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  • Wayazo
    May 5, 09:03 PM
    As much as I want to say that it s a grass is always greener type situation, in Phoenix AT&T is considered the worst. Especially indoors. They really must stretch the towers out here in the desert. I can;t even use my iphone in my home.

    I live just north of Seattle. I have an AT&T cell tower (sign on tower base identifies it as such) within line of sight less than a quarter mile away in a residential area. Inside my house I have never had a single call successfully completed on my iPhone. They have all dropped out. If I step outside where I can see the tower, about half the calls drop out. I also have delayed reception of SMS and voice mail. For example, this morning I received a voicemail that was left for me the previous evening. I've replaced my phone and cards twice without luck. My neighbor has Verizon. He can stand inside my house right next to me, get full bars, chat up a storm, SMS, browse Internet.

    Go figure.

    personal thank you letter sample. Personal Thank You Note
  • Personal Thank You Note

  • Ryth
    Apr 28, 09:39 AM
    Isn't this misleading? It says 'shipped' not 'sold' so I assume basically it's a bogus report. You can ship all the crappy tablets you want..doesn't mean they sold.

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  • Aduntu
    Apr 22, 08:26 PM
    Well supported points there :rolleyes:.

    There are a-lot of atheists on these boards because there are quite a few far left atheists on these boards. Leftists are more likely to be atheists.

    I like to believe it's because they make their decisions based on logic and reason.

    Because the concept of earth and life just happening to explode into existence from nothing comes from logic and reason?


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  • leekohler
    Apr 15, 09:27 AM
    What's LGBT?

    Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered.

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  • Thank you letter writing,

  • jeffgarden
    Mar 18, 05:04 PM
    Sorry, i didn't read every post so this may be repeatative but...

    If you're going to PAY for music to break drm, just buy it at a store or use Kazaa

    OR get napster to go trial, get virtuosa 5.0 to make them mp3's and you're done

    why would you pay for something you don't want

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  • ct2k7
    Oct 7, 11:12 AM
    This is by far far the most ridiculous request I have ever read.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 9, 07:39 PM
    I wish they'd "poach" Bobby Kotick...and by poach I mean shoot with an elephant gun and mount on Jony Ives wall.

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  • formal thank you letter sample

  • alent1234
    Aug 25, 12:24 PM
    Another fallout from terrible AT&T service is that in many shops and restaurants, at least in the San Francisco area, and especially Berkeley, you can't check in using location services like Foursquare or Facebook Places since there isn't adequate coverage- eg: no service, no signal etc.

    That's bad for business.

    Merchants too should press AT&T and local authorities for more towers and better connections.

    SJ said it takes 2 years to build a cell tower in the bay area. compared to something like 6 months in texas

    personal thank you letter sample. Need a personal thank you
  • Need a personal thank you

  • motulist
    Sep 12, 03:24 PM
    Does that usb port mean I could hook up a hard drive to the iTV and the drive would be available as a regular data storage drive available to all the computers on my wireless network?

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  • thank you letter examples.

  • stompy
    Apr 14, 09:58 PM
    Do you honestly believe that I am ONLY using THIS particular thread to gather info about Mac machines?

    It's clear you want to make an objective decision. Other than what I read in this thread, what else could I know about you? Here's a couple quotes that made an impression on me:

    11 posts in you wrote "Are you guys sure that switching is really "worth it"?"
    #27 "Ya know what? These may all be little things individually, but collectively as a whole I think they'd drive me nuts."

    Here's what I wrote at the beginning of my post:

    I'm not sure he could have come to a different conclusion based on this thread.

    It won't show up in this quote, but I originally highlighted the phrase "based on this thread;" it certainly seemed that you were using this thread to sort things out. I apparently ruffled your feathers on that point, sorry about that.

    not everyone will come to the same conclusions. But that's what good about "choice", right?

    I said pretty much the same at the end of my post. :)

    personal thank you letter sample. personal thank you letter
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  • levitynyc
    Apr 9, 05:00 AM
    You summed it up beautifully. You're not a gamer. You're what is called a time passer, which are what 99 percent of IOS games are, mind numbing time killers. That's fine. As long as Apple does not come in to the gaming market and starts trying to strong arm third party big names all is good.

    I would consider myself a hardcore gamer and I'm not ashamed of it. I went to PAX East the last 2 years and own all 3 home consoles plus a PSP, 3DS, DSi, iPhone and iPad. Gaming kept me away from all the drugs and alcohol that my friends were doing in high school. I'm almost 30 now and I'm married, have a good job, have a beautiful home and a beautiful wife, so lets not get stereotyped.

