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  • stcanard
    Mar 18, 01:04 PM
    The problem is, this may not hurt Apple all that much but it will hurt the Music Download industry.

    I think at this point you could argut that Apple is the Music Download industry.

    With every DRM that is cracked it gives the RIAA more fuel against their "downloading is bad" campaign. Also less labels would be willing to allow iTMS to sell their music.

    A year ago I would have agreed with this, but I think the landscape has changed.

    Apple has already signed all the major labels, and realistically they don't dare back out. This will come up in contract negotiations only.

    The indies don't care nearly as much about DRM, they don't make money through moving huge numbers of tracks, but through raising awareness of the artists leading to concert and merchandising sales.

    Overall the cat's out of the bad, its turned into a (dare I say it?) Tiger, and nobody's putting it back in.

    thank you notes for teachers. Children Thank you
  • Children Thank you

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 08:44 AM
    Exactly! Desktop shipments still outpace laptop shipments. Desktops and Laptops will continue to hold top market share, while inevitably tablets will cut into that margin and find a nice place and sit. Desktops have been around since the beginning.. and every challenger to it has never surpassed the market share. Laptops, Netbooks, Tablets, smartphones... whatever.. people still need desktops and laptops for prolonged productivity.

    Actually, phones outsell PCs now.

    But the point of Eras is that each one is bigger than the one that came before it because it expands the market for users:

    Mainframes had a limited market.

    Minicomputers had a larger market, while mainframes continued to be around for those who need them.

    PCs had a larger market yet, while minicomputers and mainframes continued to be around for those who need them.

    Tablets will have an even larger market yet, while PCs, minicomputers and mainframes continue to be around for those who need them.

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  • kayle12
    May 5, 10:37 AM
    I have Verizon and I think I've had two dropped calls in years.

    AT&T really needs to get more towers up, that's the only solution in my mind.


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  • megadon
    Nov 10, 03:40 PM
    Or because it's an interesting debate that engages many minds in varying aspects of the possibilities.

    Or maybe you're just incapable of recognising the fact that Mac users, on average, are smarter than PC users.

    And by smarter, I mean we're more enquiring. We also tend not to write using lower case letters at the beginning of sentences, and use poor grammar. Why does that matter?, you might ask. Well, for a start, it's incorrect. But it's also ignorant and rude and immature.

    So, when we debate, for five minutes or for a few days, maybe the smart thing to do is pay attention. The experience may just fill in the obvious gaps in your education.

    thanks for proving me right. Facts are facts. 2 +2 = 4, there is no debate about it. It's like saying apple dominates the os market share compared to msft.

    thank you notes for teachers. Tuesday, 31 August 2010
  • Tuesday, 31 August 2010

  • CaoCao
    Mar 26, 01:19 AM
    WTF? Who said that anyone should be copulating in public? You have completely lost this argument at this point. Not to mention your mind...This has just gotten stupid.
    I'm commenting on arbitrary rules
    You're joking right? That's a heck of a statement you make there. Is that based on any fact? Or just your ignorance?

    I'm assuming that by stability you mean children?
    relationships built on love in general are less stable, cf. US divorce rate.
    Marriage should be about more than love, the people should be fully committed to working through problems instead of divorce. My Grandfather's wedding was arranged, this year they are celebrating 50 years of marriage and they love each other. Love can grow or even start if nurtured.
    The Constitution of the United States forbids tyranny of the majority by denying the government the power to deprive anyone of liberty without a compelling state interest in doing so. A powerful majority may not simply outlaw an unpopular minority.

    However it isn't tyranny because the government isn't actually depriving them of liberty, merely not supporting them.

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  • theheadguy
    Aug 29, 02:35 PM
    I swear, some people will excuse Apple of genocide if given the chance. How is it that Apple is doing "everything they can" when Dell is doing so much better? They both make the same things! Same with Motorola and Nokia. We even have some conspiracy theorists thinking Greenpeace is out to get Apple (although they seem to miss the part where Acer scores worse, and happens to be a smaller PC maker). Its simply impossible to try and excuse Apple when a company like Dell does better, not caring about companies destroying the environment is one thing but trying to pretend Apple is actually doing a good job is another.
    You're spot on. Some people can't face the facts. It hurts their feelings to realize Apple can do some things very poorly.

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  • slotcarbob
    Feb 23, 02:23 PM
    Android is going to do what Windows did. Those who like that Windows experience (read "cheap") are going to go in that direction. Those that want the elegant, minimalistic, rock solid OS, continue to stay with iPhone.

    One thing I did notice though, in any numbers comparisons. Apple sells one phone, with one OS, and currently with one carrier (a hated one, btw). Android is running on several phones, and many carriers. The actual comparison is flawed. Let me suggest this. If one gets a choice of 'Droid or iP (from a carrier that offers both) , the iP will win out, even if the iP is a bit more expensive.

