go anywhere on the Web these days without the Android Brigade screaming at you about how awesome, "free" and "open" it is and how you should get on board. Just post the comment "ANDROID FTW!!!" on Engadget and watch the upvotes ensue. And while they're celebrating their epic market share gains, they are referring to iOS users as "sheep." Riiiight.

    I thought the Apple vs Microsoft holy war was bad (and we have at least one pro MS astroturfer on this Apple-oriented site), but Google seriously has a mindlock on some of these people. (I'm not referring to all Android users, mind you, only the ranting/raving types (which seem to be the majority these days).

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  • i love you poems in spanish.

  • Squareball
    Jul 20, 02:02 PM
    So will this be a "Quad 2 Duo" ;)

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  • adamfilip
    Sep 13, 12:57 PM
    A bit pointless given that no software utilises the extra cores yet. But nice to know, I guess.

    I'm still getting used to having two cores in my laptop!

    No software such as, Cinema 4D, Motion, Aperture, Final Cut Pro etc

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  • i love you poems in

  • marksman
    Mar 23, 08:24 AM
    Complete BS "iphone" lookalikes date back to ebfore the iphone was anounced. So either some companys have people who can predict the future, or the design and tech behind the iphone was aused BEFORe it was released and apple just changed excisting designs.

    Ipad is basicly a large smartphone.

    LOL what?

    Perhaps you just dont have any experience with other UI's? That people jailbreak to specificly change certain parts of it shows there is something lacking.

    The context where UI and grid-like were used were not correct.

    Better notifications, different user profiles, better accesibility on settings, better multitasking, better start screen , more interactivity on the home screen,...

    People are saying they want the UI changed because it LOOKS dated, not because of anything it allows the user to do.

    You dont seem to understand what he is saying.

    multitasking is being able to run different programs at the same time. The ipad 1 isnt really capable of this as it laks ram to hold those programs in memeory.

    Apple solution is a cripled form of multitasking. Certain task can be done in the background and even certain programs are allowed to run completly in the background yet this all has to be coded AND remains hampered by the lack of ram.

    I am pretty sure I know what Apple does and the person I was replying to did not, not sure why you are defending them when they clearly did not understand it.

    Even in the browser you have trouble keeping open tabs as they constantly need to refresh as you switch as it runs out of memory.

    Yeah on the original iPad, and on the original iPhone as well. With the memory added now it is not a problem. Again people complaining about things they don't even understand.

    So you really think an extra 256MB of ram would have destroyed the battery life on the ipad? Strange how it DOESNT do that on the iphone 4 or comparable tablets.

    The original iPad had only 256mb of ram because Apple wanted to reach a killer price point, at $499. They managed to do it, and do it in Spades. This one factor alone has made it amazingly difficult for anyone to compete with the iPad in the space to deliver the specs and price point. You notice the iPad 2 has more memory right?

    If you got any source to back this up, post it otherwise its a myth like the "multitasking destroys battery life"

    WAT? Do you know how computers work?

    You should perhaps look beyond macrumors, plenty out there and depending on the consumer some better other worse then the ipad 1 and 2 .

    Plenty of what out where? Tablets? Are you serious? The Xoom, some tiny galaxy tab that is not really a comparable device? Are you serious that there are plenty out there? When the iPad 2 was already finished being designed and developed there were NO other legitimate tablet models in the marketplace.

    And britney spears sold a lot of almbums at a time, so at that time she was "the best"? BS of course.

    LOL what? So Apple sells a lot of expensive computing devices because they suck? Your point doesn't make sense. It is like you are just spinning in circles with this post about to throw up.

    Wich will be no different then for the iphone, and we both know within 2 years android outsold the iphone.

    So you don't understand the primary differences between the cellphone market and the launch of the iPhone and the tablet market and the launch of the iPad. If you did you would understand why this is not the case.

    Not to mention Android is an OS and the iPhone is a piece of hardware. You do know the difference between an operating system and a piece of hardware right?

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  • mBox
    Apr 7, 08:08 AM
    ...Everything depends on your work and needs right....In terms of full disclosure I own FCP 4 suite and CS 5 master suite and own all the major Apple products (hardware and software). I also run Windows 7 in bootcamp...
    Pretty close to my workflow but add a few power-house BOXX/Dells for Maya and Renderman

    Short format work is all about After Effects. Motion is 5 years behind and offers an incomplete feature set in comparison. After Effects marries up well with the tools from big 3d players, like Maxon and C4D. Its a great pipeline.