    True, some iPad/iPhone games are "casual time wasters" but there are also some FANTASTIC games. Dead Space iOS is fantastic and guess what, ITS WAS 10 DOLLARS. True, its not as good as the console versions, but those sold for 60 DOLLARS.

    Get off your friggin high horse when saying that App store gaming isn't real gaming.

    The gaming industry is upset with Apple because Apple is finally giving customers the option to pay what customers think a game is worth, not what a console manufacturer thinks a game is worth. If Pilot Wings 3DS was an App store game, it'd be AT MOST 10 dollars. I bought it, I enjoy it, but I feel ripped off by the price.

    This scares the hell out of Nintendo as their mandatory priced 40 dollar games are being compared not only in quality, but in PRICE to iOS games.

    Tiger Woods golf is another great game on the consoles, but that game is 60 dollars. The iPad version is very very similar (doesn't have Augusta and online modes and a few other small things) but its only 10 bucks on the iPad and I'm sure it'll be on sale shortly.

    Last year I picked up the iPhone version for 99 cents. I had more fun with that than the 60 dollar console version because at any time I could play a hole or 2 when I had a few minutes of down time at work.

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  • Thank You Letter

  • dethmaShine
    May 2, 05:00 PM
    What are you even talking about?

    I simply commented on the fact that you must ask Google why they abandoned MS Windows for commercial use and that Google knows better.

    You come with an insulting post claiming they know more than me.

    Good if they know more than me and I don't have an issue but mind your own business sir.

    personal thank you letter sample. Anatomy of a Friendly Letter
  • Anatomy of a Friendly Letter

  • Hastings101
    Apr 5, 08:29 PM
    Things I miss from Windows:

    Select an item, push shift, and select another to select those two items and everything between them.

    Start Menu where you can find all of the installed programs easily and a bunch of recent or favorite programs as well (Apple's Menu Bar and the Dock try to accomplish this with recent items and stacks but it's just not as good.)

    Being able to easily theme the OS.

    Many applications don't quit when you push close a window on Mac. On Windows the program quits. It was a lot easier than having to go up to the menu for the application and hit quit.

    When you click maximize on Windows the application takes up all of the available screen space (excluding taskbar) instead of just fitting to what the application is displaying. While I do like what OS X does I wish it wasn't the only option available.

    The "Add/Remove programs" thing was also really nice. I know that all you have to do is drag and drop to the trash on Mac but sometimes not all of my applications are in my Applications folder and it's a pain to hunt for something.

    I could go on and on but I think that's enough lol.

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  • Thank you letters - Including

  • javajedi
    Oct 11, 10:57 AM
    I think it was Back2TheMac who posted earlier in this thread "x86 plain sucks". The reason why he belives the x86 ISA and CISC are inferior is because Apple put out a bunch of marketing in the early days of the PowerPC touting RISC as superior new technology. In today's world, RISC processos really aren't RISC, and CISC processors really are CISC.

    I recommend anyone who still believes in this spin to read this:

    It's most informative.

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  • thank you letters increase

  • AJ Muni
    Jul 11, 10:00 PM
    WOW if this is indeed true...and appleinsider has been pretty reliable lately..

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  • mkrishnan
    Sep 12, 03:19 PM
    So it seems from the coverage that the device has no optical drive, and no internal mass storage? Is that correct? And also that it is not itself a DVR? Don't get me wrong -- I'm reserving judgment. I just want to understand at this point. It sounds as if the basic purpose of the device is to draw high quality AV off a computer and onto a home entertainment system, sort of as the Roku SoundBridge did for the iPod's audio, but in a very Apple sort of way? In other words, it follows the computer-centric sort of model where a desktop or notebook Mac on the network is the "server"?

    personal thank you letter sample. Thank you letters thank you
  • Thank you letters thank you

  • crees!
    Aug 29, 12:41 PM
    I have to say, I am APPALLED by the irresponsible attitude of some people on this forum (and probably the world). And do I care? Nah. Not one bit.

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  • Sample Thank You Letter

  • Anonymous Freak
    Sep 26, 11:17 AM
    Therefore current Mac Pro users may be able to upgrade to 8-core machines upon availability of the new chips

    Emphasis mine. Whaddaya mean 'may'? Anandtech ( confirmed that they work.

    Oh, and as for quad-core laptops? Not any time soon. Sorry. We'll see quad-core Xeons this year, maybe a quad core 'Core 2 Extreme' this year, followed by a few desktop 'Core 2 Quadro's next year.