    On the subject of price, there is a good chance that Apple may be able to undercut others because they could be using their own chips, soon.

    Lastly, I have tried both types of phones. Are you kidding me? 'Drois software is absolutely awful.

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  • TuckBodi
    May 12, 10:12 AM
    WTF? Why do people buy phones without knowing if they work in their areas first? If I went by what people say on these boards, I'd have bought a Verizon phone that wouldn't work in my area, and on a phone that's crap....


    Maybe you can help me out...I bought my 2G iPhone the day it was released. I did my research and knew I was going to lose a few bars going from T-Mo to AT$T. At home (where I work) I was getting 3 bars, which was 'okay.' A year later it dropped a bar and a year after that it dropped another bar+. I've swapped out phones and etc. AT$T continues to blame me, Apple, my trees, my microwave and even my fridge.

    About 2 months ago I was finally creeping up to the 2-3 bar range and was again getting okay service. Then all of a sudden, about a week ago, I'm back to 1 bar and multiple dropped calls a day. What gives?

    In the meantime I've been doing my *research* on Verizon and hoping Apple finally makes the jump in June.

    thank you notes for teachers. THANK YOU NOTES FOR TEACHERS

  • Caliber26
    Apr 15, 10:17 AM
    Theres ways to express your opinion (even if its pretty unpopular) without stooping to this. Not Cool

    Agreed. But you know what, some people deserve not one ounce of respect. The minute one crosses that line with me, and takes the liberty to label me as a self-hater, guess what, you've successfully lit a fire under my *** and I'm gonna talk back at you in a fitting way. Point blank.

    You can go ahead and read thru all my posts in MacRumors and you'll see that I'm not a negative whiner, or one quick to disrespect others. But I have zero tolerance for people that are quick to label or judge me for my views.

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  • Intuit
    Apr 21, 06:09 AM
    I got to back chrono up I know tons of ways viruses can hide in windows. Here's a few.

    Setting visibility to hidden.
    Using file names that look like legitimate software.
    editing the registry to disable 'show hidden folders'.
    Registering the virus as a service.
    Software level root kit using api hooks to modify the result of system calls.
    Hardware level root kit changing the system itself.
    .dll injection to force another process to run your code.

    The entire window messaging system is insecure you can delete everything displayed in the process list of Task manager for example.

    some of these techniques will make a virus completely invisible so don't bash

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  • koobcamuk
    Apr 8, 11:24 PM
    Great news. Bring on more Infinity Blade-esque games! :D

    Yeah, a million FPS clones on a 3.5" touchscreen sounds just greeaaat :rolleyes:

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  • nagromme
    Mar 18, 04:11 PM
    I have no problem with people using this, as long as people don't use it for piracy. Easier methods exist for pirating music.

    The record labels will have SOME problem with this, but--like CDs--you have to BUY the music first. That's not like people signing up for one month of Napster and stealing non-stop.

    Apple will have a bigger problem with this--it was tough enough for them to convince the record industry to allow downloading at all, and they'll be extra sure to defend their system now that it's successful.

    And it sounds easy for Apple to fix with a future iTunes update:

    1) First, force iTunes to identify itself more strictly when connecting to the store.

    2) Assuming that crackers keep finding ways to spoof the iTunes app anyway... send the songs to Akamai and to the iTunes app already encrypted. NOT with the account-specific DRM, just with standard 128-bit encryption, the SAME encryption for everyone. Only iTunes, not 3rd-party apps, would have the key to decrypt those files (and add the individual DRM).

    3) If the crackers manage to extract the universal key from the iTunes app, Apple need only change the key every so often to interfere. Either as part of iTunes updates, and/or by obtaining a new key online so there's one more process crackers would have to spoof.

    Thinking out loud. Anyway, one way or another, I imagine this is short-lived.

    The existing, easy, legal method for stripping DRM--burning to CD--is here to stay. And you lose no quality. When you re-import, you ALSO lose no quality, as long as you can spare the HD space and use Apple Lossless etc. Looking at the long-term, HD space is getting cheap.

    thank you notes for teachers. to honor our teachers?
  • to honor our teachers?

  • nagromme
    Aug 29, 11:03 AM
    Boo hoo. its a business, waht do they realistically expect?
    They expect them to do better--at least as well as other companies do, and ultimately better than that.

    And we should thank Greenpeace et al for putting this kind of pressure on companies: it helps all of us. These are serious issues, and they are issues that CAN be solved without companies ceasing to do business ;)

    I'm glad for what Apple has done so far, and I'm glad people are pushing them to do more.