    Tru dat!!

    Apple is also doing everything to push me away from it's platform, with it's anti-Flash crusade, and it's complete inability to support Any (I mean ANY of the top 5-7) professional GPUs.
    Its too bad you feel that way. Were more in tune towards Apple now since Adobe went 64bit and the promise of Apples core pro apps following soon (off to NAB soon). To add I had to work on a Flash project (wear way too many hats here) and can see why Flash is avoided. I have few friends that are pro Flash/ColdFusion/old code and they too can see the problems with dealing with Flash. The good thing is that current project is targeted for PC touch screen system.

    For the serious Pro Apple is living on borrowed time and the Steve Jobs reality-distortion field is weakening. Redmond is calling. Increasingly serious content professionals are listening. I never imagined these words coming from my mouth. But it's the truth.And again its too bad you feel that way. The good thing is, even if you do stray away from Apple tech, your never going get away from the inundated drone of iToys :p
    All kidding aside, its up to you where you money/resources go for supporting hardware/software. Ive been back and forth from Mac > SGI > Linux > Windows > Mac/Windows for the last 17 years and still to date, Apple is by far the strongest in my field :)

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  • spazzcat
    Mar 22, 01:40 PM
    This is just a preview of the future, Android based tablets will clean the iPads clock. Apple made the so-called iPad 2 as a 1.5. Low res camera, not enough RAM, and low res screen. It's going to be a verrrry long 2012 for Apple. Sure it's selling like hot cakes now, but when buyers see tablets that they don't have to stand inline for, that have better equipment and are cheaper ... Apples house of cards will come crashing down around them.

    The only strength that Apple has is the app ecosystem; which is why they are going after Amazon for spiting on the sidewalk. They know the world of hurt coming their way.

    You said it best. They are selling like hot cakes... People want the iPad, just like they wanted the iPod...

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  • sam10685
    Jul 27, 10:14 PM
    (I hate P4s)

    you can't make a statement like that. that's like saying "i hate general electric air conditioners." what the heck? all CPU's (and air conditioners) do the same thing.

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  • kalun
    Sep 18, 11:27 PM
    As I is naught en Amerikan canned sumone plz tell mi wen tanksgifting is? :p

    lol, 1337 sp3ak FTW!!

    Apr 12, 11:14 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; fi-fi) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The SuperMeet stage show aka FCP (or if **** hits the fan then iMovie Pro) preview begins at 7 pm.

    7pm Vegas Time? If so, for others scheduling your availability like me :cool::

    Pacific Time: 7:00pm
    Mountain Time: 8:00pm
    Central Time: 9:00pm
    Eastern Time: 10:00pm

    Yes, its 7 PM (PST). Although, the FCP presentation could start later since its general stage show for the Supermeet.

    Jul 27, 01:25 PM
    I never thought there'd come a day when I needed to know anything about what kind of chips Intel was coming out with.

    Jun 9, 07:23 PM

    I have a couple questions.. I want to preorder with radioshack. I am NOT the primary account holder, but I am an authorized user. I also know the last 4 digits of the account holders social. Will this be a problem when picking up the phone?

    I also have a FAN account. Will these be a problem?

    Jul 15, 12:24 PM
    Has anyone considered this as to why Apple 'maybe' including two optical drives? We have external lightscribe 'superdrives' from Lacie (and others) but haven't seen one by Apple yet. That'd be a nice feature. So that's the first drive. The second optical drive is probably that BlueRay drive (massive storage capability compared to the other optical drive, and probably NOT capable of Lightscribing).

    Other thoughts, I do agree it'd be nice to have four bays for hard drives but hard drive sizes are increasing again. I'd be very happy with two 500 or 600 gb hard drives (which is what I'll be ordering).

    1 GB of ram min. is a must, I'm opting for at least 4 GB.

    I also don't care if its 2.66 Ghz or 3.00 Ghz as long as its a quad (two dual core).. I just need an Intel MacPro soon.. My G4 1ghz machines are SO MUCH showing its age..

    Full of Win
    Mar 22, 01:29 PM
    Lack of Flash support is the achilles heel of iPad. I hope Jobs gets off his high horse and relents.

    Don't hold your breath. There are many words that one can use to describe Steve Jobs, contrite or compromising not being one of them.

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