    The big problem is that the early quad-core chips are really just two dual-core chips in the same package. So not only are they big (you CAN'T fit four Conroes on a Socket 775 package, so we WON'T be seeing similar eight-core chips until a die shrink,) but they draw almost exactly twice as much power as the same GHz dual-core chip. That already will already push the Xeons and Core 2s to the thermal envelope that was hit by the NetBurst based models. So we'll have to wait for a die shrink before we see quad-core in any of the 'consumer' desktop Macs or laptops. (The die shrink is scheduled for late next year.)

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  • thank you letter for interview

  • ~loserman~
    Mar 20, 06:28 PM
    It is wrong? How so? If I burn a track for my wedding video, yes, I'm technically breakeing the law, but there is nothing immoral about doing that. No one is losing out on any money. No one is being hurt. He isn't stealing anything. He's breaking a copyright law that makes no sense in that case.

    If you add it to your wedding video for your own use then you are not. If you make copies of the video and give them to the wedding guests then you are.

    Apr 13, 03:14 AM
    The BBC is also funded by money stolen from people as a punishment for owning a television. Let's not base conceptualizations of rational thought on their behavior.

    No one forces you to own a TV or a TV licence for that matter?

    Apple OC
    Mar 12, 08:55 AM
    Before everyone jumps to conclusions and spreads fear mongering ... as I said this will not be like Chernobyl.

    While we are all on the same page and wish for the best news possible for the region ... we need to look at this with proper perspective.

    Chernobyl was 25 years ago and happened in a country known at the time to reject outside help.

    What is unfolding in Japan will be dealt with by the very best experts the World has to offer.

    I have complete confidence no matter how this turns ... The Japanese Government will do what is right for the people who live there.

    IMO ... this will be under control quite soon. Watching it on the news and the Internet is almost pathetic ... the Media seems to want this to get bigger.

    We all wish the best for everyone affected by this tragedy.

    Oct 8, 07:55 AM
    Android my not be recognizable to the average consumer but GOOGLE sure as hell is.
    You average consumer has figured out that Android is made by Google. People trust Google and know they put out some great stuff. People know about google maps, google earth, google street view and Gmail shall I go on..

    All great things. People know the Android phones are made by google. The customization is a huge selling point as you can add a lot of apps. Set up the interface to exactly how you like it. Something you can not nor ever will be able to be done on the iPhone. That limitation is really a bad point about the phone.

    I think you're giving people too much credit. I can tell someone about Android and they don't have a clue about the OS or who makes it.

    Aug 29, 03:52 PM
    Even if, which I doubt, your theory of water vapour is correct - that does not give us the excuse to pollute this planet as we see fit. All industry and humans must clean up their act - literally.

    Some of what I said was theory, but every factual statement I gave was just that - factual. No climatologist would argue with any of the facts I's just that, as with statistics, the interpretation of the fact differs.

    And no, we have no excuse to pollute the planet....human actions proven to disrupt the environment (deforestation, toxic runoff, killing off animal species, etc.) should be stopped whenever possible. We are responsible for taking care of this planet, but at the same time we have to realize when advancements have been made. Our cars, boats, factories and city skies are infinitely more environmentally-friendly than they used to be, but if 30 years of industrial and personal "clean-up" have done nothing to stem global warming, it's only natural to wonder if maybe it's not us causing the problem.

    In other words, if we've streamlined our machinery to be 99% more efficient, is it worth it to spend the billions of dollars to get rid of that last 1% if our original effort has done nothing to the greenhouse effect?

    Mar 19, 06:00 PM
    He just wants to play his music on Linux, is there something wrong with that? Are you saying that Linux is bad, and Apple is good? Do you think that Apple is doing the right thing by not preventing these issues in the first place (by failing to open up technology standards or port multimedia software to other operating systems)? I really don't think that it would be terribly difficult to port iTunes or Quicktime to Linux.

    Yes, there is something wrong with that. You agreed when you created your account that you would use iTunes. You as a citizen, agree not to break the laws. Using iTunes songs in Linux breaks both of those agreements. Linux is great (I'm a Linux sysadmin, as a matter of fact), but you know going into a purchase agreement that iTunes does not support Linux. Apple should make iTunes for Linux, sure. But violating the TOS and breaking laws left and right isn't really going to convince them to do it.

    If you have Linux, then iTunes really isn't a legal option for you. Get your music elsewhere and write a letter to Apple, or use another computer for iTunes and use CDs or one of the thousands of network audio streaming packages available for Linux. You do not have the right to break DRM or to use something other than iTunes to get music from iTMS, period. It's that simple.

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