    The "never criticize a business, their profit matters more than anything in the world" attitude is a little extreme if you stop to think about it. By that logic, we should accept products without warranties, toys that shatter into sharp pieces, batteries that catch fire, poisons in foods, slave labor, pollution... ANYTHING so long as it is in some corporations interest.

    But corporations aren't the only thing that matters (despite their hold on certain governing bodies ;) ).

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  • Apple OC
    Apr 24, 11:57 AM
    I believe religious people like that warm fuzzy feeling they get from "the eternal afterlife" ... convinced they will be re-united with past relatives ... living worry free for eternity.

    They get so giddy about it that they feel a strong need to convince others that this must be what is in store after "their time on earth"

    I personally find that theory just plain ridiculous ... I honestly believe many scientists do know the answers as to how life came to be ... the reason they do not present it as fact is ... religious people would hear none of it as they are so set on this warm fuzzy feeling they get for the afterlife ... they do not want that to ever end.

    To set the record straight ... I find religious people to be quite likeable and enjoy their company just fine ... just keep your wild beliefs to yourself and if you want to pray for me ... do not tell me about it ... as I find it pathetic.

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  • Kilamite
    May 2, 09:15 AM
    I don't believe this can install without user intervention? Even the screenshot shows you need to click continue.

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  • Chris Blount
    Mar 18, 08:19 AM
    I'm happy to see some of the responsible replies here. I also say bravo to AT&T. It seems like whenever a thread like this comes up, it brings out the MacRumors den of thieves who like to circumvent data plans and steal data that the rest of us our paying for.

    I like the teathering plan and don't mind paying for it. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't have subscribed. Simple as that. Nobody is twisting my arm.

    I will agree that AT&T is taking us to the cleaners. It sucks, but I either don't give them my money or suck it up. We all make choices. Mine is simply that I won't steal to get what I want.

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  • kresh
    Oct 26, 02:39 AM
    Now we see what Apple saw - why the Mac Pro is strickly BTO.

    Just add two more processor options for the X5355 and E5345, and this upgrade is done.

    Wow, simply amazing. Kudos Apple!

    thank you notes for teachers. thank you notes to teachers.
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  • nagromme
    Mar 18, 12:54 PM
    Anyway, I've never been one to agree with the Windows people that argue the security-by-obscurity for why Mac OS X is not hacked to bits like Windows, but it would seem that this adds aome serious fire to their arguement.

    Obscurity IS a factor that helps Mac users. The point is that good, secure design is ALSO a factor. But DRM file distribution doesn't relate to OS security/privacy anyway.

    Anyway... you still have to BUY the song to use this hack.

    thank you notes for teachers. This modern thank you card
  • This modern thank you card

  • citizenzen
    Mar 27, 07:37 PM
    What does "anti-gay" mean?

    It means that his motivation is to get rid of the gay and not necessarily the welfare of his patient.

    For instance, a sex-change doctor/therapist wouldn't care if he's treating a man who wants to change into a woman or a woman who wants to change into a man. They're just there to facilitate whatever change the patient seeks to make.

    I doubt your doctor would ever consent to changing the orientation of a straight person to gay, because he's not interested in facilitating his patient's needs, he's really only interested in forwarding his own (anti-gay) agenda.

    Jul 12, 04:57 PM
    Yes Mulitmedia these are the same morons with too much money and too little sense , These are the same people who are saying ..ohhh why can't Conroe go into an iMac , but i want a Woodcrest , hey I don't care if Merom is Pin compatible can't they go with Conroe for it's better perfromance

    What a bunch of whiny daddy's boys , no sense at all they just obey the all mighty Stevie Jobs when he lies about how the new MacPro is THE FASTEST PEECEE IN THE WORRRRLD:p

    And why are you here?????

    Sep 21, 01:36 PM
    Hey at least you guys had U2 before we did.:)

    Jeez, and that's a good thing??!

    May 5, 11:50 AM
    I blame the iphone. Its a hog and kills atts network. If it was a diff phone this wount be happening. Apple needs to make it work with the network better.

    Mar 18, 08:30 AM
    Poor thing... he doesn't realize napster and limewire are history. Also, once the data hits my device, it's mine to do with as I please. Thank you very much.


    It is yours to do as you please with on YOUR PHONE! Not your computer, or your friends computer. This is why new customers can't get unlimited data anymore.
    When you don't follow the rules, and you get caught, don't get mad.

    Mar 24, 07:29 PM
    So they can't do it to you, but you can do it to them?

    Remind me how that makes one different from them?

    That's hypocritical at best. :rolleyes:

    As cool as that poster might be, I doubt that he has the political or monetary muscle that the Catholic Church does.
    Nor did that poster go to the U.N because his followers are being persecuted for persecuting others.

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